The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 507: One lie is enough

Kodola would normally use another skill on the remaining Duckbill Fire Dragon.

But the claw tail scorpion opened completely.

Excited, he turned and rushed towards the remaining duck-billed fire dragon.

In the horrified eyes of the other party, the venom shock hit the duck-billed fire dragon again.

Although it did not hit the key, it failed to trigger the characteristics of the sniper.

However, the sharp stone attack, the two restraint attacks of the rock series and the ground series of the earthquake, and the continuous damage of the poisonous diamond have long been exhausted.

The powerful power of Venom Blast defeated it directly.

If it weren't for Aoki's emphasis on keeping his hands, these two duck-tailed fire dragons will definitely face the last make-up attack of the claw-tailed scorpion!

"If the sniper feature can continue to find the opponent's weakness, this feature is really terrifying." Dawu sighed while watching the jawtail scorpion showing his skills.

Aoki nodded.

With Ogo's ability, I have fought so many times since I first went up the mountain, and I should have seen the sniper characteristics of the claw-tailed scorpion.

But this is the time when the scorpion-tailed scorpion fully displays his sniper characteristics.

In the face of much weaker opponents, the sniper's characteristic display is not shown, it is not very obvious.

The clamp-tailed scorpion triumphed like a winner.

Cordola called out.

It probably means that the scorpion grabbed his opponent.

In this regard, the scorpion-tailed scorpion also screamed, not knowing what the two elves were talking about, anyway, in the end, the scorpion-tailed scorpion took the pliers on Kodola's neck, and looked like a brother.

"The condition of these two duck-billed fire dragons is not quite right." Aoki and Ogo ignored the claw-tailed scorpion and Kodola.

Dawu also agreed, "I have been to Chimney Hill several times, and I have seen a lot of duck-billed fire dragons, but they all live beside the crater on the top of the mountain. They won't rush down for no reason. Without their predators. "

"The body temperature of the duck-billed fire dragon can be as high as 1200 degrees, and the living environment is generally in a place where the temperature is very high. I think the crater is the most suitable for them. The higher the temperature of the surrounding environment, the more spiritual he is." Aoki said Something he knew about Duckbill Fire Dragon came out.

Continued, "Duck-billed fire dragons generally do not leave their habitat rashly. Now, in this case, either a volcano has changed or a powerful enemy appears in their habitat, so powerful that they cannot face it. . "

When I heard Aoki's words, Ogo's face was also a little serious.

Either way, it seems not ideal.

Although Chimungshan is an active volcano, it is usually in a stable state more often, and it usually only emits some volcanic ash. It is tolerable for the residents of these rich margin areas, and even these volcanic ash has become a rich margin area. A major feature.

If the chimney mountain is changed, it is an eruption, and the consequences are unthinkable.

There is also the second kind that Aoki said. In the habitat of the duck-billed fire dragon, there is an enemy that they cannot face.

If this is the case, it will be slightly better than the first.

After all, it is not known whether the enemy of Duckbill Fire Dragon is an alliance or an organization.

"I think it ’s still more likely to be in the second middle school. Chimney Hill has n’t erupted for nearly a hundred years. If something goes wrong, we wo n’t be the first to know. The Alliance has always sent some people to study. Those experts do n’t I don't know. "

After the two were silent for a while, Aoki said, "In short, this time it may not be so simple. Be careful."

Dawu nodded, his expression was a little serious.

I hope it is not a bad thing.

It's hard to come out and play once.

As soon as Ogo was about to leave again, Aoki, who was standing in place, did not move.

Ogo turned and looked at Aoki strangely, only to see him frown, standing with his eyes closed.

"Aoki, what's wrong?" Ogo asked.


Aoki sighed secretly.

If you can, you really don't want to expose yourself as a superpower.

But if you want to sit in the league in the future, you will definitely meet those superpowers in the league, which is beyond doubt.

It's only a matter of time before your superpowers are discovered.

And when faced with powerful opponents in the future, will not use superpowers?

how is this possible? !!

Trying to be a junior superpower and learning ECG, isn't it to be able to take a little advantage in battle in the future?

It's enough to lie something like this.

The more concealed, sometimes more lies are needed to cover up.

When a little lie is finally broken through, all the cover will be revealed without mercy.

So Aoki felt that there was only one thing he wanted to hide.

Moreover, Ogo is a person he trusts more in the league, which may be equivalent to his teacher Liu Shenggang.

Now that sooner or later, the matter of super power will be discovered, why not give a shot to your friends first, and when it is discovered later, there will also be a person to help speak?

Aoki closed his eyes and pretended to be pretending. Within a second after defeating the duck-billed fire dragon, he had fully considered everything.

"Wait a minute, I might be able to know what the situation is," Aoki said, then turned to the lighter duck-billed fire dragon.

The duck-billed fire dragon's head and tail were real flames. When he fainted, the flames on his head disappeared.

Aoki took out a pair of high-temperature-resistant gloves, put them on his hands, and took out some therapeutic sprays from the storage space to give the duck-billed fire dragon a simple trauma treatment.

With Aoki's ability to cultivate a home, combined with drugs, the duck-billed fire dragon soon woke up.

The claw tail scorpion closely followed Aoki's side to prevent the riot of the duck-billed fire dragon.

However, after waking up, the duck-billed fire dragon was obviously not as panic and impulsive as before.

Looking at Aoki who treated himself with a wound ~ ~ and the vigilant beside him, he just beat his claw tail scorpion.

The duck-billed fire dragon is honest.

The last potion was sprayed on the broken scales, finishing the last bleeding wound.

In fact, in the physique of the duck-billed fire dragon, this kind of injury is not dangerous after the toxin scorpion **** out the toxin, and it can wake up in a few hours.

Not enough, he also knew that his own irritability had brought these scars, so he was more grateful for the treatment of Aoki.

"These are for you. The poison on your companions has been eliminated. There should be no problem, and you will wake up later." Aoki took out the ordinary high-level energy cube and put it in front of the duck-billed fire dragon.

Smell the scent of high-level energy cubes, and the eyes of Duckbill Fire Dragon suddenly light up.


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