The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 354: More information of Yangping

"Your space equipment has also been taken away by Yang Ping?" Aoki found that the Rockets belt around Alec's waist was missing.

Generally, the people on the trial island and the place where things are stored are in the belts issued by the Rockets. Now that his belt is gone, it must be taken by Yang Ping.

This is why Alec suffered such injuries but showed no sign of treatment or treatment.

"Well, except for the elven ball of the Great Wolf Dog, I hid it well and didn't take it away. All the other elven **** and storage space were taken away by him." Alec said while touching the big wolf beside him. Dog, some emotions.

As his initial elf, and still a dog elf, in fact, even without an elf ball, he would obey Alec's orders.

"This pill also has a certain healing effect. You can take it with this pill, you can guarantee your body first, then this human being only needs to spray, you can treat the wound on your body, no problem." Aoki took it again Something was thrown to Alec Road.

Those who live in the wild of Trial Island, who have no scars on their bodies, who will not deal with their wounds, but Alec's injury is more serious this time.

At the same time, Aoki took out a Rocket belt that could be discarded in the future, and directly threw it to Alec, saying, "This is a Guga's belt. You can use it first. There should be some necessities in it, enough for you. Used. "

"Guga's ... belt?" Alec looked at the belt in his hand, some surprised.

Although I know that Gujia has always wanted to deal with Aoki, and later he grew fast, he was third, and the gap between the second and third is not large, but the second and the first The gap between Canada and Canada is very large.

"Did you have solved Guga? It seems that it is right to come to you. Among the trainees, only you can fight with Yang Ping, or in other words, only you Aoki can face the four cadres directly." Ya Alec said.

Aoki smiled, and said lightly, "Kill those who are good for me, and I will kill those who are hostile to me, and I will not hesitate to solve him. Guga, just one of them. "

Guga's animosity towards himself can no longer be eliminated, so in order to grow in the future, he must be strangled. If it was not stopped by a viper last time, he would have been killed by Aoki.

And Aoki gave Guga's belt to Alec without any sense of shock.

Guga was killed by me, so don't play tricks with me and think carefully.

Sure enough, after seeing Guga's belt, Alec became even more respectful.

After half an hour, Alec, who was wrapped in a lot of gauze, stood up and got Guga's belt. He also got a lot of good things that Aoki couldn't care for, such as some treatment sprays and some antidote. , But it helped him speed up the recovery.

After all, Yangping's elves are all insects of the insect system, and they are more or less poisonous, and the antidote is still very useful.

"Master Aoki, I'm almost recovered. I can go at any time. Regardless of the injuries on my body, you can do whatever you want." Alec went to Aoki and said.

Patted the dust left after sitting on the ground for a long time, Aoki glanced at him, especially his half of his face was wrapped in gauze, "Are you healthy now?"

"no problem!"

Alec didn't hesitate.

"Let's go, continue to look for the score card, and see if there is anything suitable for your elf, you can take a few, by the way you tell me about the situation of Yangping."

Walk straight ahead and walk forward, and don't care if the injured Alec can keep up.

Alec gritted his teeth, trot followed Aoki, and touched the wound on his body. Although there was no bleeding again, the pain was unbearable.

"The subordinate means that if you want to subdue the elves, it is best to choose the fire, flight or rock based elves to subdue. This can restrain the attributes of the Yangping elves a little bit. At that time, the subordinates can help the adult Aoki to restrain each other Two elves. "Alec uttered his thoughts.


Aoki nodded in agreement.

However, there is no such kind of so-called strong man's style, requiring the defeat of a person to rely on his own nonsense, Aoki would not say.

Obviously he can kill with one shot, but he is trying to show his strengths, and he was designed to fight back. He has seen many things like this.

There is a famous saying that goes well.

The villains often die from talking!

Now that someone is willing to share the pressure for themselves, that's better.

Isn't it just to do so, or else what to do? Keep it up?

"And when his subordinates met Yang Ping, he was just a person, but he did n’t know if anyone would follow him, but from what he usually said, one or two of those who joined later should be him. The subordinates who have been subscribed for a long time have not gathered for a while, but they do not know after two days. "

"So if you want to deal with him, it's better to draw one or two people to contain ~ ~ You don't have to worry about this, I know it well." Aoki said.

"Yes, and Yangping's elves. When dealing with me, he didn't summon all the elves, but just released three worm-like elves and defeated me directly.

A big butterfly, which is specially used for auxiliary and drafting purposes, and a flying mantis is one of his main attackers. From the point of view of fighting methods, the probability is that it is a technical master, which is very disgusting. Only Aldos is also one of his main attackers. This Aldos is definitely a sniper, because he directly killed my Aber monster in one shot. "

A brief description of Yangping's three elves, especially some speculation about the characteristics of the elves, was also told by Alec.

Then there is the coordination means of Yangping Elves, and some skills.

These things are more detailed than the previous arrest of Paul. Although only three elves, Aoki also has a more accurate concept of Yangping's strength.

"As far as I know, his trump card should be a big needle bee, as if it was his initial elf, and he has trained well, have you ever seen it?" Aoki asked.

"Big needle bee?" Alec thought for a moment, and replied, "No, most of the time he only has a flying praying mantis behind him, and then there will be an Alidos hiding in the dark, if someone approaches , Alidos will launch a sneak attack directly. "

Halfway said, Aoki stopped his steps, and Alec stopped with him, giving him a strange glance at Aoki.

"It's time to get the score card. I saw a more interesting elf."


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