The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 876: Appraisal

Seeing that the ball was pushed over, the appraised person did not have any expression.

Auction appraisal began a few days ago, and almost a third of them came to appraise the elves.

Elven auctions are normal for auctions of this size.

But there are very few elves that can pass the identification, after all, not everyone can get enough qualified elves.

Put the elven ball directly on the nearby instrument.

This instrument can roughly identify the qualifications and grades of the elves.

If the rough qualifications or levels meet the requirements, then further testing can be performed to determine the value of the elves.

Even some rare elf will not be sent to the auction if their qualifications or levels do not meet the requirements.

After pressing the scan button, for three seconds, the rough results were quickly available.

After seeing the results, the appraiser's face changed for thousands of years.

"Please wait a moment, this elf needs our supervisor to confirm." After apologizing to Aoki, he disappeared directly into the room.

Aoki didn't wait for a long time. After a minute, the next door opened and a middle-aged man wearing a Rockets outfit came out, followed by the former appraisal staff.

With a smile that looked harmless to humans and animals, after a few rude words, Aoki was invited to the VIP room inside.

"Sir, are you sure you want to auction this elf?" The middle-aged asked with a smile.

Nonsense, what am I doing without the auction?

Aoki's heart was a little speechless.

But still nodded gently, "Yeah."

The elf contained in this elf ball is exactly the Aoki death coffin that Aoki previously defeated in the secret realm of Chimney Mountain!

So after seeing the rough scan results, the determined personnel called the supervisor directly in shock.

This is a Tenno-level elf, so I wo n’t talk about him. He can reach the Tenno-level elf. The qualification is at least top-level, that is, light cyan and above.

So many auctions have been held, and there are many auctions of Zhuntian-level elves. It's really rare that the elves of heaven-level can be auctioned.

But I don't know why, there are still many people who have brought out this level of elves this time, and there are many auctions of the king-level elves in this auction, which can be regarded as a new climax.

Everyone knows that elves are difficult to train, especially the level that broke from the quasi-king to the king level, and it is the card owner who does not know how many people.

If anyone can buy this elf, and then tame it, even if they are facing the masters of the Heavenly King class, they will no longer have the right to speak.

Although it was not possible to make that trainer a true Uranus level, it was at least a half Uranus level.

Not everyone like Aoki insists on using the elves that they have cultivated, or there are still a large number of people who are willing to buy already-formed elves, eliminating the time and resources that are wasted in the middle.

The same is true of Aoki in previous lives.

That is to say, the fetters and tacit understanding with the elves are the most important in this life, so this choice was abandoned.

These staff also have great respect for Aoki.

After all, the person who can bring out the Uranus-level elves for auction, at least behind him is a person who can defeat the Uranus-level elves, or this person can defeat the Uranus-level elves themselves.

In any case, it is not something they can afford.

"Also these are all auctioned together." A strange voice came out of Aoki's black robe.

A few more elven **** were launched again, which contained the quasi-permanent death coffin that was captured together at that time, and the crystal lantern fire spirit of the quasi-permanent peak strength.

After a little inspection of the Pokemon, the person in charge smiled and put them away.

Then he took a token out of his pocket.

"Sir, this is your seat number for this auction. You also know that all the private rooms have been reserved from the beginning, but there are still a lot of seats in the seat. You can go to the site to visit the elves you provide. Auction. "Said the middle-aged.

Aoki nodded and took the token.

The Rockets' auctions are the same every year. In addition to the private rooms, the most advanced is the saloon with the best view on the second floor. As the first floor is not as dense and relatively spacious.

Aoki also knows that he can't get a private room yet, so as to say that all private rooms are fixed.

Whoever believes his ghost words is the second sister-in-law.

It's just that what I show is not enough to let myself enter the private room.

The death coffin is an elf that has just entered the Uranus level. If you come up with a real, old Uranus elf to auction it, they will not let them enter the private room.

The people who can take out this kind of elves are at least the level of the Rockets' four generals and three cadres, and it is almost the same for the four generals to come out and respond.

But there is nothing to say, anyway, whether it is a private room or an elegant seat, as long as the last thing can sell for a high price, that's enough.

"Yes, and these things, I'm too lazy to run around, you see if you can't accept them here."

Speaking of which, Aoki took out several boxes from the storage space, which were filled with pearls and large pearls obtained from pearl oysters, and two were packed in special small boxes.

One of them contained the pearl of the Utopia-grade pearl oyster and the pearls obtained from the five quasi-king-grade pearl oysters.

There is also a large box containing a full box of poisonous needles, each of which has a different quality and is obtained from a thousand needle fish.

Aoki also wants to see if there are some things that can be bought at the auction, of course, some funds need to be prepared.

Although the Fairy Department made a lot of money before it came out, but after all, it also cost a lot.

If you encounter some of the more expensive ones, you really can't afford them.

"Here ... this is the pearl produced by pearl oyster. The largest one, isn't it made by Utopia-class pearl oyster?"

As the person in charge of the appraisal, of course, he still had a little eyesight. He recognized the box of pearls at a glance, and the biggest one really scared him.

It is really difficult for pearl elves to grow to the rank of King of Heaven.

Before the evolution, there was not much fighting power in itself. Many times it was the prey target of other elves. Even if someone wanted to cultivate pearl oysters, it was very difficult.

How difficult is it to cultivate a pearl oyster that doesn't have much fighting power to the Uranus level?

Then let alone the wild, it is simply impossible.

Then the value of this pearl ...

And in addition to these, there is also a case of poisonous needles.

The Rockets have a great career, but there are many people. The poisonous needle, a very cost-effective prop, was already very popular. No one took out a box at a time, and there were at least three or four hundred.

Encountered big households!

The middle-aged person in charge suddenly burst into a chrysanthemum-like smile.

"That ... sir, would you like to apply for a small one? Maybe you can still apply for a private room now?"

If you owe as much as you want on your face ~ ~ A person who can own a Uranus-like pearl oyster and make such a large pearl, he does n’t know how much power is behind him How to guess.

Anyway, he has been responsible for the Rockets auction for so many years, let alone outside, even the Rockets themselves have not appeared in this level of pearl.

Of course, there is no one to eat this kind of elves and such extravagant things.


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