The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 881: Super Speed ​​Mini Dragon

After the elven egg of Leo Lu finished shooting, he announced that the auction was coming to an end.

Although the beginning of the epilogue is not very good.

However, when it was the turn of the three grand finals, everyone sat upright, struck up their spirits, and was not affected by the "pit man" elf egg just now.

Seeing this scene, the host standing on the stage was also slightly relieved.

As long as there are no problems in the last three auctions, or as long as the last item is not affected, she will not be blamed.

The private rooms here, but most of them are for the last thing.

That is, she did not have enough money, otherwise she would definitely buy it.

When she first saw this thing, as a member of the Rockets, she wanted to escape with the thing, and then left the Rockets.

But that thing was taken care of too tightly, and even she couldn't reach it.

Except for the cadres here, everyone has no access.

"Let's take a look at our penultimate shot, what exactly is it!" The hostess came down the whole field, and still has such a great passion at this time, it is really not easy.

The cart was pushed up again, but this time the cart was no longer those maids in good clothes, but one by one in the Rockets uniform.

It shows how much the Rockets attach great importance to this thing.

After removing the hijab above, it was found another elven egg.

But this elven egg is not broken, it is a complete elven egg.

"Presumably many people know that when our Rockets started to promote this auction, the final shot was this elven egg. Later, two things were added to directly count down the finale we prepared. the third!

But don't underestimate our elven egg.

Because it is a quasi-god egg!

A hacker dragon's elven egg, the ultimate evolution type is the Quasi-God of the Kanto region! Everyone must be familiar, right?

And the qualification of this fairy egg has reached the top level, if you don't want to miss it, please prepare your own purse!

The base price is 100 million Union Coins, and the price increase must not be less than 2 million each time!

Now the auction starts! "

Quasi-god elf, fast dragon elf egg!

Aoki started the chip and scanned the elven egg.

Pokemon: Mini Dragon (Cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: Level 1

Attribute: Dragon

Characteristics: Molt

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Dragon's Breath, Dragon's Dance, Quickness, Wave of Water

Basic skills: tight binding, staring

Teaching Skills: None

Skill Learner: None

Originally seeing cyan qualifications, Aoki also felt average and didn't have much interest.

But when he saw her genetic skills, her subconscious eyes narrowed.

The two skills of Dragon Breath and Dragon Dance can be seen that the dragon blood of this mini-dragon is definitely very strong, and what Aoki cares about is that fast skill.

Aoki still remembers that Dr. Oki's fast dragon is so powerful not only because of his qualifications and levels, but the speedy skill is very critical.

The ability to inherit this fast speed means that one of the parents of this mini dragon is definitely very powerful.

Because there are no weak fast dragons.

Even if the qualifications are slightly worse, it can't prevent them from being strong.

So even if the mini dragon's qualification is only cyan, as long as it is willing to invest in resources and evolve into a fast dragon, its qualification can definitely be improved.

Just like Aoki, there are things like qualification potions that can be used to improve the qualifications of the elves.

In this elf world, it's not just Aoki that can elevate the elf's qualifications.

Like the Dawu family, there are special means to improve the qualifications of the steel elves.

The Royal Dragon family also definitely has the means to improve the qualifications of dragon spirits.

Do not underestimate these families that have been passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years, and their heritage is not conceivable by ordinary people.

"By the way, before you bid, let me remind you a little bit, lest you don't really realize the value of this mini dragon.

After a long period of testing by our rocket team experts and precision instruments, the genetic skills of this mini-dragon were determined to be: Dragon's Breath, Dragon's Dance, Water's Wave and ... "

The hostess still had a smile on her face, and she uttered these four skills in an unhurried manner.

When it comes to Dragon Breath and Dragon Dance, there are many people who are interested. When it comes to the speedy skill, everyone who knows this skill has an expression similar to that of Aoki before.

"200 million!"

A voice sounded from the saloon not far from Aoki.

Directly, it doubled the low price and knocked down the people below, and there was a short silence in the entire auction venue.

After everyone responded, it didn't matter what it was and started bidding.

This price has soared at a rate that Aoki never talked about.

It quickly exceeded one billion.

For ordinary quasi-god spirits, one billion is a stage. When listening to these bidders, Aoki didn't mean to intervene.

Anyway, I can't afford it, even if I made a lot of money at this auction, but it's too far away for those who are really rich.

If others don't know the speedy skill, maybe they have a chance to fight for it, but obviously the Rockets will not waste this opportunity to make money.

After more than one billion, the voices of many people have calmed down, only from the seats on the saloon and in the private rooms, the voice of bargaining is heard from time to time.

The reason for this is to see what kind of elves can use this skill.

Of all the elves, only the fast dragon family can inherit the fast skills in the genetic skills.

And the elves who can learn the fast skills by upgrading, crack the empty seat! Deochisis! Polski! Arceus! Kegeld and more.

Of course, the elven eggs of Leo Road, which Aoki just bought, will also have a chance to learn this skill when the Lukario level reaches 65.

It can be seen how rare this skill is.

And the super fast skills are also very powerful in actual combat.

As a first-level god, the split-seat seat is his favorite skill. Even after returning to the original form, his speed is still his favorite skill.

Because it's fast!

Fast to the extreme!

"Two billion!" In the private room upstairs, a female voice came out suddenly, shouting the price of two billion.

Hearing this voice, Aoki could not help frowning.

This sound is a bit familiar, as if I heard it somewhere.

"Two billion and ten million! Is the Yulong family actually so interested in dragon spirits?" Another voice sounded quickly after the two billion fell, without much hesitation, even directly pointing out the bidder. name.

In this kind of auction, it is a taboo to call out the power or name of someone else ~ ~.

But apparently this person dared to shout the name of the Yulong family and was not afraid.

"2.1 billion! Hum! Those who hide their heads, dare to say your name!" The female voice sounded again.

Hearing that person's ascension, Aoki only reacted. Who is this female voice? It was the cousin Yulongchun who had battled with herself in the God Olympiad.

"2.11 billion! Then I dare not, the Yulong family is so famous, I can't afford to offend it." The man's voice was teased, and there was a hint of taunt, as if he was talking about The Royal Dragon family does not look at it.


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