The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 810: Monopoly, Selling Elves

"Can anyone who has touched these elves and elven **** trust them?" Aoki looked at the elves on the shelf and asked the four standing behind him.

The four, Skye, Alec, Miyamoto, and Pirates of the Brigade, were all involved in the incident and were the main personnel responsible for it.

And those who go to various regions to buy Elves are also sent by them.

If those people's mouths are not tight, it will be more troublesome for the Aoki and Sky teams.

"Master, rest assured, those people were orphans who were taken in after we settled in Fuye Town. The roots were very clean and brainwashed by specialized personnel. Now the group of people are members of the dead team of the Sky team and there will be no betrayal. "Skye answered respectfully.

The other three did not speak.

For a strength to truly develop, the dying man who dares to die is definitely indispensable.

Hearing Skye said, Aoki was relieved.

Four of them are now responsible for the Sky team.

The disadvantage of many managers is that it is more complicated, and there must be some contradictions between members, and they cannot really get along with each other. The advantage is that the leader only needs to make a balance.

As the leader of a faction, what I am most afraid of is that the atmosphere of the people below is very good, so this leader will always worry about his position at all times.

Skye and others are also smart people, knowing that as the sky team grows bigger and bigger, their distance must be farther and farther. If they are as close and intimate as when the sky team was just created, then there is no need to ask more, wait until When the Sky Team really took shape, it was when they died.

Although the strength of the four is good, they also know that they are not the material of the leader, obediently complete their own tasks, follow the footsteps of Aoki, and their achievements will not be low in the future.

Aoki hadn't had much protection against them before, but now needs a little bit of help.

Although Aoki has always admired people like Sakaki and can use people to believe in people, but that is based on the premise of Sakagi's powerful to almost invincible strength, Aoki can not achieve such a degree.

So recently, after the chip was restored, Aoki let the Multilateral Beasts II leave some small things in their communication devices and electronic devices on their bodies.

This is just in case, Aoki's trust in them is still very high now.

However, this time involved so much money, people can't pack tickets because of their belly.

In fact, the four of Skye at this time, apart from knowing how much money they could make, was a little shocked, and did not raise any small thoughts.

They only thought of one thing, and that was ...

Aoki actually can lead so many big guys to know that the fairy genre is on the market. What place has it taken in the league?

A person who can also sit in a certain position in the Rockets and the league, not a few of them who have just reached the elite level of trainers can compete.

And in their opinion, many of Aoki's thoughts could not be seen through, and the mind was not at a level.

Be safe and do your own thing.

"Sir, do you want to sell these elves now? You really made an astronomical figure this time." Miyamoto seemed to be seeing money beckoning to him and couldn't help asking.

Aoki shook his head, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. "It is not the time yet, although nearly half of the entire market has been collected by us, there are still half in the market. Let those people digest the half first. These elves' It will only become more valuable and will not depreciate. "

What is the most effective way to make money?


If it can monopolize the entire market, then the price of these elves is Aoki.

Now the fairy genie in the market has been fired at sky-high prices, but it is not enough.

There is still room for improvement.

"But you ca n’t just put it all here, find a few reliable people, bring some with low qualifications first, earn yourself some working capital, and pay attention to doing things in a low-key way. If you are found, then Pull the Rockets' name, don't let people notice that it is our rich sky team, the sales place is ... first choose a few small towns in the Kanto area. "Aoki said.

Putting all these elves here is also a large amount of food consumption, so selling those low-quality elves first can also make a lot of money and alleviate economic pressure.


The four were uncontrollably excited.

Even the robbers can see the excitement in her eyes.

Originally, she followed Aoki to create a hunting group. She thought it was making money, but now it seems that it is basically a trail. No wonder Aoki did not catch elves later.

In fact, she didn't expect that Aoki didn't want to catch, but she didn't have time at all.

As for the appearance of the Fairy Department, this means of making money was also Aoki's sudden whimsy.

"Even if the elf can't sell it, don't expose yourself, take this as the first criterion, let those dead people go, and if they are caught, let them understand what they want to do." When talking about this, Aoki eyes No trace of emotion.

As the leader of an underground force, it is inevitable that some people will be sacrificed.

Aoki has already done this realization.

Suddenly in the hearts of the four, they immediately respectfully replied, "Yes!"

The elves here have been specially classified for a long time. Among them, the less qualified ones are on a shelf ~ ~ This is the most, and the more qualified ones are on the middle shelf. These numbers are also good. And those with higher qualifications are at the bottom and the least.

These highly qualified elves, Aoki are not ready to sell or use them, but want to use their ability to cultivate home to create several breeding areas for these elves.

After his professional challenge and survival of the fittest, the elves will become more and more outstanding.

Then Aoki and Sky have a steady stream of income.

Maybe at that time, after the strength of the sky team comes up, Aoki will be able to participate in the elf sales in this industry, but this is violent, when the time will be able to focus on high-quality high-quality fairy genie.

And the first wave of money this time, Aoki is going to use to buy some good-quality elf for the sky team, mainly meerkat chop and bucket mushroom, these two elves work together very well.

Maybe these two elves will become the logo of the Sky Team in the future.

With Aoki's order, the entire Sky team began to act.

In fact, many people do n’t know what the Sky Team is busy at present, because Aoki let Skye and others divide everyone into groups, and each group only needs to complete some of their own tasks, knowing that the fairies are purchased Humans, there are only those dead men and a few high-level people who have direct contact with these elves.

Those who are responsible for carrying are only carrying, those who are responsible for collecting money are only responsible for collecting money, those who are responsible for selling the elves are only responsible for negotiating the price, and those who are responsible for security are only responsible for alerting security and fighting.

The division of labor among individuals is clear, which can not only increase confidentiality, but also increase efficiency.


Ten more and fifth more! Guaranteed monthly pass! For 万, where to run, eat 俺, chase a fat stick, nine million rewards plus 5/9!

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