The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 557: Mysterious elf

Taking advantage, after defeating more than a hundred kings and wheel balls, Rao is an Aoki spirit and feels a little tired.

Especially the scorpion-tailed scorpion, he was really fighting just now.

He smashed into the king of kings and became a killer.

He was originally attacked by the dull king. They were injured, and after being caught by the claw-tailed scorpion, the king's weakness was just a punch.

The sniper's characteristics are brought to the extreme.

Moreover, the powerful strength and thick armor of the claw-tailed scorpion also allowed him to avoid some counterattacks of the defiant king.

"Mosaic leaf, green grass field!" Aoki said to the flower leaf leaf standing in the chest pocket.

When it comes to Hua Yedi, the battle was very fun before.

Tong Ming was frightened to death and did not dare to look. She wrapped her eyes in her hands, but she was always curious to let go of her hands secretly, and then took a peek at the situation again to scare her into her hands. In short, it was very fun.

I saw that the battle was finally over, and Huayedi was relieved, and the hand holding the flower was gently waved, and the green grass glowed from the original grass.

I walked to the dull king on this grass, their physical and mental fatigue were greatly relieved.

I finally got a little rest, and Aoki began to think about why these kings suddenly stopped there and didn't dare to move forward again.

There is only one reason why wild elves can make such behaviors in the wild, and that is that this place belongs to a very powerful elf territory.

意识 The territorial consciousness of wild elves is very obvious.

Maybe the grassland that Aoki thinks is very peaceful is so peaceful because it belongs to a powerful but not very irritable elf.

However, for the evil spirits such as King Wang, the owner of this territory did not allow them to enter rashly.

After experiencing the lessons of blood generations that I do n’t know for many generations, the kings subconsciously had a strong fear of this place.

Even if the enemy is a dozen meters away, they are afraid to follow this default rule and dare not advance half a step.

What about this powerful elf?

Is it gone?

Or ... right here? !!

Aoki's heart was slightly tight.

He can scare the kings into such an elf, and his strength must be very powerful.

However, I thought that I was here for a whole day yesterday and today. If this powerful elf minds his existence, I am afraid that he will be killed or driven away in the first place. Now it does not appear Does the representative just look at the past?

Or, simply, this elf has not been here for a long time?

The fear of the kings is more a lesson of the blood that was left to them?

In short, now that Aoki is safe, the space that can be manipulated is also large.

I cleaned up all the kings on the ground. Those with enough levels or qualifications were pretty good. Aoki took the elven ball and put it away.

Anyway, these queen kings are still good.

更多 As for the more ill-ranked and inferior princes, Aoki directly cleaned them up.

He waited for a while to prepare another counterattack like this, maybe he could really clean up the entire group of King Wang.

Sure enough, after Aoki once again led out a larger group of 蜈蚣 kings, when he reached that line again, he stopped.

The next step is very simple. With the help of the leafy grass field, the elves are crazy.

Do not throw money on the faces of the kings.

More importantly, the number of layers of crow head overconfidence.

Although there are many layers of the Five Kings that can be introduced every time, after all, close combat is dangerous and it is easy to fall into the King of Kings.

However, even so, for the first time, the crow's head has stacked the layers of overconfidence to ten layers.

The crow's head that reached this level almost reached the level that God blocked and killed God, and Buddha blocked and killed Buddha.

I have been able to shuttle back and forth among the king's group, seven in and seven out, and no one can stop him.

The crow's head that has completely erupted should not be too scary, and it will become the elf with the most casualties in the team.

However, Aoki found that after the crow's head had over-confidence over ten layers, he once again defeated those kings who could have increased his layers, and could no longer give him any help.

"Does this mean that there are only ten layers at the highest level? Or is it that the levels of these kings are too low, and the number of opponents is required to be higher after ten layers?" Aoki looked at the buzzing crow head. , Secretly thought.

Even if the tenth floor is the highest number of crow heads, it can't hide the superiority of this feature.

Aoki feels that if the crow head has a single round of attack power, the average elves at the peak of the elite are just like this.

It is no wonder that the elites who have not reached the elite level, or the elite kings who have just entered the elite level cannot stop them.

There are more tadpoles this time than the last one. When the cleanup is over, there are more than 200 tadpoles lying on the ground.

All stood outside that line, and even if they were about to lose their combat ability, they did not move forward.

This made Aoki's curiosity about the elf more and more serious.

However, this time the King of Kings is obviously a little smarter, knowing that he can't run.

But in the face of the crow heads who have reached over ten levels of self-confidence ~ ~ their escape has only accelerated the speed of the crow heads to defeat them.

With such a large number of battles, the ranks of the craziest crow head and claw tail scorpion in the battle have been increased by one level.

The crow's head reached level 41, and the claw-tailed scorpion finally reached level 39. There is still an elite level from evolution, only a level difference!

Simply eat some energy cubes, and let the leafy pedicle heal using the grass field.

While the overconfidence layer of the crow's head was still present, Aoki took the elves into the King's forest again.

I was able to feel that the outer forest was densely populated.

In the same way as before, I cleared two groups of two Kings with a total of two hundred, and the levels of the elves were improved.

The dumb king successfully upgraded to level 43, and the most attacking Magallah and the fastest attacking Geng Gui also successfully upgraded to level 41.

I can say that it is a very big harvest.

I really couldn't think of it. I would find such a wonderful place to train the elves in this place.

After Aoki decided to introduce another group of Kings today, he will temporarily end today's battle.

After all, the elves are not machines. Even with the treatment of the flower leaf pedicle, the tendon will relax under long-term high pressure.


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