The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 828: Earth Mask and Crimson Rock

Aoki repaired in Futaba again for half a month, waiting for the Sky Team to collect everything he needed.

Half a month is definitely not enough for the original Sky team.

But now it has become a major force in Zijing City, and the group it faces is different.

Although it will take a long time for the Sky Team to fully receive the things from Zijing City, what Aoki needs is still first.

In addition, some people in the league also helped Aoki collect these materials, so the results were very fast.

Coco-dola, Mohair, and Baby Dragon's qualification potions have been made from aquamarine in this half month.

Although the materials are complicated, Nai He now has a larger network of relationships.

The most difficult material to find in Cocodola's qualification potion was in Ogo's house, and Aoki bought it directly from him.

Mohaima's most difficult material to find is with the help of Mikli. Their Liulidao Museum also has a long history in Fengyuan area. Some precious water-based materials are easier to find than Aoki.

A material for the baby dragon qualification medicine is even more precious, but Aoki obtained it through Genji Heavenly King, and now it has been produced.

The precious part of these qualification potions was obtained through the hands of friends, and the relatively common materials among them were vigorously sought by the Sky Team, and it was not difficult to find them.

At present, only two of the main ingredients of Kira's and Lizhuang chicken's qualification potions are relatively precious. The Sky Team searched for more than half a month and could not find them.

Dawu, they just heard that it was more difficult to find it all at once.

You need a material called "The Earth's Membrane" for Kila's Qualified Medicament, and a material called "Crimson Rock" for the Powerful Chicken.

These two things are relatively rare, and some people have not even heard of them.

Think of the last time when the medicine for the preparation of Numa Yueyu's qualifications was made, a material that Aoki had found for a long time, it turned out to be the tears of Minas.

It's not difficult to get things, but sometimes the names are a bit ridiculous, so it's troublesome to find.

Fortunately, Aoki's chip has now been upgraded. At this time, there are still many multilateral animals collecting information on the network, and the database of the chip is constantly being improved.

And the qualification medicine originally originated from Liu Shenggang's computer database, but also from the breeder's guild.

The chip finally analyzed what the two materials might be, and where to find him.

The first target of the chip is the volcano. The most central and highest chimney mountain in Fengyuan area may have the material he is looking for.

Before Aoki and Ogo went on an adventure to Chimney Hill, they only visited a small part of it.

Because of the emergence of the lava team, it was quickly interrupted. Finally, a captain-level figure of the lava team was arrested, which was regarded as a contribution.

According to the chip analysis, if you want to find those two things, you may really need to touch the top of the mountain, so this time Aoki may spend a long time on it.

Since the chip analyzes that the largest place to find those two things is on Chimney Hill, then Aoki can only find one.

Also take the elves to fight and experience.

As long as the level improvement of the elves can be controlled, it doesn't matter if they are summoned by Kira to fight.

Aoki had already sorted things out half a month ago.

For the last one, the material of the baby dragon qualification medicine was sent by Yuanzhi. Although it just arrived today, it took Aoki three hours to make it.

Without too much hesitation and waiting, the time spent in Fuye Town this time is really long enough.

Aoki summoned the desert dragonfly directly, jumped onto his back and flew towards Chimney Hill.

This time Aoki brought all his own elves, because he was going to go directly to the mysterious island at sea after finding the two materials, and build his secret elven cultivation base first. Now, this matter It can't be dragged anymore.

That is to say, this time stayed in the town of Futaba, Aoki himself could take care of all the elves, so he did not rush.

Otherwise, things are already ready.

Quietly left without attracting anyone's attention.

Of course, the closest place to Chimney Hill on Fuye Town is to go to Luyin Town.

But if you walk in Luyin Town, there will be too many people. Aoki doesn't like so many people. Even after going up the mountain, people will decrease a lot. Aoki doesn't like it very much.

And this time he is not going to start up the mountain from the foot of the mountain, at least starting from the mountainside, to suit Aoki's current level of elves.

After entering the quasi-sky class, the desert dragonfly flew a lot faster, flying from Fuye Town to the mountainside of Chimney Mountain in just a few hours.

When landing from the air, the elves on the mountain felt the momentum of the desert dragonfly and fled immediately.

Now the desert dragonfly's self-confidence is back, and there is no longer the miserable look that was so violent before, and finally it has been restored to the appearance of the dragon spirit.

Even the Tanabata Bluebird, who recently broke through to the Heavenly King class, no longer satirizes him when he saw the desert dragonfly, and expressed his joy at his progress.

After entering the Heavenly King class, the star festival not only did not show any arrogance and look down on Aoki and his elves, and even a better attitude towards Aoki.

Now it has been able to execute the combat orders commanded by Aoki to a certain extent, which is a very good progress.

There is a dream demon.

At this point, the dream demon has been training for several months ~ ~ Aoki's tailored training method has gradually developed the dream demon's elf's ability and fighting method.

And because the dream demon has been wearing a soothing bell, the intimacy with Aoki has already reached its peak, and he will not violate the order of Aoki.

The only drawback may be that it is not an elf that Aoki grew up with.

But in fact, there is not much difference, because the original dream of the demon is very simple, not much different from the newborn elf, and there is no original way of fighting, not even knowing what the fight is, both Aoki trained and directed it a little bit.

Therefore, as long as the dream demon is fully familiar with the way of fighting from Aoki and establishes a sufficient understanding with Aoki, she is an elf of Aoki.

A king-level elf.

Counting the Tanabata Jade Birds, there are two Celestial Elves.

Although it may be nothing in the Uranus level, at least Aoki now faces some people who are new to the Uranus level and not without any resistance.


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Dark Rise of the Elves

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