The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 842: Creation Elf, Muddy Giant

No wonder the Lava team is here.

This is simply the sacred place of the lava team.

In ancient times, a group of people worshiped Gurado, and perhaps even served Gurado.

Such a group of humans in ancient times are the predecessors of the lava team, I believe that will leave a lot of useful things to the lava team.

However, from the smell of the air, it has been sealed here for a while, and the entire building may have decayed. If you enter, you need to be careful.

Aoki let the dull king leave a superpower coordinate here, which can be evacuated at any time.

Then slowly walked towards the ruins.


The idiot king suddenly covered Aoki with his super powers, and then retreated madly.

As for the Dragon King Scorpion, they showed a defensive look.

Aoki's face was surprised. He was also a superpower and felt something, but it was not as fast as the dull king's screening.


The ground underneath his feet suddenly shattered, and gravel spattered.

The Dragon King Scorpion crushed all the large rubbles one by one, and Kira and Kodola also controlled their own energy to crush the rocks close to themselves.

Some smaller stones hit Kodola and Yukira, and they did not affect them too much, leaving no trace on them.

Just a few muffled sounds.

Dragon King Scorpion They backed up to Aoki and saw what it was.

A giant stood up and made of stones.

"Is this ... a mud puppet giant?" Aoki called the elf's name after seeing the culprit responsible for the damage.

Mud giants and mud puppets can be said to have been created by humans, the first kind of elves.

It is a human being created by ancient humans who combined all their wisdom.

It can be seen that, in fact, humans in ancient times were not inferior to humans today, and may even be smarter.

With just some stones and a strange special symbol, it is possible to create a self-conscious elf.

There is even the ability to self-evolve.

At first, humans only created the clay puppet, but when the strength of the clay puppet gradually became stronger, his body could no longer withstand the changes brought about by the increase in his strength, so he evolved and became a clay puppet. giant.

The clay puppet is an elf created by ancient humans imitating the rock **** column. It may be an accident, or it may be the crystallization of their wisdom. Such an elf appears anyway.

They will be true to the command of the master, just like the Three Gods Pillar.

The appearance of this mud puppet giant may be because Aoki rushed into the place he was guarding, triggering the alarm he had set.

Pokemon: Muddy Giant (Light Cyan)

Gender: No gender

Level: 55

Attribute: Ground + Ghost

Characteristics: Tekken

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: None

Basic skills: heavy collision, 100,000 horsepower, slapping, scaring, rounding, mud throwing, rolling, shadow fist, iron wall, lame, million tons of boxing, magnitude, burst fist, night shadow, curse. earthquake

Teaching Skills: Fire Fist, Thunder Fist, Frozen Fist, Force of the Earth, Drain Fist

Skill Learner: None

A clay puppet giant with quasi-sky strength, a housekeeping artifact.

Seeing the data of this mud puppet giant, Aoki couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

As long as this kind of elves can be tamed, it is simply the most perfect housekeeping artifact.

Without the Three Gods Housekeeping, it's nice to have a simplified version of the housekeeping.

But now the symbol of the eye on his head has turned red, and he needs to be defeated before he can subdue him.

Aoki summoned Kodola and Yukira to the side, the dragon king scorpion, the crow head and the dull king participated in the battle!

Elves such as the Muddy Giant are actually capable of flying, and the speed of flying is not low.

It's a bit like a Transformer. When flying, both legs can be taken into the body, and the waist will become an entire ejector. In flight, both hands can move, but if you want to speed up, your hands can also become two small jets. Device.

Have to admire the magical capabilities of ancient humans.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The mud puppet giant stepped on the ground and made a muffled sound, and the sound was getting faster and faster, rushing directly towards them.


The Dragon King Scorpion rushed straight towards the Muddy Giant without any hesitation.

The two-meter-eight clay doll giant is taller than the dragon king scorpion.

Suddenly there were six black energy **** around the dumb king, and then the shape of these fist-sized black superpower energy **** changed, and turned into a sharp arrow, shooting at the Muddy Giant.

The wings of the crow's head cave, I don't know how long there were two small airflows in the cave without air circulation, and then these airflows enveloped themselves and the running dragon king scorpion, making the two elves feel the speed light.

Rush straight up, wing up, straight to the top.

When the Muddy Giant was running, flames appeared on his fists, and the Dragon King Scorpion showed no sign of weakness. The double clamps wrapped around his teeth and also brought flames.

Collision of flame teeth and flame fist!


The moment the fists and pliers met fiercely, a loud noise came out.

The dust on the ground was blown up.

In the center where the Dragon King Scorpion fought with the Muddy Giant, some cracks appeared on the ground ~ ~ The power of the two elves is comparable!

But before the mud puppet giant launched another attack, the mutant spirit of the dumb king arrived.

Directly hit the mud puppet giant's head.

The strange rune that made the mud puppet giant glowed with yellow light flashed, as if there was some stutter.

Seizing the opportunity, the strength of the double pliers of the dragon king scorpion suddenly increased, and the mud puppet giant was lifted directly.

A huge target appeared, and the crow's head, which had begun to accumulate power, rushed towards the mud puppet giant, wearing a blue flame coat on his body.


Fly directly!

The mud puppet giant rolled on the ground a few times and lay on the ground, looking as though it had lost its ability to move.

However, Aoki did not stop the elves from attacking. The spirit of the idiot king, the evil wave of the crow head, and the shadow ball of the dragon king scorpion all blasted towards the mud puppet giant.

After attacking for a minute, the elves stopped moving.

At this time, the mud puppet giants really lost their fighting ability.

Otherwise, just the attack of the previous round is not enough to defeat the Muddy Giant.

The elves, such as the mud puppet giants, are the spirits of the ground system and the ghost system. In the face of some special spirits, the resistance is still good.

There are three properties that can be immune, general, fighting and electric, four times more resistant to poisonous, and twice more resistant to rock and insects.

But it is also twice restrained by the ghost, water, grass, ice, and evil.

The mud puppet giant fell to the ground, and the yellow rune on his body gradually dimmed, losing his fighting ability.


Ten more and seventh more! Ten more for monthly tickets! For the second leader of Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow, I will add 1/8! The second alliance reward is eight million rewards, and hibiscus should remember correctly.

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