The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 544: Start event

I heard Aoki's words, and Aoki froze.

The dangers are great, but the benefits will also be great?

What does 意思 mean?

Ying Ying knew Aoki's doubts and continued, "Now the Rockets found a very hidden place. On the sea, the exploration ship accidentally entered. One is a shielded island with many wild elves. One has not been developed. May be the next trial island. "

Briefly explained the main content of this task to Aoki.

This time, it is considered to be a mission within the Rockets.

An unknown island that has never been discovered, and there are special barriers around it. I don't know how many years of resource accumulation.

How rich the resources are in the puppet, after any big power knows, they will be crazy.

And now the Rockets discovered it for the first time.

Of course, I want to complete the exploration of the island as soon as possible, collect some precious resources above, and then conquer a large number of highly qualified elves on it.

This kind of resource is enough for any one of the forces to get great development again.

If the Rockets can digest it all, maybe they can really get out of Kanto and Chengdu.

This is an island that the Alliance knows enough to attack with all its strength.

Why has the Alliance been looking for new regions over the years?

It is not because there may be a lot of resources in these undiscovered areas. While the alliance has invested in exploring and controlling the area, it has also benefited a lot from these areas. The feedback alliance can develop so quickly.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

No wonder the island that the Rockets found this time released this mission to the inside.

As for why no senior cadre took the shot directly, a little thought is also clear.

The strength of high-level cadres is definitely those who are at the level of Tianwang or above. These people are powerful, but entering the island does not mean that they will be safe.

Often in these undeveloped ancient islands, there will be one or even several King-level elves.

And these wild King-level elves, because there is no pressure to survive on the island, and the resources are not enough, the entire island is considered to be contributing to these King-level elves, and their strength is certainly not to be questioned.

Then the rush of these cadres may cause their strong resistance, or they may even join forces to attack the personnel entered by the Rockets.

底层 The members at the bottom not only lack identity and security, but also lack strength.

Puppets can only enter more as cannon fodder.

So the main purpose of this mission is the middle-level cadres in the Rockets, mainly concentrated at the level of the captain.

May involve prospective cadres, but estimates are limited.

According to Ying's words, the top elite in the captain should be the upper limit of this task.

All cadres can recommend two or three captains to enter. As the first group to enter the ancient island, when they explore the island roughly, and detect some powerful elves inside, all the gains of this mission, all Own it.

So Yingcai said that this mission is very dangerous because I do n’t know how many powerful elves and elite trainers there are, and it is also very unsafe after entering.

But it is also a huge opportunity. The island that has never been developed can get a lot of resources, which is very conducive to future development.

People at the rank of Captain within the entire Rocket team are crazy now, and they are looking for the cadres they trust to apply for the opportunity to enter this island.

As dangerous?

Compared with the inability to progress for a long time, this danger was directly ignored by them.

Opportunities are here, and we must seize them. Starting

But Aoki is not the same as those of the captains. He has excellent elf, rich elf knowledge, and is flourishing in Fuye Town. This is Aoki's potential and future guarantee.

There is not much need to visit this muddy water.

After Ying Ying told all the things, she waited for Aoki's answer.

As Aoki is the biggest nail that the Rockets have planted in the Fengyuan area today, its value is self-evident, so Ying has no intention of persuading Aoki, just let him make his own choice.

After all, even Sakaki has paid a little attention to the current Aoki, which is simply one of the three major cadres of the next generation.

After thinking for a while, Aoki, who was just about to decline, suddenly remembered a crucial event.

I said, "Okay! I'll go, when will I gather!"

I heard Aoki's answer, and Ying was a stunner, and he was ready for Aoki's refusal.

In view of Aoki's current development and potential, in fact, there is no need to visit this muddy water, but Sakagi personally named Aoki to give Aoki a chance to choose.

That's why I have this call.

"Are you sure you want to go? In fact, based on your current development situation, you don't need to visit this muddy water."

Wu Ying finally reminded Aoki, after all, Aoki is now completely tied to their little faction.

Moreover, Aoki still has the potential as a kind, and it is very likely to reach the existence of cadres in the future.

So Aoki is likely to add a very powerful living force to their faction in the future.

Of course, these other factions are also watching. Aoki's entry this time will not only face the wild elves in the island ~ ~ the captain who entered together with the Rockets, What he needs to pay attention to.

"OK!" Aoki answered more firmly!

Wu Ying no longer asks, since he has already made a decision, whether or not Aoki will fall in this incident, it has little to do with him.

Even if Aoki has great potential, it is still just an elite who has just entered the elite level. There is still a distance of ten thousand miles from the King of Heaven.

"Three days later, the dead leaves in the Kanto region were assembled in the Rocket base, and the elves and resources were ready. This time, it may take a while to go to the island." After Ying told Aoki time and address, he hung up phone.

Aoki was holding a cell phone and was totally out of control.

At this time, Aoki of the previous life did not participate in this matter, but this incident was firmly remembered by his previous life.

Because this incident can be said to be related to the future development of the Rockets.

Unknown ancient islands, the first batch of exploration, the survival rate is less than 30%.

Xun coincides perfectly with the incident.

The reason why Aoki originally wanted to refuse, but agreed so simply.

Because, this time on the ancient island, you will find something very rare.

Fantasy genes!

Yes, after the emergence of Chao Meng, this event is the beginning!

Ten more, fourth more! Ask for a monthly pass!

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