The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 885: Sky-high price!


One of the three divine birds, the flame bird!

Aoki stared tightly at the fairy ball on the table, the fairy ball no more than half a meter away from Apollo.

I did not expect that the Rockets actually prepared such a big move, no wonder this time there are so many big guys.

Even if it is a quasi-god, or a super-speed mini-dragon, you must give way to this elf.

The flaming bird is called a third-level god, but don't underestimate such elves because of this title.

Although in terms of racial value, the flame bird's racial value is not as good as the quasi-god spirit.

It's just that the elves are not simply measurable.

Aoki admitted that he was scared.

The Rockets are doing it!

No wonder Apollo, who wanted the four generals, had to bring things up in person.

Aoki's startup chip scanned the data of the elves in this elven ball.

Pokemon: Flamingo (Light Blue)

Gender: No gender

Level: 58

Attribute: Fire + Flight

Characteristics: oppression

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: None

Basic skills: wing attack, spark, flame vortex, high speed movement, hold on, primitive force, jet flame, mysterious guardian, air station, sunny day

Teaching skills: downwind, hot wind, snoring, sharpening, slamming birds, clearing dense fog

Skill Learner: None

A flaming bird with quasi-sky strength!

No wonder I was caught.

I don't know if this elf was arrested.

Also willing to put it up for auction.

"It seems that these people are all for this flame bird." Aoki slowly returned to his place.

Surprised and surprised, in fact, Aoki did not really have much interest in this flaming bird.

Strong return to strong, but this flame bird is also considered semi-formed, and it is more difficult to train next.

There is no detailed training method, but it takes a little exploration, and it will take too much time.

And from the current situation, it is estimated that the value of this flame bird will not be low.

There should already be many people flexing their muscles.

This is not a priestly flame bird. Although the qualification has reached light blue, for Aoki, it may still be to cultivate his Shakira or other elves, which is a bit more valuable.

Just go to the theater.

This is typical of not eating grapes and saying sour grapes.

"I believe what Elven Flamingo is, don't I need to explain too much?

This flaming bird was captured in the crater of an active volcano, and only he was an elf, so don't worry about it will involve the real **** animal flamingo! "

Apollo held the microphone and spoke aloud about these things.

There are still some in the world of flaming birds, just like frozen birds and lightning birds. Occasionally, you can see them in the elf world.

It is not only the Guandu area, but the whole world is likely to see them.

And there are many people who use this kind of beast spirit.

For example, the leader of the battle factory, Dara, has a frozen bird, and the Fengyuan regional alliance search officer, Miss Joey who issued the task to Aoki, also has a frozen bird in his hand.

As for those who have flame birds or lightning birds.

How these are not clear, but there are definitely some people.

"And the qualification of this Flamingo has been checked and calculated by our Rockets. It has exceeded the top qualification and reached the level of championship qualification. You can rest assured that the auction!

As long as it is properly cultivated, it may be a champion elf! "

Apollo spoke about the qualifications of the Flamingo.

Light blue!

Light blue is the Rockets' commonly used championship qualification, which means that only when the Elves reach light blue can they impact the championship.

Therefore, everyone in the elf world calls this qualified elf a champion qualification!

Then the Rockets displayed a series of data such as qualifications, elf status information, and a series of data on the large central screen, allowing everyone to rest assured.

"The bottom price is one billion, and the price increase must not be less than 10 million each time!"

"Now! The auction starts!"

The reserve price is one billion!

Simply astronomical.

But I always feel that this billion is worth the three words of the flame bird.

While most people are still lamenting this reserve price, the big brothers have already started bidding.

Came here for this flaming bird, otherwise what do you do?

Soy sauce or mud?

"1.5 billion!" People who spoke directly added 500 million, and the rate of increase in price was the fastest in this auction.

"Two billion!"

The second time went directly to two billion, and the openings were all big guys in the box.

At this time, even the people sitting in the saloon area, most of them can only look at the lively.

Look at how rich people in this world are.

"2.5 billion!"

The third offer!

Aoki sat calmly in the chair, as if those openings had nothing to do with herself.

The value of this flame bird cannot be estimated.

If there is really an auction with relatively few rich people, maybe three billion is the sky, but now this annual large-scale auction, there are so many people who came to this elf at first This price depends on the strength of the big brothers.

There is no one measure that can be measured.

The previous mini dragon elven egg, although rare, has a standard of measurement, but this flame bird does not.

Soon the price soared to three billion.

But it still didn't stop.

As if the big men around the world gathered.

There are really too many rich people in the elf world, and rich people will become richer and richer because they have a solid foundation and strong strength.

"five billion!"

After the price reached the crazy price of 5 billion, the auction speed gradually slowed down.

This price is not a small number.

Aoki feels that if he can have these five billion, he doesn't have to think about making money. With this money, he can reach the level of the Four Heavenly Kings.

He can use these resources most efficiently, and many people can't use all the resources on the blade like he does.

The final competition was very fierce, and many people even tore their faces.

The names of some forces were directly called out.

The Yulong family had known before.

To Aoki's surprise, the Zvolch family actually sent someone.

I just do n’t know if Ogo came together, but I do n’t think so, otherwise Ogo is the most suitable task, not Aoki.

There are other organizations besides this.

For example, the largest consortium in the Kanto region, Silver Company.

Silver Company is a leader in manufacturing technology in the elf world. The most commonly used elven ball is made by Silver Company.

Their financial resources are in no way inferior to the Zvolch family.

There are also many families with great strengths and details.

In the end, what Aoki didn't expect is that the flame bird that was auctioned was not the Silver Company and the Zvucci family, nor was it the Royal Dragon family.

It's the Belleridge family from the Shen'ao area ~ ~ A family with a history of two hundred years. Although the family members do not have very powerful trainers, the main members of the family are all in the field of elf research. Famous scholar.

The people in their family are brain-geniuses.

The family relationship not only covers the entire Shen'ao region, but also other regions.

And the final transaction price of this Flamingo was "5.5 billion!"

A sky-high number.

May have exceeded the value of this elf.

But as long as it can be auctioned down, its research value should not be underestimated.

You know, the Belleridge family is a family with a target of a split seat!


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Dark Rise of the Elves

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