The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 546: Universe Invincible Super Elf Circle

VIP rooms in specialty restaurants in Miyazaki.

At the big round table, four people sat.

的 Regis, Hansong, and Qingfeng encountered on the Trial Island are sitting here, and the opposite of them is Aoki hidden under the black robe.

He originally thought that he was just meeting with Regis, but he did not expect that the other two were waiting for him here.

"It's been a long time, Aoki, old friends have met, you don't need to hide anything." Regis said with a smile.

Ao Aoki pulled down the black hood on his head, revealing his true face that had not been covered for a long time.

别 Don't say anything, there is a little handsome.

"I didn't expect all three of you here." Aoki said lightly.

Han Hansong was sitting on the left hand side of Regis, holding a book in his hand and reading with his head down, as if what they said had nothing to do with him.

Green Phoenix on the right-hand side of Regis was holding his head with one hand, looking at Aoki playfully, with a curious look.

What happened to Aoki recently, they all heard from Regis.

If it was said that Aoki was allowed to join their small circle on the trial island because he has a good potential, then Aoki can rely on his strength now.

How did a person develop without this background?

This makes Qingfeng very confused.

"Haha, of course it must be here, to know that this is the first gathering of all the invincible Super Elf Circles in our universe." Regis said with a smile.

Universe Invincible Super Elf Circle?

What is this ghost name?

When I heard this name, both Aoki and Qingfeng felt a little ashamed, but Han Song was calm and didn't say anything.

"This time we will all participate in this mission. If we can meet them inside, we can support each other. After all, there are a lot of people who go in. After all, there are not many people who shoot against us from different factions. Si didn't even notice how strange the name was.

But the name is a decoration. When talking about it, Aoki's expression became serious.

"Hard pine, give it to Aoki." Regis said to Han Song who was reading.

Xu Wenyan said that Han Song, who lowered her head, took out a booklet from under the book and pushed it to Aoki.

Han's eyes remained low, and for the first time he met Aoki.

Light blue, emotionless eyes.

Aoki picked up this booklet and glanced over it. Each page is about one person's information. Almost everyone has elite strength. As for whether there are hidden strengths, there is nothing in this booklet. Explain how much.

The first page of the booklet is a photo of Regis, Sao Bao and a less detailed introduction.

These materials were originally shared by several of them, so Regis's description of the internal people is not very detailed, but it can be regarded as a mind.

After all, this circle is now just verbal recognition, and has not done any substantial things or cooperation.

If the four of them are able to come out safely after the mission is over, and there is no attack or sneak attack on each other, then this circle will really be almost formed.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

A total of more than 30 pages of brochures, representing a total of more than 30 Rockets elite trainers participating in this mission.

不 There are some elites, or people who have been at the elite level for several years. Newcomers like Aoki can only be regarded as middle and lower levels.

A simple flip, Aoki closed the booklet and put it in storage space.

Looking up at Regis, Aoki's expression remained the same, and said, "Say, there's something else, I don't believe you asked me to say something like this. Although I have the average strength of Aoki, but live in this mission I still have the confidence to continue. "

Hearing Aoki asked bluntly, without any cornering.

Regis chuckled a moment before laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha, it is worthy of being a leader, and he is so confident in speaking."

He doesn't know Aoki's hole card, otherwise he may not have any doubts about Aoki's sufficient self-protection ability. First https: // https: //

"Simply put, the mission this time is to explore this ancient island, but more specifically, to explore an ancient relic in the middle of the island."

Regis continued, "Rocket scientists have calculated the machine's high-altitude scans and data simulations to calculate that there is an ancient relic in the middle, and what is in the relic is what the Rockets want need.

So the main purpose of our gathering this time is to be able to unite, find the most useful things in this relic, and then come out to get the resources we need most.

知道 I know that everyone is not short of resources right now, but that ’s just now. Will you be short of resources when you become a quasi-king and a king?

This is a great opportunity. As long as you can succeed, you may get enough resources to become the King of Heaven. "

Wu Qingfeng and Han Song also heard Regis for the first time about things in this task.

The three of them were lost in thought, but Aoki was a little more than they thought.

Why did Regis know such a hidden thing?

Han Hansong and Qing Feng are logically under the control of cadres. Even if Regis hadn't received such attention, there shouldn't be such a big gap.

And the two are also heavenly pride, why is it so obvious that they are willing to focus on Regis.

All this puzzled Aoki.

There are only two possibilities.

One is that Regis's strength is far stronger than the two, so that they can fully admire Regis in strength or cannot fight one.

Another is that Regis' identity is much larger than Aoki knew.

Although I'm not sure which one, Regis certainly doesn't have the appearance, so arrogant and arrogant. UU reading books

Maybe everything is in disguise.

Aoki left a little mind.

However, these things that Regis said can enable him to have a simple plan for what should be done, and if so, before entering the ancient island.

Profiles of all participants, information about ancient islands, etc.

All these things can tell how much Regis attaches to this operation.

Maybe he was just playing for the last final trial, but he was really involved in this task.

After sharing information with each other and leaving new contact information, Aoki left the private room.

"Hard pine, how about." After Aoki and Qingfeng both left, Regis and Hanson remained in the VIP room.

寒 At this time, Han Song did not read a book as before, but instead held a pen in his hand and wrote something crazy on the paper.

He didn't lift his head, and said two words lightly, "Yes."

If you look closely, you can see that what Hansong wrote is exactly some features and information of Aoki.

Based on Aoki's every move, I guessed his thoughts and strength, etc., many complicated things.

When I heard Han Song's words, Regis' mouth rose slightly, revealing a three-pointed evil smile.

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