The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 562: Method for improving the qualification of the scorpion tail scorpion

Qixi Bluebird originally saw two green cotton birds wanting to eat what Aoki gave, but wanted to stop, but after hesitating for a while, they didn't do that.

Because in her opinion, this taste ... well, it should be good.

After Aoki distributes all the elves to the barbecue, the elves are very happy.

Maybe for some elves, this amount is not enough for them to plug their teeth, such as by Kira.

But it's also good to be addicted first.

I will eat enough ore afterwards. Anyway, no one can grab his food now.

There is also a whole roast lamb on the barbecue rack. Aoki cut a front leg with a knife and put it in his bowl.

Then wrap all the remaining roasted meat with plastic paper.

Under the gaze of the Qixi Festival Bluebird, holding the roasted whole sheep, slowly walked to the Qixi Festival Bluebird.

The arrogant Tanabata Blue Bird does not squint, and is indifferent to what Aoki does.

She Qingmu had a smile on her face, and she didn't care if Qixi Bluebird cared, and put the roasted whole sheep in front of her.

He said, "Tanabata Blue Bird, thank you for your help today. This is a simple thank you."

After I finished speaking, looking at the Star Festival Bluebird who still had no action, Aoki smiled again and turned away.

Qixi Bluebird's throat wriggled a little, and it smelled a little unbearable, smelling the fragrance rushed from below.

Hmm, it's a bit fragrant.

Is it a bit shameless to eat food sent by others like this?

But he said it was thanks, I am the overlord here! He just saved him, was under my protection, and it ’s okay to eat a little of his food, right?

No, no, the shelf still has to be kept and stabilized!

I want to eat ... a bite?

Correct! Just take a bite! Try it! Give him some face!

what! So fragrant!

Aoki didn't know the inner activity of Qixi Bluebird, but he has been paying attention to the behavior of Qixi Bluebird.

After she took a bite, she never looked up.

"It's finally been a little better to have some relationship," Aoki thought secretly.

She returned to her place, settled for dinner, and looked back at Qixi Bluebird, and saw that she was holding a sheep rib and pecking at the person above.

Aya and Aoki stared at each other, and two white cheeks on the face of the Tanabata Bluebird appeared a little flush.

I was found awkward.

Hagi Aoki pretended not to see her, and went back to continue to deal with the leftover garbage, but the corners of his mouth rose up to a certain extent.

A powerful elf does not exclude others from approaching, this is not something that can be encountered at any time.

Especially on this island, the Qixi Festival Bluebirds are relatively strong. The relationship is good, maybe there will be some special care in the future.

之后 After dinner, Aoki did not deliberately approach the Starbucks again, but took the elves and began training on the grass.

Twenty-five little guys must also participate in the training together, so the two little green birds can only look around.

After looking at it, they felt that it was also quite fun.

Unfortunately I don't know how to join in, and I'm so embarrassed to go to Aoki. I can't help but fly to their mother's side, looking for comfort.

Originally, two little green cotton birds would be very happy next to their mother, but I do n’t know why. When they played together today, they always felt a little boring.

I finished training at night and Aoki took the elves into the tent.

特 This special tent is not only waterproof and insect-resistant, but also the space inside is much larger than before.

Although the elves live together, they are a bit crowded, but they really like to be crowded together, and they have a warm feeling.

Only by Kira and Cocodola, they were intentionally arranged in a corner of the tent and left to them.

It wasn't that they were rejected, but because their weights were a bit overwhelming. They were crowded together, and no elves could bear their weight for a long time.

Even though Kira and Cocodola were aggrieved, they understood their weight and did not complain.

Aoki closed her eyes and did not immediately go to sleep. Instead, she mobilized the chip to check the data about the elf qualification improvement that was obtained from the Rockets last time.

The tritium chip has been analyzed and stored.

Obviously the information given by the Rockets was specially processed, and some of the methods involved were effective for all elves.

He may be that this method is not perfect, or he may not want to be known by him.

However, Aoki speculates that the high probability is still because this method of effectively improving the qualifications for all elves cannot be really realized.

Then it's about the ways of raising the qualifications of individual elves.

青 A lot of things involved in it, Aoki has not even heard of the name, but according to the description of the materials, the Rockets still have a chance to find.

Explain that these ways to improve qualifications are unique to the Rockets.

It is more difficult to improve the qualifications of the elves like the flaming chicken, the crow head, and the dull king, because their evolution has been fixed.

According to the data, the best time for the elf's qualification improvement is either before the elf's birth or when the elf's evolution occurs.

But it's almost high for the naive chickens.

Even if the current materials are insufficient, no attempt can be made.

I was surprised that one of the elves' ascension methods entered Aoki's eyes, and he was still unable to move away.

Clamp tail scorpion!

Looking at the chips listed, the way the scorpion tail scorpion is upgraded.

The best way is to do something before or during evolution ~ ~ Qing Muzi carefully read this information from beginning to end.

Because the current level of the claw tail scorpion has reached level 39, as long as it is increased by one level, evolution can be completed, and it can also be upgraded to elite level.

"Is it a raising style?" After reading the information, Aoki thought silently.

Uh ...

the next day.

Aoki once again brought the elves into the realm of 蜈蚣 王.

After their leader was killed by the starfish in front of them, no matter how tempting Aoki was, they were not willing to step out of the forest.

And with the death of the leader, the leader in the 蜈蚣 king's territory was not directly identified.

He was a few kings who had a fairly good strength. They still attacked each other and wanted to determine a new leader.

This is not something that can be done in a single day or two.

If it is normal, nothing will happen if they continue to fight like this. It is entirely possible to wait until the new leader is selected and then multiply the attributable peoples.

As a worm-like spirit, has such confidence.

But now they need to face a powerful and very cunning enemy.


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