The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 342: Brainwashing

The energy crystal added in the energy cube that has been used, although it is the amount added according to the calculation result of the chip.

But the chip gives a range, Aoki has always used a smaller amount.

This time, in order to quickly restore the dark crow to the dark green qualification, he intends to control this amount to the maximum.

Hope not to have a big impact on the Dark Crow.

After dinner, the elves rested, and Aoki took out his tools to re-create some energy blocks for the Dark Crow.

The main material used in this production is still energy crystallization, so those special materials are not needed.

According to the process of making the original energy cube, only the measurement of the energy crystal is added to the maximum.

When the production was finished, the Dark Crow was watching.

"Try it, Dark Raven." Aoki said with a smile, holding an energy cube.

The Dark Crow immediately flew over, ate the special energy cube in Aoki's hand, and then under the signal of Aoki, ate a certain amount of energy cube.

At this moment, Aoki suddenly felt the elf ball in his pocket shake.

Taking out the super ball, it turned out to be the one that subdued the dream demon.

After hesitating for a moment, Aoki released the dream demon.

As soon as she came out, she uttered an ethereal cry in her mouth, and happily circled around.

The rest of the elves felt the appearance of the dream demon, surrounded them around Aoki, and exposed their defensive posture.

All of a sudden they felt the powerful momentum of the dream demon.

Although I don't know why there are such powerful spirits here, as the spirits of Aoki, even if the pressure is too great, they must guard beside Aoki.

"Okay, it's okay. The dream demon is a new companion. Don't worry, but she is like a baby, so you have to get along with her." Aoki waved her hands with a smile.

Knowing the emergence of the dream demon will definitely surprise the elves, and they have no idea to respond so much.

The only thing that didn't do anything was the dumb beast who knew the existence of the dream demon long ago. I saw him lying comfortably by the fire and glancing at the elves beside Aoki, showing a successful smile.

I was scared to death at that time, let you experience it.

The tropical dragon that used to rest with him, now stands up nervously, with the leaves on his body looking to stand up.

The more powerful the elf, the more he can feel the power of the dream monster.

When the dream demon came out, the tropical dragon almost scared the urine, and almost fled its wings to escape.

too scary!

This human is really terrifying!

At every turn, an elf with this strength came out, so how did he face it? !!

Fortunately, as Aoki said, the dream demon is young and has no desire to attack.

The elves slowly let go of their vigilance.

After having a happy moment, the dream demon flew directly to Aoki, watching the high-dose energy cubes specially made for the Dark Crow in his hands.

"You want to eat this?" Aoki said with a smile, shaking the energy cube in his hand.

"Woo!" Dream Demon nodded happily.

She could feel that there was more energy in this energy block than she had eaten in the cave before, which she liked.

She took a bite of the energy cube that Aoki gave her, and smiled with satisfaction.

At the same time, Aoki also used the chip to detect the physical data of the dream demon.

This is a large dose of energy blocks for the Dark Crow, and it has almost no effect on the Dream Monster.

She's probably just for the energy in it.

Aoki thought.

After eating some energy cubes, I patted my belly as if I were full, and started to circle around the grass again.

But the original elves on the grass were terrified and trembled on the ground, daring to move.

Even the spirit of Aoki just barely accepted her existence.

Has his training home conquered such a powerful elf?

It was only Aoki who knew bitterly that this dream monster was not even as effective as the tropical dragon.

At least the tropical dragon can also be used as a flying mount, and this dream demon may really only be used as a decoration and deterrent.

After a few laps, the dream demon seemed tired, and his eyes brightened when he saw the dumb beast lying on the ground resting.

Quickly flew over.

The consciousness of the dumb beast was directly communicated through the electrocardiogram.

There is no way, there is still some fear of the existence of the dream demon, but the dull beast still follows the meaning of Aoki to add some basic knowledge to the dream demon.

By the way, indoctrinate her, such as obeying Aoki's words, Aoki said that what should be done, everyone except Aoki is a wonderful idea such as bad people.

Just like a blank dream monster, now she really instills something in her, and she really takes it seriously.

When the dream monster was found to be less terrifying, the remaining elves slowly approached.

It didn't take long to play together.

In particular, the scorpion-tailed scorpions are relatively young minds. The scorpion-tailed scorpions are also the elves with the least concept of the power of the dream demon, so they are very happy to play.

As for the tropical dragon, he still couldn't restrain his inner fear. He quietly changed place and continued to sleep on his stomach.

After seeing the dream demon gradually accepted by the elves, Aoki was slightly relieved, and then put his eyes on the dark crow again.

After the Dark Crow ate those energy cubes, he stood in place with almost no movement, and even the appearance of the dream demon had no effect on him.

Aoki's brow gradually wrinkled ~ ~ Looking at the data chart given by the chip, the energy in the dark crow fluctuates. As the time that the energy cube is taken in is longer, the amplitude of the fluctuation is wider Big.

In the end, it slowly stabilized on a relatively high peak, and it was stable.

Half an hour later, the dark crow opened his eyes and could see a trace of fatigue in his eyes.

It took him a long time to absorb this huge amount of energy.

"Dark crow, how are you feeling?" Aoki asked.

"Quack ~~" The Dark Crow nodded, indicating no problem.

Although uncomfortable, he could obviously feel his strength improved.

At least, there seems to be a big improvement in strength, and I feel like eating for a few days of exercise.

Aoki knew the condition of the dark crow.

Now it seems that the improvement of strength is relatively fast, but this cannot be used as a conventional method, but only as a method of temporarily accelerating the impact of qualifications. It will not bring any benefit to the growth of the Dark Crow in the future, and will even have an impact.

"In order to use the effect of the dark stone to the maximum, the dark crow, hold on for a few times, it should be almost the same." Aoki touched the feather of the dark crow, said with some distress.

The pain that the Dark Crow endured, he also saw.

It's just a change in appearance and body shape.

The original Dark Crow should have a height of sixty centimeters, but this time after the use of the energy cube, it grew directly by three centimeters to sixty-three centimeters.

This is a visible change.

It's no wonder that the Dark Crow feels his physical strength increased.


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