The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 905: Super flame chicken!

"Flame chicken, adjust the state in ten minutes, we test a new thing." Aoki said to the flame chicken.

"Scared!" Flame Chicken nodded.

Immediately closed his eyes and sat on the ground with his knees crossed.

The rest of the elves also stopped what happened.

It always feels that some of the more critical things are about to happen.

Aoki also sat down with her knees crossed, adjusting her condition to the best.

Super evolution not only has requirements for the physical state of the elf, but also has great requirements for the trainer.

In theory, the average trainer should only be able to maintain one sprite for superevolution.

However, there are also some trainers who are relatively strong in their physical fitness and can maintain the super evolution of two or more elves.

What specific superevolution needs to consume, Aoki has never been superevolved. I don't know what superevolution depends on.

"Huh ~~" a long breath.

After adjusting for a while, Aoki slowly stood up.

He didn't consume too much today, just playing with Lalulas for a while with super powers.

It was the flaming chicken, and it took a while to open its eyes.

"How? If you haven't adjusted it yet, you can adjust it for a while." Aoki asked.

"Scared!" The Flaming Chicken shook his head and slowly stood up.

Aoki didn't say anything after seeing the flame chicken was sure there was no problem.

"You should have seen the state of Qixi Bluebird at the time, and we will try it today."

Aoki said, and took out the superevolutionary stone from Limone.

The Flaming Chicken took over the super-evolutionary stone that Aoki brought. This super-evolutionary stone he had seen before, but didn't feel anything when he saw it before, but now he has a strange feeling in his hand.

As if this stone existed for him.

"Carefully feel the change in energy in the stone, and so on, there may be some phenomena."

Aoki didn't know the specific phenomenon.

This is his second attempt at super-evolution. The previous Qixi Jade Bird super-evolution was the first time, but unfortunately failed.

Seeing the flaming chicken staring at the stone in his hand tightly, Aoki took out his own keystone.

Now he has only one keystone in his hand, but according to Aoki's assumption, one keystone can only open one superevolutionary stone. Once it is successfully opened, it will be bound and it will not be possible to open other superevolutionary stones.

So if Aoki wants to super-evolve other elves, then they need to start collecting some keystones.

"Are you ready?" Aoki asked.

"Scared!" The flame chicken heard Aoki's problem, squeezed his palm tightly, held the superevolutionary stone tightly in his hand, and nodded firmly to Aoki.

He foresaw something magical would happen today.

Aoki focused his attention on the keystone in his hands, and the superpower unconsciously extended into the stone.

"Super evolution! Flame chicken!"

As a first try, you still have to roar to show your momentum.

As Aoki fired the keystone, all the feathers on the Flaming Chicken fluffed up, as if there was a stream of air spreading from the superevolutionary stone on the palm.

The Flaming Chicken looked shocked, looking at the palm of its hand holding the Super Evolution Stone.

A wave of energy that had never been touched poured out of the stone, digging into his body through the palm of his hand.

Inexplicably, the energy in the body is working crazy.

A small ray of flame radiates from the flaming chicken, and then the flame gradually grows, like a row of eggs.

From the palm of the hand, a small ball with no real object appeared slowly, and then the ball gradually became larger, covering the flame chicken all in.

After the flame from the flame chicken touched the ball, the whole ball became a red and yellow staggered color.

In the middle of the ball, just above the palm of the Flaming Chicken, a special symbol belonging to super evolution appeared.

The body of the flame chicken has also changed.

The white feathers that originally drooped their heads began to rush toward the sky. The white feathers on the chest originally looked a little messy, and at this time they gradually turned into a small armor.

The red on the body gradually faded, leaving only a few on the stomach, and finally all condensed on the feet, and the places where the red disappeared became black.

The flame-like flames on the body moved around the body and finally stopped at the bandage on the wrist.

"Scared !!!!!!"

The flame chicken put his hands in front of him in front of him, and then swung it violently to both sides, all the strange spheres around the body disappeared.

All changes in the body have stabilized

The four flame ribbons on the wrist fluttered without wind, and the expression of the flame chicken looked more serious and aggressive.

Aoki's feeling is also amazing.

Through the keystone in my hand, I feel like I am completely connected with the flame chicken.

Is this the power of fetters?

Looked at his palm, if it was not changed, Aoki would think that there was a flame on his palm, just like the flame chicken.

No wonder the average person can only control one elf for super-evolution.

Maintaining super-evolution not only consumes the physical power of the elves, but also the mental power of the trainers.

After only a short while, Aoki clearly felt the dissipation of his mental strength.

Fortunately, I am a superpower, and I can persist for a long time.

At the same time, the flaming chicken standing opposite Aoki recovered from the super-evolutionary shock and looked down at his own body.

After the power emerging from the super-evolving stone enters the body, it seems as if he can feel what Aoki has invested in himself, which is attention, expectation, and bondage!

Clenching his hands slowly, I felt that there was an endless force all over my body.


His legs slammed into the air, and his hands waved in the air, driving a mass of flames.

No skills are used.

Just swing your hands arbitrarily, and you can see the flames waving with your fists.

The air seemed to be burned.


The Flaming Chicken landed on one knee.

It felt like he could jump more than twice as often as he wanted.

It should not be called a flame chicken at this time, it should be called a super flame chicken!

Aoki also recovered from her own changes, and was very satisfied to see the super-flaming chicken.

Is this super evolution?

Magical power!

"Flaming chicken! Use the flame kick against the woods over there!" Aoki said slightly excitedly.

After the super evolution, his emotions seemed to be infected by the Flaming Chicken, and he could feel the changes in his emotions and mentality at this time.

It was said that the flame chicken strove **** one leg and lifted a large piece of dirt on the ground.

Rushing towards the woods.

After running halfway, I suddenly stopped on one foot ~ ~ A gorgeous turn and turned, the other foot kicked towards the air.

boom! !! !!

A large number of high-temperature flames spewed from the kicked foot, and a golden flame could be seen in the innermost part of the flame.

The flame jet lasted for three seconds!

When the flames on the feet dissipated, the changes in the forest made Aoki and the other elves watching it start to look horrified.

A small forest was burned almost half in just three seconds!

Instead of igniting, it burned directly, all the leaves disappeared, and the trunk became carbon-like!

The high-temperature flame directly carbonized the trees near the flame chicken, and the leaves in the distance were lit!

First attack after super evolution!

Brings a strong visual shock!


Fifth more! Add 8/13 to the second leader of joker7Z! Ask for a monthly pass!

Super-evolved, super-evolved, no chapters today!

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