The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 504: Progressive armor bird

After leaving the urban area of ​​Luyin Town, I found a corner with few people.

Aoki summoned his own tropical dragon.

Then under Ogo's strange eyes, Aoki walked onto the back of the tropical dragon.

Although weird, Ogo didn't hesitate, throwing an elven ball to summon his armor bird, and then stepped on the armor bird's back.

Before the two were surrounded, the elf left here.

Aoki subconsciously scanned the data of the Ogo armor bird.

Pokemon: Armored Bird (Teal)

Gender: Male

Level: 43

Attribute: Steel + Flight

Features: sharp eyes

Carrying props: metal film

Genetic skills: pecking drill, invisible rock, hold on, blow fly

Basic skills: stare, pecking, sand splashing, metal claws, air blades, random attacks, slam attacks, high-speed stars, spread diamonds, high speed movement, rigid wings, split

Teaching skills: hiccups, bird strikes, tailwinds, iron walls. Invisible Rock, Frozen Wind

Skill learners: hold, stand-in, awakening power, water, poisonous, feather habitat, swallow return, sword dance, cross scissors, dream talk,

The armor bird's qualifications have reached teal.

This was something that surprised Aoki, but felt reasonable.

The armor bird is Ogo's main battle spirit. Even if he later became the steel king, the armor bird is also one of the main forces of Ogo.

When I saw it before, I only had cyan qualification, and now I have reached cyan.

This kind of qualification barely matches the identity of Ogogo.

Ogo should have a special way to improve the qualifications of the steel elves. Although Aoki is very interested, these things involve family secrets, and Aoki cannot ask.

Nor could it explain why Aoki was able to see the qualifications of armored birds.

In this regard, Aoki could only remain silent, and then flew behind Ogo, revealing the exclusive eyes of the big family.

The two also fled and left Luyin Town.

Halfway through the flight, Ogo took off the hat from his head and exhaled a long breath.

"Finally I don't have to wear a hat, it's a bit uncomfortable." Ogo lowered the armored bird and flew to Aoki.

Once the armored bird was about the same speed as the tropical dragon, now the armored bird needs to slow down and wait for the tropical dragon.

After all, the armored bird was only level 38, but now it has reached level 43, a proper elite elf.

This is the speed at which Dago can improve the elves, and it is no wonder that he will be able to serve as the champion of the Fengyuan area in the near future.

Aoki is a little envious.

But in fact, more envious is the sword dance skills of armored birds.

Yesterday, Aoki strolled through the elven skill stores of various sizes on the black market, and did not find the skill disc of sword dance.

It can be seen how rare the sword dance skill disc is.

But the armored bird had learned it the first time he saw him in Aoki.

Rich bosses are so scared.

However, while Aoki was observing the armored bird, Ogo was also observing the tropical dragon of Aoki.

He has been wondering since just now.

Last time, the strength of Aoki's tropical dragon seemed to give him a sense of strength. After such a period of time, the strength of the tropical dragon did not seem to improve much.

It's a little bit fatter, but the nutrition is too good?

Ask if you don't understand.

"Aoki, this tropical dragon of yours seems to have strength ... not much improvement?" Ogo asked.

Did Aoki begin to concentrate on the work of nurturing the home? Set aside elf training?

Aoki glanced at him, not having a good airway, "Nothing seems to have improved, but there is no improvement at all, and I have eaten a little bit better recently, but the amount of exercise has not gone up, a bit long."

Then, Aoki patted the tropical dragon's neck gently.

Don't know why, the tropical dragon felt a little cold all over.

This is under the big sun, he also has the characteristics of chlorophyll.

Quickly flap your wings to speed up, it seems that the next appetite is to control a little.

When I heard Aoki's words, Ogo laughed, "Ha ha ha ha, it is really getting fat, I just have no idea to say."

"Tropical Dragons don't like fighting very much. When I subdued him, we said it well. In the future, I just acted as a flying mount and waited for the strength. If he wants, he can choose to leave or live in Fuye Town. In any case, I will be responsible for his food. "This is indeed Aoki's guarantee.

However, he did not say that the tropical dragon was beaten by him at first.

In this regard, Ogo somewhat understands.

Not all elves love fighting.

Just like in the mines of his family who took Aoki last time, many of Cocodola's ethnic group didn't like fighting very much. Every day, they wanted to eat and sleep, that is, life was too easy.

If it weren't for the old Boscodola, it would be estimated that the Cocodola ethnic group would be at least half decadent.

The combative Coco Dora subdued by Aoki is already considered a heterogeneous group.

After understanding the situation of the tropical dragon, Ogo did not tangle anything, and let the armored bird reduce the speed directly.

At the same time, he was still thinking in his mind, should he prepare to fly the elf all the time to sit up?

The armored bird is good, and the flying speed is fast, that is, the armor above is too responsive, and it is not very comfortable to sit.

And the armor of the bird is metal, after all, it is really a little hot under the sun, getting hotter and hotter.

The armor bird didn't feel much, but Ogo felt very clear.

Unlike tropical dragons, the chlorophyll characteristics of the dragons are absorbed by the tropical dragons before the sun has passed.

And the back of the tropical dragon should not be too cool, and the advantages of the grass-based elves are clear at a glance.

Ogo was really very envious.

Looking at Aoki sitting on the back of a tropical dragon, Ogo felt that his sweat was coming down.

Fortunately, the flight was fast enough that these temperatures were acceptable at wind speeds.

Moreover, Luyin Town is not far from Chimney Hill, and can be reached soon.

Of course, they would not stupidly climb up from below, and let the elves directly fly towards the middle of Chimney Hill, that is, the mountainside.

The people under the mountain watched Aoki sitting on the flying elves and headed directly to the middle, without any surprise.

Although there are not many such people, I can still meet a few days.

After all, there are a lot of great people in the training family, but they rarely appear so brightly.

Landed in the woods on the mountainside of Chimney Mountain ~ ~ The environment here is still very good. There is no volcanic ash at all.

However, when it was on the mountainside, the temperature in the air was already different from that at the foot of the mountain.

As the altitude rises later, the temperature will gradually rise.

This is the power of the volcano.

The two did not speak, and they walked towards the top of the mountain in a tacit understanding.

The next part of the road, you need to face the sudden emergence of wild elves.

There are those who may appear at any time and do not have good intentions. Both of them need to be vigilant.

Fortunately, Dawu is not a child, but also has a lot of wild spirits. This is not a reminder of Aoki.

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