The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 530: Ogo's departure

He and Dawu completed the first year of Fuye Town's economic development as quickly as possible.

The two tired people returned to their rooms.

Hold down from Chimney Hill this day, and then completed their first fight against fire juveniles and realized the fight in the forest at the foot of the mountain.

After returning to Fuye Town, I had some interaction with the residents of Fuye Town and completed the official opening ceremony of the Dao Pavilion.

He then discussed with Liu Shenggang the construction of the breeder's branch.

He and Dawu completed the economic development plan of Fuye Town.

The body is not very tired, or the brain is used a lot.

Daowu went back to rest, but Aoki couldn't rest, because just after he finished talking with Dawu, the best communicator hidden in the inner pocket of the clothes shook slightly.

Rockets, shadow news.

After letting Aoki finish his task, give him a call as soon as possible.

After returning to the room, Aoki let the dull king build a superpower barrier, and then dialed Yingying's video call.

"Master Shadow." Aoki said with a respectful voice when he saw the black shadow on the screen.

"You did a pretty good job this time, and even the leader heard that you and the kid of the Zvolch family have defeated a quasi-king-level elf, and now your strength matches the position of Captain of the Rockets. "Shadow's voice is a little hoarse, except for a slight halo on the screen, which can see the shadowy figure, no more can be seen.

He didn't know where it was.

Aoki bowed his head respectfully and did not speak.

But Ying didn't need Aoki's reply, and continued, "Should the museum in Fuye town be opened? As one of the few museum owners in the Rockets, the leader decided to give you some more support. If you have If you have any needs, you can tell them now. If not, they will be distributed to you according to the supplies. "

Aoki groaned a little, and said, "I want a piece of information about Geng Gui, including how it evolved. If possible, I'd like to provide me with a piece of information about the elf's qualification improvement, electronically. The file will be fine. "

Ao Geng's evolution has always been a tangled matter for Aoki.

He still remembers that Ying also has a Geng ghost, and I don't know how he evolved. If he can get the information about Geng ghost in the huge database of the Rockets, there will be countless benefits for Aoki.

But I do n’t want what Aoki wants. The way to upgrade the elf's qualifications is really the highlight.

Geng Gui's information, even if it is precious, detailed, it is the information of an elf, but the latter request, but it will help all the elf to some extent.

Aoki's big lion opening, even the film was a little cyanotic.

You really dare to speak.

I do n’t know if it was because Aoki wanted to shock the movie, or if he was reporting to Aoki this request.

After half a minute, Aoki's face that was quietly waiting did not change, and Ying's voice sounded again.

"Geng Gui's information can be given to you, and elf-qualified information can be given to you, but it will not be complete information. I will give you a copy of the information based on your current elf, how many things are involved, I I ca n’t say for sure, but this is already the biggest concession. If it ’s not the leader ’s affirmation, your request is very over-the-line.

I was really envious. Rao is his current position in the Rockets, and he didn't dare to make such an excessive request.

But the leader's demeanor towards his subordinates really convinced Ying again.

After getting this information, I was not worried about Aoki, who ignored the Rockets and did not worry about Aoki's betrayal.

This suspicious person does not need to use the unquestionable characteristic, which is also the main reason why the film has been loyal to Sakagi so far.

Qi Qingmu's expression of concealment appeared on his face, and at the same time the heart that had been hanging in his heart finally let go.

He is also an attempt for the Rockets and Sakagi this time.

Look at whether Sakagi will become the owner of the Daoguan Pavilion because of himself. After the alliance is upstart, he still has so much trust in himself.

Judging from the reply this time, I have learned a lot, and Sakagi is indeed Sakagi, and his personality is full of charm.

If it wasn't for Aoki's rebirth once, and he was extremely self-centered in his heart, it is estimated that this time he would really be convinced by Sakagi and become a complete loyal Sakagi.

But fortunately, Aoki did not, he remained loyal to Sakaki, but that was under the premise that his own security was guaranteed and his growth was not hindered.

Ayasaka is worthy of support, but he will always be the first!

After hanging up the video call, Aoki received a huge amount of information on Ying's exclusive communicator.

Even if the rocket's high-tech communicator was used to transmit it all night, it was completely received. This shows how huge the data is.

Uh ...

When Aoki woke up, after the data in the communicator was completely accepted, he immediately let the chip transfer all such data.

At the transfer speed of the chip, it took 20 minutes to complete the transfer of the data.

"Chip, sort and manage the data received this time, and then sort out the information about the evolution of Ghost Stone into Geng Gui." Aoki, who just got up, issued this instruction to the chip that received the data. .

"Drop! Task establishment, analysis, please wait." The chip began processing these newly injected data.

After eating breakfast with Ogo and Ogo ~ ~ Ogo is about to leave the city of Kanaz.

Now the two metal monsters have evolved into giant gold monsters, and they have also got two fossils of ancient elves. You need to go back to a special person to help study it and see how to revive it.

Aoki did not choose to stop this.

After all, Dawu and himself need to grow up. As a future champion of the rich area, Dawu already has enough self-confidence and potential. The last threshold has been crossed, and it's time for him to skyrocket.

If you don't want to be thrown too far, Aoki needs to continue working harder.

At the gate of Daoguan in Fuye Town, Dawu wore his standard little dress and said goodbye to Aoki.

"Aoki, but you need to work hard, don't get thrown away by me too far, I'll go and catch up to the ferry before talking." Ogo said with a smile.

I heard Aoki's words, Aoki smiled and said, "Then you have to work harder, don't be caught up by me, maybe you will reach the peak before you."

He heard that, Ogo grinned, but didn't speak.

I turned around and walked out of Fuye Town, waving my hand away from Aoki.

Aoki still has some pressure on him. He must work hard, but he cannot be surpassed by Aoki.

Add more! Add 2/4 to the rewards of Tianhao Royal Boss! Let ’s just change five today, hibiscus knows that there are a lot of people who owe me, let me delay for two days, and break out again.

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