The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 893: Bratano and the ferry

After entering the Bratano Institute, I saw some sophisticated instruments and several staff members.

Not a lot of staff, all busy with their own business.

After seeing Aoki coming in, only one person came up after being busy with the things at hand.

Aoki didn't walk around standing in the same place, and he was also wearing the clothes of the search officer, so the attitude of those who came up was still good.

"I don't know what the investigator can do for you?" The researcher with thick spectacles looked like a nerd.

Aoki nodded and motioned slightly, asking, "Is Mr Bratano in?"

The researcher had a strange expression on his face, but still said, "Here, inside, I'll take you in."

Seeing the expression on his face, Aoki was also curious.

What does this expression mean?

With a touch of smile and a touch of distress?

Without questioning, followed him to a special reception room inside, opened the door and shouted, "Mr. Bratano, another search officer is here."

Another one?

After speaking, he made an inviting gesture to Aoki, and then left alone.

There are many things to be busy.

"Who is it?" Bratano's voice sounded.

When I saw Aoki at the door, I suddenly looked surprised, "Aoki !? Why are you here?"

"Aoki?" Another voice came from hearing Bratano's words.

"Du?" Aoki heard the voice and recognized who it was.

It's exactly what I haven't seen in a while.

Immediately smiled and said to Bratano, "Mr. Bratano, excuse me, I just came to the Carlos area and saw your research institute when I was walking down the street and wanted to come in and see.

"Hahaha, okay! Welcome!" Then, greeted Aoki in.

Seeing that he was sitting on the sofa inside, he looked towards the door.

It was that red-hair soaring hair, who had been wearing a cloak to dress coolly.

"Du!" Aoki nodded and smiled at To, and then sat on the sofa next to him.

Wata stretched out his fist, and Aoki took a moment's notice, reacted immediately, and bumped into his fist.

"Aoki, I heard that what you did in the Guandu area is good!" Du said.

The trading conference held by the Rockets in the Guandu area was originally the most suitable candidate for this investigation task, but he was delayed by an important task in the Carlos area, so he could not rush back.

He also understood the deep meaning of the alliance's senior executives seeking Aoki for help.

This may seem like an investigation of the Rockets, but it is also a test of Aoki.

Although Du is still a little dissatisfied with Guandu Union for doing such a thing, he is still only a senior search officer, even if Guandu Union cultivates him, there is nothing to say for the time being.

Now knowing what Aoki did from inside the search officer, he applauded Aoki secretly in the Carlos area.

And that light yellow city's Rocket base was confirmed.

The Alliance sent a large army to clean up this base. At the same time, they also shot King Kikuko to participate in this mission. Although it was eventually run by several senior Rockets, the result was quite good.

Cleared a base of the Rockets, and also got some information that the Rockets are studying things.

Although the league attached great importance, it was also relieved.

Not afraid of what the Rockets are doing, they are not sure what the Rockets are doing.

However, Aoki justified his name. Since then, no one in the Guandu League has doubts about Aoki's identity.

Now Aoki is lurking in the alliance, and not many people know it. Some high-level executives who were originally known have been notified by Sakagi. Those ordinary members who have been known have already been sent to some marginal areas, which will not bring Aoki What impact.

After hearing Du's words, Aoki shook his head and said, "It's not a big deal."

Bratano, who was walking behind Aoki, was a little curious about what they said.

After seeing his doubts, Du told him a little about what Aoki did.

After understanding the reason, Bratano thumbed up at Aoki.

"It seems like this is not the only thing. I heard that Aoki is also a elf researcher now, and we will be with each other in the future." Blatano said again.

"Oh?" Ferry's turn showed a curious expression this time.

For the elf to study these things, he still didn't know much about Bratano.

Then Bratano talked about what Dr. Oki announced for Aoki, how the dumb king and the mosquito-repellent frog emperor evolved, and so on.

In other words, you can't publish the matter of the fairy series, otherwise it is estimated that Aoki's name will make up Bratano.

Hearing that the two were taking turns bragging about themselves, even Aoki's old face was slightly blushed.

Do n’t do this, just mention it a little, if you boast, I really want to blush.

A tree in my heart is gone. If I go on like this, I can't plant it.

At this time, Aoki's name was a bit valuable in the entire league.

Coupled with the personality of Adams in the Fengyuan area, other areas now do not openly challenge Aoki or do not give Aoki's face.

Otherwise Adams will be short.

"Yes, Du, what are you doing here?" Aoki remembered after a while, what was Du doing here?

When I heard this question from Aoki, Dudu suddenly showed a helpless expression and patted his forehead. "Originally, the task was completed and you can go back. Later, you didn't investigate what the Vladari Institute and Rockets had Relationship? So the league asked me to stay and investigate again. "

After saying this, I suddenly added another sentence, "No, this trouble you brought to you and me, but you have to help me investigate together."

I have been in the Carlos area for a long time, and although there is not much discomfort, I still feel homesick after all.

Aoki did not transfer this sentence, "I've blocked that troublesome task for the Rockets, so you just sneak in, a Vladari Institute."

I didn't know what to say all at once.

Indeed, in terms of mission difficulty, investigating the Rockets is much simpler than investigating the Fradari Institute.

When Bratano heard the words of the two men, he suddenly looked restless.

Aoki noticed a change in his look ~ ~ and asked, "Mr. Bratano, what do you want to say?"

"I have known Vladari a long time ago. He is a very gentle and kind person. He is very talented and he really likes to help those poor people. I just do n’t know why. Since the beginning of this time, It doesn't show up in the public eye very much, and it stops helping the poor people. "Blatano said.

Hearing his words reminded Aoki what kind of person Vladali was.

Ben is also a person who struggles and works for the benefit of the elf world and is helpful, especially those who are poor.

It's just that when you help someone for a long time, they will get used to your help, and they will make some excessive demands.

They also learned to blame, and once they stop helping, they may even hate you for taking everything for granted.

After Vladali experienced such incidents many times, he gradually thought that there was too much pollution in this world, and it needed to be clear, as long as a few high-quality people were left.

Then came the Flash Flames.


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