The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 493: Sickle Helm

The greed in his eyes couldn't be covered, Aoki held back the hands-on heart, waiting for the fossil helmet to approach.

He must confirm the capabilities of the fossil helmet leader before considering whether to proceed.

Even with the extreme desire in his heart, reason has always occupied the clearest part of his mind.

The dumb king glanced at Aoki strangely.

It was the first time he saw his trainer, and he actually appeared like this.

Never felt so intense on Aoki.

Even when you found the elven egg from Kira, when Aoki hatched, Aoki didn't feel so strong.

Along the sight of Aoki, we saw strange stones on the head of the fossil helmet.

"Is this the stone?" Thought dumbly in the heart of Daowang.

After evolving into a dull king, the dull beast that was originally very intelligent, now his wisdom is only higher than that of ordinary humans.

Elf Sickle Helmet (Light Cyan)

Sex male

Level 59

Attribute rock series + water series


Carrying props

Genetic Skills Bubble Light, Aurora, Strange Light, Slam

Basic skills: Splitting, Dark Attack, Attack, Grab, Harden, Drain, Gaze, Mud Shot, Sand Splash, Hold On, Water Jet, Super Drain, Metal Tone, Primal Power

Teach the skills of Water Break, Invisible Rock, Power of the Earth, Water Tail, Water Wave,

Skill learner

"A sickle helmet of level 59!" Aoki finally got the data of the sickle helmet, and was surprised.

The level 59 sickle helmet is a real eldest quasi-king king.

Not the simple-minded spirit of the dream demon.

A glance at the appearance of the sickle helmet shows that his strength is definitely not weak.

Not furnishings.

But he had superevolutionary stones that Aoki wanted so much.

But looking at the sickle-helmet leader who was approaching, a fierce look, apparently not to chat.

"Oh ~"

In desperation, Aoki could only sigh and gave up his obsession.

There is still a super evolutionary stone, but there is only one life. If you fight a sickle helmet here, it is obviously very unwise.

Aoki could only sigh.

Fortunately, the Sickle Helmets live here. They do not know how many years they have lived, and they will not cause their relocation due to their appearance.

After I have enough strength, I will definitely come back again to get this super evolutionary stone.

Maybe you don't need Aoki to upgrade your strength to Heavenly King level. As long as Aoki can order the dream monster to fight, you should be able to get this super evolutionary stone.

Suddenly, Aoki's heart moved slightly, "Maybe by the hidden means of the current dream demon, it may not be possible to steal this superevolutionary stone."

The dream demon has been hidden in the shadow of Aoki, and to date he can only find Dr. Oki's fast dragon.

Even the two king-level elves of his teacher Liu Shenggang did not find the existence of a dream demon.

With the strength of the sickle helmet, we should not find the existence of the dream demon.

Since the dream demon wore a soothing bell, the intimacy with Aoki has increased rapidly, and coupled with the usual communication during feeding, the dream demon's dependence on Aoki has become very heavy.

It is not impossible to order her to do something.

"Little dream!" Aoki whispered.

"Huh?" Hearing Aoki's words, a small head with a hat appeared in his shadow, two red eyes staring at Aoki.

A silver bell on his chest didn't make a sound, but he always felt that he could make a pleasant sound.

Aoki beckoned, the dream demon squinted and floated to Aoki's side.

"Xiaomeng, did you see the big guy on the other side?" Aoki whispered after calming the dream demon a little.

The dream demon looked in the direction pointed by Aoki, and saw the sickle helmet leader who was fierce and approaching.

There was a look of fear, and the momentum of the sickle helmet leader made her a little afraid.

Although they are all Heaven-level elves, the dream demon has not seen the world.

"It's okay, little dream, don't be afraid, that big guy can't beat you!" Aoki stroked her lightly, and then continued, "I want the weird stone on his head. Can you show it to me? ? "

Hearing Aoki's words, the dream demon quietly glanced at the colorful superevolutionary stone on the head of the sickle helmet, revealing a surprise look.

I looked at the soothing bell on my chest, and then looked at the superevolutionary stone on the head of the sickle helmet. It seemed to compare which one was more beautiful and more suitable for her.

But before she could compare the results, Aoki continued, "Little dream, as long as you can bring that stone to me, I promise to prepare a new, better snack for you, and give it back to you. A bunch of glittering toys you like. "

Aoki's voice was a little sharp.

Because the sickle helmet leader is getting closer and closer, with his strength, after reaching a certain range, even if the dull king's instantaneous movement can be started in a blink of time, Aoki must also consider whether he can escape an attack by the sickle helmet leader.

Feeling the anxiety of Aoki, the dream demon suddenly felt anxious, and without thinking too much, rushed towards the chief of the sickle helmet.

At the speed of the dream demon, in the blink of an eye, it was approaching the leader of the sickle helmet.

Although the dream demon could not exert her due combat power, she could not say anything about the speed.

The sickle helmet leader also noticed the speeding approach of the dream demon. Although surprised by her speed, he did not feel the momentum of the dream demon, so he just thought that she was an ordinary elf.

His eyes showed a disdainful look, and one of the sickles waved casually at the dream demon.

But the ghost-like dream demon didn't even dodge, and rushed straight towards the sickle helmet. His attack was ignored by the dream demon directly.

Ordinary physical attacks, the ghost monster's dream monster is immune!

A little purple hand stretched out straight, the dream demon showed a happy smile ~ ~ Although I don't know what Aoki is going to do, the dream demon thinks that since Aoki gave her so many delicious and fun things He wanted something, and he helped him get it back.

In the surprised look of the sickle helmet leader, Meng Yao's little hand touched the super evolutionary stone on the head of the sickle helmet.

I don't know how the sickle helmet leader is attached to it, and there are some firmness. The dream demon took it a little hard before removing it.

Holding the superevolutionary stone in his hand, the dream demon floated on the heads of a group of sickle helmets and shook the superevolutionary stone in his hand toward Aoki happily, indicating that he had got it.

Aoki couldn't help but smiled on her face, and quickly waved to the dream demon to signal her to come back at the same time. At the same time, the telepathy connected the drow king. As soon as the dream demon came back, he would use the instant movement directly. If the sickle helmet leader countered, Then use holding skills!


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