The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 790: Aoki VS Girona (Thank you Joker Seven Z for ...

The battle begins.

Aoki directly released all the super powers that he could release, connecting all the elves in his presence.

Now that Aoki commands a full-fighting battle, there is no longer any need for the help of the dull king.

The light rain in the sky gradually increased, and there was a tendency to become heavy rain.

Water elves often feel very comfortable at this time, such as giant marsh monsters, and for example, Minas and sea rabbits.

Of course, there are also some elves that don't feel well, such as a strong bite of a land shark

The elves moved under the command of their trainers.

The dull king suspended in mid-air, the superpower gradually diffused from his body, and the solid escape superpower actually caused the temporary stagnation of rain in the air.

It's like the dull king created a superpower territory of his own in the air.

Geng Gui slowly sank into the ground. Before going down, he showed a playful look, as if an opponent had prepared a particularly fun show.

The Dragon King Scorpion took the lead, and sharp and strong limbs ran across the ground, leaving holes of exactly the same depth.

The giant marsh monster's double fist racked his feet **** the ground and splashed a piece of mud. This is his favorite venue.

The pure white Lady Huajie looks brighter under the rain, and a white emerald green emerges from the white flowers, transforming her attributes into a grass.

The mosquito-repellent frog emperor is the lowest-level elf in Aoki's current field, and it is also a big breakthrough, but he has no fear, standing with his feet on the side of Aoki, his hands are flapping again and again. A strange dance, under this dance, the rain in the sky continues to grow.

And the water energy engulfed in the rain seemed to be controlled, and poured wildly into the bodies of the dull king and giant monster monster.

The elves of Aoki pulled out of formation at the first moment.

Girona's elves would not be stupid.

Girona doesn't have a telepathy like Aoki.

She is not good at full-scale battles, but the experienced combatants also directed the elves to open their formation.

The bite land shark is a quasi-god. Although he cannot use his own sandstorm because of the sudden rainfall, the sandstorm does not bring advantages to the other elves in the team. Instead, it can give Menas and the sea on rainy days. The rabbit beast brings a little good effect.

He reached the forefront and looked at the Dragon King Scorpion opposite.

Minas and the sea hare appear on both sides of the bite shark. This rainy day makes them feel more flexible.

Rosledo stood next to Girona, the flowers on her hands spread upwards, and roots appeared under her feet, slowly sinking into the ground.

Hua Yanguai couldn't see her expression clearly, but she could see her eyes faintly, and kept glancing on the ground, as if the child was looking for the existence of any shadow.

A strong momentum emerged from Lucario's body. Before the rain from the sky touched his body, it was swept away by this airflow. The hair on his body did not have any traces of wetness, and there was a wave on his forehead. The light blue energy is frantically condensing, the momentum on the body is becoming more and more obvious, and the airflow is getting stronger and stronger.

The manipulation of the power of the waveguide is as simple as blinking for Lucario, which is something he was born with, the same as his arm.



Under the command of both sides, the dragon king scorpion and the strong bite of the lurk shouted together, under their feet, rushing towards the opponent.

And their actions are like sounding the trumpets of the offense. The idiot king in the sky gathers the super powers that escaped around him, which is what he learned on the mysterious island, another way to use super powers.

First expand the super ability to the side and keep the children together, which is more conducive to the rapid release of skills.

The super power caught the rain falling in the air, and instantly turned into a water arrow. Under the control of the dull king, he immediately followed the dragon king scorpion and shot at the strong biting land shark.

Mrs. Hua Jie waved his hands in the air, the lilac mist spread directly on him, and the mist field unfolded directly!

The opponent has a quasi-upgrading dragon spirit such as the land shark, which must be suppressed by the misty field of the fairy series, otherwise the dragon king scorpion does not have much resistance.

After Mrs. Hua Jie opened the misty field, her hands continued to wave, and a patch of green grass appeared on the ground. The uneven branches were in various places in the field. These directions were in the order of Aoki. Laid out.

Later, Lady Huajie has many tasks to complete, add lucky spells to the elves, switch back and forth between the grass system and the fairy system, use energy **** to attack sea hares and bite land sharks, and switch the fairy system to control the mist field. The presence.

The giant marsh monster almost turned into a swimming fish in the rain. Even without the blessing of free swimming, his speed is very fast, and the fins on his tail have strengthened his speed.

Immediately after the Dragon King Scorpion rushed towards the strong biting land shark.

Huh! !! !!

The dragon king scorpion and the strong bite of the land shark met in the middle of the field, and one of the grass fields released by Mrs. Huajie met.

The severely biting land sharks with sickle-like hands collided with the dragon scorpion's pair of pliers fiercely, causing the rain water that had originally landed around them to be blown away by the air current generated by this collision.

The heads of the two elves were not far away, and they looked at each other with fierce eyes. In terms of strength, the Dragon King Scorpion was not afraid of anyone.

Under the control of the dull king, the water arrow that followed the dragon king scorpion hit the body of the biting land shark first.

The remaining ones were a beautiful turn of Minas, who was next to the biting land shark. The fan was the size of a fan, but the water flowing around the colorful tail hit it directly.

Directly scattered!

On the other side, the giant marsh monster that quickly rushed over in the rain and the accumulated water on the ground clenched its muscles, his muscles bulged, and the energy of the ground system and the fighting system converged on the fist, directly toward the head of the biting land shark. Smashing it fiercely, the fierce energy seemed not to worry at all that the bite Lu Sha was a powerful quasi-god.

The bite Lu Sha glanced at him without much attention.

Because he also has partners behind him.

The sea hare jumped up from the ground at once, and pressed toward the giant marsh monster. With the weight of the sea hare, it was enough for the giant marsh to eat a pot.

At the same time, Lucalio, who had reached the ultimate momentum, suddenly moved, leaving a shadow on the spot, like an afterimage left too fast.

His hands flung freely behind his back, and his legs ran on the mud, but no water was splashed on him.

Her target is Mrs. Huajie standing next to Aoki ~ ~ also the elf who threatens the battle the most.

But while Lucario was running, a ghost stared at him, slowly digging out of his shadow, holding two dark energy **** in his hands, laughing and going on his way. Calio smashed it.

But he hasn't smashed it yet, but he was met with a series of spiritual energy balls. When attacking Geng Gui, causing damage to him, he forced it out of the shadow, and a small ice appeared in the place where he was attacked. Slag.

The Huayan monster who has been searching for him has found Geng Gui who has been staring at him for a long time.

Because of the existence of the mosquito-repellent frog emperor, it means that Aoki lacks an elf.

Once the battle began, Aoki began to fall into the wind.


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