The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 888: Ban Mu Pu Lu


"But we can't just confuse the league like this, let them get something valuable again.

Well, you tell the league the base of the Rockets Rockets, and at the same time I will let people put some special research in it, which is a bit of gain for the league. "

Sakagi said lightly.

But Aoki, who heard his words, froze.

It's completely unnecessary.

It's enough to disclose it to the Alliance Vladari Institute. There is no need to waste another Rocket Base in Buffalo.

Such a base is also a huge loss for the Rockets.

"Are you now the senior search officer in the league? According to your growth rate, it should be almost reaching the peak of Zhun Tianwang now."

Sakagi did not explain anything to Aoki, but instead talked about Aoki's strength.


"That being the case, then this Rocket base will be used as a gift to the league. It will make your identity more stable in the league. No one will doubt your identity again. Even if you have some enemies inside the Rockets, Don't worry about them going to sue the league.

And, since you are now a senior search officer, there is still room for improvement in the future. Although the Rockets are shrinking, their strength is still there. I hope you can take the position of the Four Heavenly Kings in Fengyuan. Sakagi explained why.

This is all paving the way for Aoki.

This time Aoki explained the mission given to him by the alliance, which meant to show loyalty to the Rockets. Sakagi did show it.

Not only that, Sakaki still had his own calculations.

In addition, Aoki's strength has grown rapidly, and he has established a foothold in the league.

Sakagi also knows about the Olympic Games.

What Aoki needs most now is not resources, nor rare elves, but stable development time.

Sakagi sacrificed a Rocket base in exchange for the Four Heavenly Kings in a future-rich area. At the same time, it may be an important nail for the Rockets to settle in Fengyuan.

From this point of view, of course, it is a bit of a loss, but in the long run, Sakagi is investing in advance and making arrangements in advance.

This big picture is worthy of being able to develop the Rockets into the most powerful underground organization in the elven world.

At the same time, Aoki's heart was slightly surprised.

His usefulness is still very large. Sakagi is willing to invest in a rocket base for himself, so when he is useless, or if a more useful person appears, is he likely to become a victim?

However, with Sakaki's personality charm and style of doing things, presumably not to that extent.

This time, if you tell the league the base of the Rockets Rockets, then even if someone with the Rockets stands up and says they are undercover of the Rockets, the Alliance will not believe it anymore.

Unless Sakigi personally stands up and says.

Or Aoki himself chose to reveal his identity.

The completion of this task will also bring great benefits to myself. For the future impact on the position of the Four Heavenly Kings, I will lay down some achievements in advance.

"Well, let's do this for the time being. You will contact me directly in the future and I will let Ying tell you my number."

After speaking, Sakagi hung up the phone.

There was a message in the communicator, a string of digits, this is Sakagi's communication number!

Can directly contact Sakagi!

There are not many people in the Rockets who can directly contact Sakagi. Even some ordinary cadres do not necessarily have Sakagi's communication number. From this we can see that Aoki is now truly recognized by Sakagi. Becoming a cadre is not a problem.

In the underground base of the Changpan Rockets in the Kanto region, he threw the communicator to Ying Sakaki, sat on the boss's chair, and gently stroked the cat boss lying next to him with one hand.

Hideki Sakaki's postal number was sent to Aoki through a message.

Aoki now belongs directly to Sakaki.

However, he didn't feel much. He was an investment in Aoki. Now that the investment is about to see results, he is actually slightly happy inside.

It just doesn't show up.

Sakagi took a deep look at the eyeshadow, as if seeing through his heart.

"Dark, now go ahead and notify the person in charge of the base of the pale yellow city. Some important people can retreat first, and then move some biological research data and results in the past, and give the alliance a little something."

The base in Buffalo City can be paid to the Alliance, but the main things and key people must be retreated first.

They can only see what they want to show them.

"Yes!" A voice came out of the corner behind Sakagi, and then disappeared.

Sakagi looked at the movie and said with a smile, "What? Do you have any ideas?"

"Boss, aren't you worried that this person will not be able to control it at that time? His mind is not small." Ying hesitated, still asking.

Although Aoki would definitely belong to his own faction if he could become a cadre, he would first be the deputy leader of the shadow group directly under Sakagi, and then the cadre of the Rockets, so think of everything from the perspective of Sakagi.

"He won't." The smile on Sakagi's face was even worse, with strong confidence.

"Although this little ambition is not small, he is really a smart guy who knows what he wants, and these things can only be given to him by the Rockets. Besides, as long as I don't fall, he has no possibility of betrayal."

This is Sakagi's confidence.

Be here! The Rockets are here!

Without the Rockets, the Rockets are useless.

Hearing Sakagi's words, he nodded, expressing understanding.


Aoki let the dull king remove the super power shield.

Sitting on the edge of the bed lost in thought.

"This time is just the cause. Last time they turned their faces on Regal Island with Regis. Sakagi did not say that it seems to be catching up.

It seems that some sounds inside the Rockets are beginning to make Sakagi dislike it. "

Aoki thought to himself, the corners of his mouth kept rising.

While the Rockets have not yet suffered a major blow, they can still help themselves to sit in the Four Heavenly Kings position.

As for the future ...

What's going to happen to the Rockets in the future, then it's impossible to say. It's the most important thing to improve your own strength first.

After thinking about some of these issues, Aoki disappeared into the room with the dull king.

When he reappeared, he was already in the search officer's base.

"Master!" Seeing Aoki appearing out of nowhere ~ ~ the search officers inside the base immediately stood up and shouted.

Today Aoki has given them the task, and they have already completed it.

Judging from the task, I don't know what the purpose is.

It's just that Aoki is the boss, and they don't know what Aoki's plan is, they can only follow the command line strictly.

The senior search officer is very high-end at first.


Aoki patted his palm, signaled that he had something to say.

"Record it, Royal Dragon Family, Silver Company, Devon Company, Belleridge Family ..." All seven families or companies were reported all at once.

Halfway through the record, the search officers stopped to look at Aoki.

These forces are big brothers.

What is this to do?


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