The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 837: Desert space

Finally arrived at the opposite side of the magma and came to the cave mouth.

The cave is a little smaller than Aoki imagined.

It's just enough for a fire rock rat to pass, but if Aoki wants to pass, it will be more troublesome.

Just when Aoki wanted to reach out to find out what was inside the cave, the five letters on his right hand suddenly flashed.

A line of words emerged in Aoki's brain.

"There is a strange space here?" Aoki said to himself, seeing the line.

That being said, the place where the Fire Rock Rat drilled in before was actually not a cave that appeared on the surface, but entered a strange space?

A strange space inside Chimney Hill?

And from the meaning of the unknown totems, this should be either a different space or an independent space, which is somewhat similar to the inner area of ​​Sendai Mountain.

A ... generally not accessible and accessible.

Aoki stretched out her right hand again, and touched the wall in front of her. As the letters on her wrists lighted up, she didn't feel any obstruction, and went straight through.

With the left hand, without any energy mobilization, it feels like a hard rock.

There is really a bit of strange space in this elf world.

You can come across one everywhere.

Without much hesitation, Aoki decided to take the elf in and take a look. If it was only a small place, just walk around and go out. Maybe what he was looking for was in it.

But if it's a big place, you might find something else.

Maybe there are many precious resources inside.

Now that he has decided, he will put it into action. Even if he just goes in and catches a few Fire Rock Rats, Aoki feels that he has made money.

As for how the Fire Rock Rat passed through this film, Aoki didn't know. Maybe because he was the elf inside, he could go back after he came out.

Because the small cave that Aoki saw before, you can see your head at a glance, obviously it is not a real cave.

Today, I caught a platypus beast with a flame body and a good hand to cultivate elven eggs. If Aoki wants to mate an excellent Royal Sanjia elves, this fire rock rat is also a good target.

Although the final evolution of the Fire Rock Rat is not very conspicuous among all the Yusanjia Elves, and the Yusanjia Elves in the area do not have many characteristics, but after all, the Yusanjia Elves are not.

Don't look down on him too much.

With the elves, under the control of the unknown totems, Aoki went straight into this strange space.

It was like walking through a layer of waterless film. When I opened my eyes again, I saw the endless desert and some rocky mountains.

There is no sign of any green plants.

The whole is a desert space.

Either this space is originally a barren look, or this space is actually intact, but it has not been in contact with the outside world for a long time, resulting in this space becoming like this.

In fact, Aoki tends to second.

Otherwise, no elves will build a place specifically for the desert. Even the elves living in the desert need water.

Aoki estimates that the most lacking in this space is water.

Let the dull king leave superpower coordinates in this place, then lift his foot and walk towards the desert.

When I stand here, I feel that this is actually a world, because I do n’t see any boundaries at first glance. Even if he just came in, Aoki did n’t see anything substantial. The help is probably not going back.

There are deserts all around. Only when you look in front can you see some rock piles of different sizes, including some sand piles.

I do n’t know exactly how wide this space is, and Aoki did n’t want to explore too much. If I caught a few fire rock rats, it would be enough.

Footprints of the Fire Rock Rat can be seen on the sand, and the elf ran out from here.

But when Aoki looked at the fire rock rat's footprints, he found some other footprints.

Human footprints?

Aoki froze when he saw these somewhat fuzzy footprints.

There are human footprints here?

And judging from the number of these footprints and the size of the footprints, it can be discerned that the number is still quite large.

Has anyone come in here?

And it's not very long!

There is no wind in it, not even the sun, and the sand will not float randomly. The footprints left here can be maintained for a period of time.

However, after all, it is a sandy area. It is possible to feel these footprints with a little movement around. It is like when the Fire Rock Rat runs, many of these footprints are erased.

The texture of human shoes can be easily recognized, and because of this, they are a little fuzzy and can be recognized.

If it had been a weird space where no one had been here for a long time, Aoki would not be much interested, because it was all sand.

But now there are still other people's footprints, and there are still a lot of people, then there must be something in this place.

Gradually raised interest.

"Chip, scan these footprints, record them, and analyze the specific situation." Aoki ordered the chip.

"The analysis is completed. According to the existing well-preserved footprints, it is about ten or more people." The chip quickly obtained the results.

Hearing the analysis of the chip, Aoki's eyes narrowed slightly.

More than ten people can appear in this place and have the ability to enter this strange space. Only Lava can be associated with Aoki.

The headquarters of the lava team is not far from Chimney Hill. The alliance does not know it, but Aoki still knows it, but it is not yet time to force the lava team to be born.

But they seem to be unable to hold back their loneliness, they always want to do something to show their existence.

"Did ... this strange space has something to do with Gulado?" Aoki thought of it subconsciously.

If the Lava team can send so many people, if it is not as idiot as the last time they met, then it may really have something to do with Guladuo.

Aoki has to admit ~ ~ his interest is gradually aroused.

In the past, there was insufficient strength, and some things were afraid to touch, but with the improvement of strength, Aoki also began to be bold, and for the Lava team, he did not have the awe of the Rockets.

Because the leader of the lava team Chiyanmatsu is not as arrogant as Sakagi. Although it is too powerful for Aoki, there is no such irresistible idea.

Sakagi's strength is somewhat deep into Aoki's bone marrow.

The person who can compete with the super-dream of positive state for a period of time is definitely the world's top power, and Chiyanmatsu is at most the level of the Four Heavenly Kings. Even if it is stronger than the Four Heavenly Kings, it will not be much stronger.

The most important thing is that the current red flame pine is not yet the future leader of the lava team. The current lava team is only in the accumulation of power and dare not appear.

"It's a bit interesting, but let's find out if there is a lair of the Fire Rock Rat here." Aoki said to himself, squinting his eyes.


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