The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 362: Fall into the wind

Yangping's elves acted.

Especially the two elves who had taken the pill, they tried their best everywhere and had no intention of defending.

The circle bears and the Aber monsters united, but they were backed up by Kairos.

Both elves are strong in strength, but they can't afford Kairos' explosive power.

Pakistani butterfly **** her wings, blows all the tiny scale powder on the wings into the air, and uses the wind that **** her wings to eat all of them to the place where the Aoki elves are.

The big needle bee exerts its speed to the extreme, approaching the dumb beast at a very fast speed, and at the same time, it has a strong poisonous energy on the double needles. As long as it is hit once, the probability of poisoning is still very large, and it has the characteristics of a sniper. If the big needle bee hits the point, it's not a joke.

The flying praying mantis also uses high-speed movement, and slaps with Baola quickly. Two elves with good speed are entangled with each other.

Baola's qualifications are higher than those of the flying mantis, but the ranks of the flying mantis are higher than those of the flying mantis.

"Ghost Stone, use the character swap against the big needle bee, first kill him half! Then use the flame punch!"

"Stupid beast, hold on, then the strongest mental shock hits him back!"

"Dark Crow! Wing attack! Help Zola to solve that flying mantis!"

By virtue of its rapid speed, the big needle bee has no chance to avoid it, and can only use the holding skills to bear the attack.

The ghost stone next to the dumb beast immediately used the trait swapping ability to exchange his floating characteristics for the sniper characteristics of the big needle bee.

Then a flame quickly gathered on one of the paws, and a fire punch was used against the big needle bee.

"Big needle bee, back!"

"Kairos, attack with all your strength, cross-cutting! Split the tiles! Solve one before talking!"

"Ba Da Die, Nian Li assists the Needle Bee to retreat!"

"Flying Mantis. Cut!"

"Alidos, cobwebs, sword dance! Then super horn strike, kill me first!"

Yang Ping commanded his six elves very well, but in the face of the joint attack of the two, even if Alec only dragged one of his elves, he was now passive, because he always had to follow one Only elves serve as protection.

Otherwise he believed that Aoki would never mind killing him first, and then destroying his elves one by one.

"Interesting, your strength is really beyond my expectations, and the tropical dragon under your feet, why not shot together?" Yang Ping didn't fall into passive consciousness at all, and even Aoki was joking.

"Oh, I don't need a tropical dragon to deal with you!" Aoki sneered.

"I don't think your tropical dragons can be shot! Although the momentum is good, but there is no desire to fight in the eyes, it can only be used as a deterrent." Yang Ping seems to see through the meaning of Aoki, the main tropical dragons are there, you can Existing as a deterrent prevents Yang Ping from shooting at full strength, and he needs to preserve a certain strength to prevent the sudden attack of the tropical dragon.

But after a period of observation, Yang Yangping, an active mind, noticed the laziness in the eyes of the tropical dragon.

"Since you think so, try it!" Aoki said lightly, without admitting or denying it.

Yang Ping smiled wryly, "Don't let me catch you!"

The battle between the elves is still going on. The sting bee escaped the spirit shock of the stupid beast and the flame punch of the ghost stone. Although the sniper's characteristics are gone, the floating characteristics have once again increased the speed of the sting bee. And with the help of Ba Da Die, he easily avoided the siege of the two elves.

"Then, come all!" Yang Ping took out the three previous pills from his pocket again and threw them to the big needle bee, the big butterfly and the flying mantis.

Three originally powerful elves had increased their explosive power.

Aoki looked dignified.

"Stupid beasts, spray them with fire!"

"Dark crow, fan wind helps dumb beasts increase the fire!"

"Ghost Stone, Shadow Ball, target that big butterfly!"

"Big milk can, cure the bell."

"Drag, metal claws!"

In an instant, the three elves who ate the pill launched a fierce attack again. This time there was no intention of evading. The sickle of the flying mantis directly hit the metal claws of the pull, and gradually gained the upper hand with its strength advantage. .

"Gotha duck, water gun! Tell him that the water elf is obedient to be the water elf. Don't play with any flames. I'm half-baked!"

"Big sting bee, rush up and use the ultimate draw on the stupid beast!"

"Baddie, use mental power on Ghost Stone to let him know what is super power damage!"

Before the flames of the dumb beasts touched the elf's elf, they were directly extinguished by the water of the Gotha Duck, and even the dark crow fan was useless to help the wind.

After the increase, the Big Needle Bee flies in front of the Dazed Beast at a faster speed. This time without the blocking of the blocking skills, the Big Needle's ultimate draw successfully attacks the Dazed Beast.

The grass-based skills eventually drained twice as much damage to the dumb beast.

The enhanced mentality of Ba Dadie also directly hits Ghost Stone. Although Ghost Stone's shadow ball also hits Ba Dadie, the super power system moves twice to damage Ghost Stone ~ ~ Shadow Ball can only deal normal damage to Bardad.

Of course, Ghost Stone uses the skills of this department, while Ba Dadie uses the non-system skills. The power is relatively weak.

But the big butterfly that can be regarded by Yang Ping has good talents in super powers, so the damage to Ghost Stone is relatively large.

Aoki had a somber face, thinking of the kind of pills that Yangping would increase, but he didn't expect that he had so many, and each elven had actually increased.

The other aspects are okay to say, but the circle bears and Aber monsters really can't stop Kairos' attack.

Now in a delicate balance, if an elf falls, the entire balance will be directly destroyed.

What made Aoki even more worried was Alec's side. Although the four elves faced Alidos, they got the sniper characteristics of Alidos enhanced by pills and sword dance. Alec only needs one commander. , It is possible to be killed by an elf in seconds.

And there were three elves who had just conquered them, and the command was still not smooth, and they could only passively defend against the attack of Alidos.

The opposite corner of Yang Ping smiled, but the four elves completely suppressed the six elves of Aoki, although the strength of the circle bears and the Aber monster was much weaker, and there were three elves beside Aoki who did not shoot.

However, in Yang Ping's view, as long as the few under the field are destroyed, Aoki is almost finished, and the other ones are embroidered.

More importantly, does Aoki think that his current strength is all he has?

The real hole cards haven't been shot yet!

But Aoki has fallen into the wind!


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