The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 357: Qualified Promotion Dark Crow

In the evening, Aoki and Alec set up camp in a corner of the forest.

Because of Alec's existence, Aoki did not let the dream demon appear, and now the dream demon should not appear in front of others, even if this person has been subdued by him.

Even if it is 1 in 10,000, let people know that he now has a simple-minded King-level elf in his hands, and unless he is a movie, he will definitely shoot!

Even if Aoki's current use value is even higher, for a Uranus-level trainer, none of the Uranus-level elves who can grasp at any time are more valuable.

Whoever knows, Aoki will kill!

Therefore, after a while, when I saw that Aoki had a dream demon, it was not him who died, but Aoki would die. There is no second possibility.

After dinner, Alec walked into the forest with the great wolf dog that has recovered some strength. Now he needs to conquer all the three elves that have been harvested today, and analyze their fighting methods as much as possible.

Fortunately, due to personality problems, Huhu has almost been conquered by Alec, and the big-mouthed bat will not have much problem.

It was the little fire horse, with a proud personality, which was not so easy to conquer.

Aoki didn't plan to help him anymore, but to take over the elves, it was up to the trainer himself.

He called the darkness and Aber monster to his side, and took out two special energy blocks.

"This is a special energy cube you measured in the evening. Since you chose this way, you have no chance to regret it. Eat it as soon as possible," Aoki said lightly.

But before the Dark Crow and the Abercrombie began to eat, Aoki continued, "You can eat the Abercrombie first, eat it and rest beside it. After the first torment, the second time for you, there is no What a danger. "

Aoki first let the Abo Monster eat it and digest it, because tonight, after the Dark Crow has eaten these special energy cubes, in the calculation of the chip, the qualification will be upgraded, and I don't know if there will be any unexpected situation.

"Dark crow, after eating this time, you should have a qualitative change. I have never promoted the elf to such a qualification. I don't know what will happen, but I believe you can definitely persist! So many times They persisted, this is the last time! "Aoki touched the feathers of the dark crow.


The Dark Crow screamed with vigor and had eaten three times, making his height from the original sixty centimeters to the present sixty-eight centimeters. Both physical strength and speed have been strengthened to a certain extent.

He has enough confidence in the last time he can complete the qualitative change.

He directly ate the energy cube prepared by Aoki for him a little bit, and even felt the surging energy in his body, and showed a happy smile.

so happy!

Your qualification is about to be promoted!

At that time, I will not be Aoki's fighting elves, the lowest qualification exists, I can contribute more power to Aoki again, and finally I will be able to reuse Aoki again!

During this time, although eating each of these energy cubes is very painful, the dark crow is very happy inside.

Really happy.

That feeling of being valued is back again!

In the future, I will definitely become stronger and do more for Aoki with my own strength.

Instead of reconciling other elves in the team!

After eating, the Dark Crow closed her eyes and stood in place to begin to feel the changes in her body slowly.

Aoki was also watching the data of the Dark Crow displayed on the chip, staring at the data of the Dark Crow displayed above.

From quantitative change to qualitative change, this time the Dark Crow will have accumulated enough energy to complete the qualitative change!

The fluctuation of the data is much larger than in the past several times. At the peak time, the data of the dark crow has reached the level of dark green. At the trough, the data of the dark crow has regressed to the level of light green.

There are dozens of changes in a second.

An angel and a devil were between the thoughts of the dark crow.

The violent energy in the body made the dark crow grasp the dirt on the ground, leaving a deep scratch.

The wings are close together, the muscles are tight and trembling.

A trace of blood slowly infiltrated from the body of the Dark Raven, and slowly dyed the black feathers of the Dark Raven.

It made him look like he was bathing with blood.

The other elves in training noticed the situation of the Dark Crow and slowly surrounded them.

The dumb beasts, drows, ghoststones, claw-tailed scorpions, large milk tanks, and even tropical dragons, tyrannosaurus dragons, and circling bears all came around.

Aoki shook his head at them, signaled not to make a sound, the Dark Crow has reached the critical moment, and any changes around him will affect him.

The expressions of the elves also gradually became serious, and surrounded Aoki and the Dark Crow, and made a defensive posture to prevent a sudden appearing Elf from interfering with the Dark Crow at a critical moment.

The Aber monster in the distance endured the severe pain in his body, but he had to hold his teeth tightly, and did not dare to make any sound. He also stiffened his body and did not dare to make any movements, for fear of disturbing the promotion of the Dark Crow.

I watched the Dark Crow eat these energy blocks a few times, and always thought that there was nothing, because the Dark Crow stayed in place and did not move ~ ~ but after the first try, Abaguai turned to the dark The crow has sincere admiration.

How did the Dark Crow endure such severe pain every time? !!

Such a willpower, no wonder that even if he is not the strongest elf in the team, he can become the big brother in the team.

The pain caused by the use of this energy block can only be understood by the Dark Raven and the Aber monster.

So Abba is really convinced by the Dark Crow.

At the same time, whether the Dark Crow can complete the qualification promotion is a role model for the Aber monster. If the Dark Crow is successfully promoted, then the Aber monster will have greater confidence.

The promotion of the Dark Crow had a great impact on all the elves in Aoki, and the atmosphere gradually condensed throughout the camp.

The original lazy tropical dragon is now looking around with sharp eyes. The fortune of being a forty-level and Yalong elves is fully demonstrated, that is, telling the surrounding elves that there is a powerful elven. If you are interested, do n’t come disturb!

All the elves focused their twelve minutes of attention.

Finally, half an hour, an hour ...

When the special energy cube was consumed for one hour, the momentum of the Dark Crow gradually leveled off, and the blood on his body ceased to penetrate.

Aoki stared at the chip, and the data of the dark crow changed.

"Ga !!!!"

Suddenly, the dark crow yelled, and the momentum of his body rushed to the top of the dark green, then slowly dropped down, and finally stabilized in the middle of the dark green!

Dark Raven!

Successfully promoted to dark green!


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