The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 559: Dragon God dives, 7th blue bird

The king of kings was less than ten meters away from Aoki. As long as a little time passed, she could successfully hit Aoki.

Hearing Aoki said to wait, the dull king didn't hesitate, and paused the instant movement.

As for the other elves, the heads of the crows stood in front of Aoki, and watched the King of Kings rushing forward.

But the 蜈蚣 king ignored them at all. When the shadows appeared on the ground, she turned quickly and was ready to escape.

I can feel the surrounding air flow gradually spiraling, and the dark shadow projected from the sky is getting smaller and smaller.

Slowly, Aoki looked up at the sky, and finally could see what kind of elves, which actually made the kings so scared.

I looked at the aggressive King Wang, who was just like a mouse now and wanted to escape furiously.

But the elf that fell quickly from the sky would obviously not give her this opportunity.

As the elf approached, a light blue film appeared on her body, and within a tenth of a second, the film condensed into a dragon image.

The Dragon God dives!

The dragon dragon moves, the dragon **** dives!

I looked at the wings that were originally soft and cloud-like. After being surrounded by this film, I showed a somewhat uncoordinated majestic momentum.

Yes, this elf is the dragon and the flying bird of Tanabata.

After the super-evolution, the star-studded blue bird that has both dragon and fairy.

As the Qixi Blue Bird approached, Aoki also got data about her and understood why this 蜈蚣 king was so afraid.

Pokemon: Tanabata Blue Bird (Teal)

Gender: Female

Level: Level 59

Attribute: Dragon + Flight

Features: Natural reply

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: high-speed movement, dragon **** dive, feather habitat, steel wings

Basic skills: Dragon's Breath, Divine Slam, Pecking, Pecking, Screaming, Fright, Singing, Slamming, Mysterious Guardian, Voice of Charm, White Fog, Wheel Singing, Grace of Nature, Banging, Renewal, Dragon of the Dance, Cotton Defense, Dragon Wave, Song of Doom, Power of the Moon

Teach skills: meteor cluster, inverse scale, hot wind, clear dense fog

Skill Learner: None

The superb qualifications of Wu Tian plus the level of 59 are precisely because of the existence of such a Qixi Jade Bird, which makes the King of Boss so scared.

This cyan star bird that has reached the peak of the quasi-sky king, even on this island, is definitely one of the more powerful elves!

看看 Look at her skills again. Dragon God dive, meteor group, inverse scale, dragon dance, these powerful dragon skills, she all learned and mastered.

According to the speed of Dragon God's dive she just released, she obviously has sufficient proficiency in these skills.

Seeing the appearance of the Tanabata Blue Bird, Aoki understood all the elves they were afraid of.

The Pterosaurs and the Tanabata Blue Birds of the flying system have natural restraint against the worms such as the Puppet King.

The dragon dragon spirits will more or less carry the majesty of a dragon spirit, and some dragon blood will flow in their bodies.

的 The richness of this bloodline is also related to the mastery of the dragons 'moves, or to the dragons' ability to learn some dragon skills.

The statue of Aoki is now the second echelon. The youngest is Kira. Among the skills he inherited, he has the two skills of inverse scale and dragon dance.

基 Is Kira the dragon spirit?


But there is definitely not a weak dragon blood in his body, maybe his father is a pure dragon spirit.

As for Aoki's flying mounts, tropical dragons are more of a kind of elves with dragon characters in their names, but the blood of the dragon system is not strong.

七 But the Qixi Festival Bluebird is different, this kind of elf is a real dragon elf.

Although not a pure dragon spirit, there are definitely a lot of dragon blood in this spirit.

Especially the one in front of her, her dragon talent is very strong.

With her current strength, some ordinary elves who have just entered the Heavenly King class are not necessarily her opponents.

梦幻 On Neverland, it is definitely a hegemonic existence.

Actually, Aoki didn't think wrong. The location where he teleported to this time is the territory of this Qixi Festival Bluebird.

The King Forest is just a relatively delicious hunting area under her leadership.

The grassland that Aoki has been carrying for the past two days is defined by the Qixi Festival Bluebird. This territory is in the center and her resting place.

After all, the king of kings still couldn't escape the attack of Qixi Blue Bird.

The dragon dragon's diving skills perfectly hit the dying king.

Boom! !! !!

The king who was just arrogant just now was pressed to the ground.

The King of Kings is much larger than the Qixi Bluebird, but in front of this Qixi Bluebird, it is more like a child.

From this, it can be seen that the level of strength is also the level of the quasi-sky king.

As the level increases and the strength increases, each difference between the elves will increase the gap.

Because each level takes time to accumulate.

However, the Dragon God's dive did not defeat the King of Kings, she struggled to stand up again, and finally roared.

I don't know if I'm begging for mercy from Qixi Jade Bird, or I'm calling her people to help.

But the power accumulated by Qixi Jade Bird is too serious, deeply rooted in the hearts of all 蜈蚣 Kings.

I watched as their leader was attacked, but they couldn't afford the courage to resist.

After Aoki destroyed a few 蜈蚣 王 大群 ~ ~ before they did not cross that line, they could see how far they were afraid of Qixi Blue Bird.

Qixi Bluebird's eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest, and flew into the air again.

This time it is no longer a dragon **** dive skill, but a crow head that is very familiar with the crow head!

The crow's head next to Aoki Aki watched the starling of the star festival star bird slamming, showing a surprised look.

He slammed on the bird from the star bird used by Qixi Festival, and saw what he usually lacks.

At least, Tanabata Jade Bird doesn't need to store energy for so long.

Boom! !!

In the roar of the King of Kings, Qixi Jade Bird blasted the divine bird on the King of Kings with no expression.

Don't look at Qixi Jade Bird looking weak, but it's really ruthless to get started.

The King of Kings was killed directly by the Qixi Jade Bird.

He slowly dropped from the air, stood on the body of the King King's leader, and glanced at the group of Kings far away.

As a regional lord, there is no doubt about it.

The kings were completely frightened, and suddenly they began to retreat.

For the killing of their leader, they really have no courage to resist.


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