The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 352: Miserable alec

"Just come here." Aoki patted his palms, signalling that the Dark Crow and the Aber monster can come over for dinner.

It is the most unbearable when using it for the first time. As long as you stick to it for the first time, there should be no problems after that.

Almost all the injuries on the Aber monster have been recovered after the molt. As for the circle bear, it is relatively pitiful. Both eyes are large and small, and they walked along the road, but they talked about each other, but when it came to eating, Just let go, how to eat or how to eat.

Aoki drank a bowl of fish soup slowly, and he didn't care how the elves grabbed the food.

This is also a way to enhance their relationship.

After lunch, I embarked on the journey of finding a score card again.

Looking for Yangping, it is not anxious yet, the qualifications of the Dark Crow have not been promoted to dark green, and Aoki has not enough confidence to defeat him.

Of course, the two definitely had a fight before the trial ended, after all, Aoki may now have the most points in all hands.


In the afternoon, Aoki continued to look for the score card.

Only when Aoki picked up a point card, the dumb beast and the dark crow reminded Aoki at the same time.

Not far from him, someone was watching him.

"I don't know which friend is here, it's better to come out and see." Aoki said with a smile.

Those who cannot hide are either like Qingfeng, the elves cannot find them beyond a certain distance, or as long as humans approach, they will be found by dumb beasts and dark crows.

With Aoki's words, a person slowly walked out of the woods, followed by a small wolf dog like a calf.

Seeing this elf knows who is coming.


The temporary leader of the soloists should also be the one inserted by a large captain of the Rockets.

The comer was wearing a black cloak. After walking into a distance, he pulled down the wide hood on his head and half of his face was exposed.

"Alec, it turned out to be you. Why, is there anything wrong with me?" Aoki didn't believe that the two had run into each other by chance, and there should be few such coincidences.

"Aoki." Alec's voice was a little hoarse, as if his condition was not normal.

"I met a woman and she told me you might be here."

"Women?" Aoki thought of Qingfeng the first time she met.

It's also very likely that she is, but I don't know why she asked Alec to find herself.

Alec has always been a more pragmatic person in Aoki's influence, and his strength is not weak. He can survive to the present under the pressure of Guga, and he must be wrong.

When I was still on the trial island, Aoki's first person to conquer was actually Alec, but at that time, Aoki had no resources and no background, and he did not know what the true purpose of the trial was. So, in the end, nothing is left.

"A woman with orange hair?"

"Um." Alec nodded slowly.

Aoki frowned, and Alec's condition was really a little abnormal.

Although the two hadn't communicated much, Alek's voice Aoki survived, obviously not this hoarse voice.

And I didn't feel it before, but after Alec approached, Aoki smelled a slight **** smell.

What's more, Aoki found blood stains on his hair and a few wounds on his hind legs.

However, these obviously have nothing to do with Aoki.

"What's the matter?" Aoki asked lightly, and this was the first normal chat between the two.

The dark crows and foolish beasts around him obviously also felt the taste of Alec's body, preventing him from coming too close to suddenly attack Aoki.

Alec didn't answer the question, but took all the black cloaks all over his body.

Seeing Alec under the cloak, Aoki's pupils shrank sharply.

I saw that Alec, who was fairly handsome, was now full of scars on his face, some were burns, and some were scratches such as branches or something. Half of his face was almost destroyed. Although some emergency treatments have been done, leaving scars is inevitable.

What made Aoki even more surprised was Alec's body. The black clothes were full of scars. The exposed skin was blue and purple. In some places, it was obviously not ordinary bruises, but poison! Poisoned!

In particular, Alec's neck has two small holes. If it is not relatively biased, it is estimated that Alec's neck will be bitten.

So the reason why his voice is so husky is because of the scar on his neck.

There was almost no blood on the whole body, and there were even some that seemed to have just scabbed, and a small stream of blood slowly flowed out of the scab.

The **** smell that Aoki and his elves smelled should be Alec's own blood.

"Who did it?" Aoki asked with a frown, and his momentum gradually appeared on his body, which was Aoki's symptom of anger.

Judging from his current injuries, his opponent should have the power to kill him, but did not do so, but chose to abuse! Raging Alec!

Although Aoki can be counted as killing countless times ~ ~, no matter who it is, the enemy Aoki who can solve it with one stroke will not choose to use two swords, unless the other person has some Aoki must know the information, then use some abnormal means Already.

But a lot of times, Aoki believes in killing his opponent.

Just like Guga before, although there is a great grudge against Aoki, if Aoki wants to catch him alive, he can do it, but he doesn't do that, but let the dark crow give him a simple.

While respecting your opponents, you are also respecting yourself.

But now Alec was obviously abused by the enemy, and the people who could cause him such damage definitely caught him alive, but instead of killing him directly, he chose to stimulate his heart with some small wounds.

This is something Aoki cannot see.

For example, Paul, the perverted body artist, was directly solved by Aoki because he did something that Aoki seemed very disgusting.

It seems that there is not much difference between a person like Alec and that Paul!


Thinking of this name, Aoki frowned, who would treat Alec like this ...


A name came to Aoki's mind automatically.

"Yangping ..." Alec's voice was faint, but it was squeezed out of the teeth.

Obviously hate the extreme.

Yang Ping did more than Paul. No matter what, Paul would eventually kill that person, but Yang Ping abolished all the elves except Alec the Great Wolf Dog in his presence.

He didn't kill him in the end, letting Alec feel helpless, humiliated, and hopeless.

No wonder he can get along with people like Paul.


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