The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 359: Finding Miyamoto

The fifth day.

Trial on the island.

Aoki took Alec to search for Miyamoto.

Before Aoki separated from Miyamoto, the dumb beasts left superpower coordinates on the palace itself. As long as it was not cleared by other superpowers, the dumb beasts could feel the position of Miyamoto.

After all, within the range of the trial island, although the dull beast cannot move instantly everywhere, there is no problem with the sensing position.

"Stupid beast, can you feel Miyamoto's position?" Aoki asked.

The dumb beast closed his eyes, felt a little, then nodded.

Aoki motioned for Alec to put his hand on the dumb beast's back, and then the two of them disappeared into the forest.

The dumb beast could not move directly to Miyamoto's side in an instant, but teleported to the nearest superpower coordinate.

Aoki fed a few energy cubes to the dumb beast. "Dummy beast, go back to the elven ball and rest."

Then summoned the Dark Crow and the Aber monster.

The dark crow of 70 centimeters tall now looks nothing like a dark crow when viewed from its size.

Not to mention the Aber monster, his body is not much different from a Tyrannosaurus.

Alec also summoned the little fire horse, the big mouth bat, and the pot, and today it is time to exercise them.

The little fire horse has a height of one meter, and because it is well developed, Alec rides on it without any impact.

The big-billed bat pulled the pot with its feet and flew in the sky.

Aoki was standing directly on the back of Abai Monster, just like Zeng Jin took the big rock snake. This Abai monster was big enough for Aoki to ride safely.

In this way, the two took the elves to quickly move through the forest.

When encountering wild elves, the Dark Crow is the first one to fight. When there are extra elves, they are the small fire horses, pots and big mouth bats.

The three elves did not have any opinion on this, because they found that the Dark Crows were really crazy to fight, and their strength was very exaggerated.


Alec glanced at the command of the Dark Crow calmly and made some simple commands to the Dark Crow, and the Dark Crow could understand the meaning of Aoki.

The tacit understanding between Lord Aoki and Dark Raven is really outstanding.

If you and the elves can reach this level of tacit understanding, the combat effectiveness can be improved by at least two levels.

After the two men hurried through the forest for an hour, they were finally close to where Miyamoto was located. The dumb beast also appeared beside Aoki, and he was almost recovered.

"Master Aoki, are we okay to go directly like this?" Alec saw Aoki stop and patted the little fire horse and walked over.

"Well, that guy is resting. I don't know how these two days have been." Aoki smiled, and then patted Aber monster, motioning him to continue.

At this time Miyamoto was sitting under a tree and resting with two hot monkeys.

One was owned by him from the beginning, and the other was a hot monkey that evolved after being conquered.

Sitting quietly on the ground with bread, like fighting for a while, taking a break.

"Well, the hot monkey, almost rested, continue fighting, next time Master Aoki comes, but let him see growth, otherwise how can we stand on the master's hands in the future." Miyamoto said.

Obviously, his identity is completely placed under Aoki.

But he still has ambitions, that is, he wants to be the strongest under Aoki, and he is valued by Aoki.

"Haha!" A hot monkey suddenly stood up, staring at a forest with a vigilant look.

Miyamoto's expression suddenly became serious, and he followed the hot monkey's eyes, then said, "Which friend is there, it is better to come out and see, if there is anything you can see the real chapter under your hand!"

"Oh? What about the points in your hands?"

There was a joke in the sudden forest.

Hearing the sound, Miyamoto was not angry, but he showed joy, and ran over with two hot monkeys.

"Master Aoki!" Miyamoto immediately saw Aoki standing on Abai's body, and shouted respectfully.

But then Yu Guang in the corner of his eye saw Alec sitting on the little fire horse beside Aoki, and frowned without any trace, but recovered soon.

"Master Aoki, are you looking for a subordinate, are you ready to act?" Miyamoto asked with joy, and the three present were clear as to what action to take.

"Um." Aoki nodded, and walked down from the Aber monster. Alec also came along with Aoki, but he stood consciously behind Aoki and showed his identity.

"This is it?" Miyamoto looked at Alec in doubt.

"Introduce yourself," Aoki said lightly.

"Yes! My name is Alec. The Rockets try out the island trials. Now you are under the command of Aoki. You are the Miyamoto in the big population. I hope we can work together for the adults in the future!" Alec said that his tone was flat and there was no fluctuation, but he could not see what he was thinking.

"Haha, alright, brother Alec, then we have to help the Lord together!" Miyamoto laughed, walked directly, and grabbed Alec's shoulders, a familiar look.

Alec felt the action of Miyamoto, and tried to break free with a little effort ~ ~ But which one is Miyamoto's opponent.

Trainer who is good at using fighting elves, which one is weak?

At least it is much stronger than the average trainer, so Alec's exertion is not only ineffective, but it makes Miyamoto even harder.

Aoki noticed the movements of the two, but did not show anything, but instead raised his lips slightly.

As the ruler, what I am most afraid of is the harmony and even unity of human relations, but mutual hostility is not good, and it is easy to cause private affairs to affect public affairs. Therefore, the best way for subordinates to get along is to look more harmonious on the surface, and reasonable in private Healthy competition and mutual progress.

Although Aoki is not yet in power, there are still basic ways to do it.

In particular, Sakaki, a former idol of Aoki, used this method as purely green.

Such a powerful force of the Rockets has no stagnant operation. There is competition among various departments, but it does not affect the progress of major events.

Of course, the following things are not Sakagi's management. He only needs to manage the leading cadres or the quasi-cadres.

Therefore, the lower the status of the Rockets, the more the lives will be killed, but after reaching the middle and senior levels, they will become more harmonious on the surface.

How else to compete with the alliance.

Don't look at the strength of the alliance, but the people above can really use a bit of power, it's hard to say.

The current league has gradually become unstoppable.

All of a sudden the alliance was spread too far, spreading to seven regions, the layout is a bit large, but the control of each region is decreasing.


Fourth more! Ask for a monthly pass!

The previous chapter was wrong and embarrassing

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