The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 536: Ye Yeling

When you get here, people you meet will more or less follow one or two ghost-elves.

But the trainers who specialize in ghost-like elf can always see a very tired feeling and heavy dark circles.

And they are not like the trainers of other leagues, even if they do n’t know each other after seeing each other, they will face it with a smile.

When they see other trainers, they often don't squint and do their things calmly.

Therefore, the trainer who specializes in ghosts is more or less something that ordinary people are not used to.

In addition, the trainer who specializes in ghosts is the smallest of all attributes.

Aoki didn't let Ghost Stone hide in the shadows anymore, let him follow.

The ghost stone appearing here became very active, and the phantom energy filled here made him feel very comfortable.

Stepped on the steps leading up to the mountain, although the sun in the sky still shines, it always feels a little gray in the sky, and the light doesn't feel the warmth on the body.

Aoki knows that there should be an inner area for Sending God to the Mountain. If Ghost Stone wants perfect evolution, then entering the inner area where the ghost system has more energy is obviously the best.

This should be considered to be the periphery of Shenshan Mountain. Although the energy of the ghost system is richer than other places, I do n’t know how many times. The ghostly energy absorbed by the black stone pillars on the trial island is so rich.

In other words, the quantity is sufficient, but the quality is not enough.

As he walked up the mountainside, Aoki suddenly stopped.

Walking on the steps to the top of the mountain is indeed more comfortable and simpler, but there are so many people here, but they have not found the way to enter the inner area. Obviously, if you go further, you will not find anything.

Aoki ignored the steps and didn't enter the unknown area at random. He walked out of the mountain with Ghost Stone.

Walking on the soft grass and looking at some scattered tombstones, Aoki felt that the temperature here was a bit colder than on the steps.

"Ghost Stone, isn't there any feeling here?" Aoki asked, watching Ghost Stone next to him.

"Oh ~~" Ghost Stone shook his head.

"Then continue to look elsewhere, but the energy of the ghost system is more intense."

As a superpower, Aoki is still able to perceive the phantom energy in the air.

Instinct has a feeling of exclusion, but it does not prevent Aoki from continuing.

In those areas before, there are fewer people, but there are still a few that can be encountered, but after deepening again, almost no people can be seen.

Aoki's heart moved.

"Xiaomeng ~~" screamed softly into the air.

"Woo ~~" Hearing the call of Aoki, the dream demon in the shadow can't wait to emerge from the shadow.

When Aoki approached Sendai Mountain, the dream demon felt the change of the surrounding environment and wanted to appear directly.

However, considering that the fast dragon that had completely scared her before, the dream demon did not appear directly. After Aoki's call, he came to Aoki's side.

Looking at the dream demon wearing a soothing bell on her chest, Aoki smiled and touched her head.

Now the relationship between the dream monster and Aoki is very good, let her do some simple things, and will not refuse.

"Xiaomeng, do you perceive, is there a place where the ghost system is very strong?" Aoki asked.


The dream demon first froze for a moment, then closed his eyes and felt the surrounding environment.

Aoki didn't bother her, just let her feel quiet.

"Woo!" Suddenly, the dream demon opened his eyes and showed a happy expression.

Gone past in one direction.

Aoki did not hesitate to see the movement of the dream demon, and followed directly with the ghost stone.

Soon, at the speed of the dream demon, drifting for a minute, Zhihu came to the place where she felt.

However, it was not what Aoki thought. It was the entrance to the interior of Shenshan, but a relatively dark backlight.

A huge rock stands here, and the back of the rock has not been illuminated for a long time, so it is extremely cold.

The back of the rock was covered with wet moss.

What the ghosts perceive, the ghost-based energy, is indeed abundant here.

But this is only relative to other places.

"Woo?" The dream demon began to circle around Aoki.

Looking at the appearance of the dream demon's invitation, Aoki could only helplessly smiled and took out a few energy cubes to feed her.

I can only blame myself for not making it clear.

But just as Aoki was about to leave, a dark shadow suddenly appeared.

Both hands stretched forward naturally, with a red eyeball in the middle, and the whole body was gray.

Ye Yeling!

Appearing in such a place like this is really scary.

On the way before, Aoki had encountered ghost spirits, but most of them were some ghosts, night patrols, or shadow dolls. It was the first time I saw Ye Ling.

After being slightly startled, Su Yeling, who suddenly launched an attack on Aoki, was stopped by the ghost stone that followed Aoki.

The chip started directly, and scanned the data of this night night spirit.

Pokemon Night Spirit (Green)

Sex female

Level 37

Ghost System

Characteristic oppression

Carrying props

Genetic skills share pain and surprise

Basic skills: Shadow Fist, Foreseeing the Future, Fire Fist, Frozen Fist, Lightning Fist, Gravity, Tightening, Gaze, Night Golem, Immobilization, Fright, Penetration, Shadow Attack, Pursuit, Ghost Fire, Strange Light, Curse

Teach snoring, snatch, resentment

Skill learner

A night-time spirit with a level of 37 and a green qualification.

According to Aoki's understanding, the night patrol spirit will evolve into a night owl after the level reaches 37.

But Ye Yeling is not the ultimate evolutionary form of Ye Yeling. If Ye Ye Ling is lucky enough to get the cloth of the spirit world, he will evolve into a night spirit ~ ~ a very powerful ghost spirit.

It is also one of the elves of the ghost system that is good at physical attack and double defense.

The place where the dream demon found was rich in ghosts. Perhaps because of this, this night spirit can evolve.

Of course, it's also possible that this night spirit is living here, which has caused the ghost system to have some strong energy.

"Ghost Stone, swap the characteristics and use strong spirits! Ye Yeling is very slow. Keep away from him, don't fight close." Aoki's brain turned over Ye Yeling's data, and he turned on Ghost Stone. A combat order was issued.

"Oh!" Ghost Stone called, and opened his distance with the night spirit with speed.

Then use the property swap to complete the swap with the characteristics of the night spirit.


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