The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 907: Sword Dance Flame Chicken

Take a night off.

The next day I went to the Biyidao Pavilion on the mountain of Biyi City.

In front of that huge tree.

After passing the notice from the staff in the museum, Aoki met the owner of the Biyidao Museum at this time.

An old man in a gardener's costume pressed a large pair of scissors and a watering can.

A kind smile on his face.

It is the owner of Biyi Road Museum, Biye.

An old man who is a strong man.

When he saw the old man, Aoki politely said, "Fu, I'm really sorry, I'm disturbed."

Fuye smiled still, squinted his hands, looked at Aoki, and then looked at the flaming chicken beside him, and knew what Aoki's purpose was this time.

But didn't say much, let Aoki follow him directly into the big tree, that is, in the pavilion.

Entering the Dao Pavilion, you can feel that the Biyi Dao Pavilion and this ancient tree have been completely combined.

"Brother Aoki is from Fuye Town, Fengyuan District." Fuye walked in front and said.

Aoki, who followed him, replied, "Yes, this time I came to the Carlos area for the sake of experience. Before I came to Biyi City, my flame chicken had just completed the evolution, so I wanted to challenge the temple."

Aoki didn't hide anything, and bringing the Flaming Chicken to his side directly expressed his purpose.

At this time, the momentum of the flame chicken was not completely stable. With the age and experience of Fuye, it can definitely be seen.

As an older trainer, I have met some of the younger generations in the league, and I am definitely willing to help.

At this time, Fuye put the scissors in his eyes, hands behind his back, and slowly walked inwardly. Hearing Aoki's words, he couldn't help but nodded and said, "OK ~ OK ~"

As an old man who has been with plants for a lifetime, and has carried out his career as a gardener, he has long regarded himself as an old tree that is about to die. Whenever he encounters a fairly good seedling, he is willing to help one.

Besides, Aoki is one of those seedlings that grows very well.

But Aoki's visit this time is not just to challenge the museum.

As a person who knows plants well, Fuye has his unique insights on how to cultivate plants and how to cultivate grass-based elves.

As a person who has an island to cultivate, Aoki still has a lot of things to ask for.

But the first thing to do now is to start the battle.

This is a secret Daotang battle, in addition to Aoki and Fuye, there is only one Daoguan referee.

At the same time, this is also the first time that the Flaming Chicken has evolved after fighting. Regarding this, both Aoki and Flaming Chicken pay more attention to it.

"Since you want to exercise your Flaming Chicken, then my first elf is him." Fuye stood on his side and threw a ball of elf with a smile.

This battle is a three-elves battle.

Aoki, the rule of the Dojo War, is also the owner of the Dojo Hall, so it goes without saying.

Saying it was a Daokan challenge, in fact, Fuya was completing Aoki to help him exercise his Flaming Chicken.

The elven ball was dropped in the field and a large flower appeared.

Aoki gestured to the flaming chicken beside him, and he jumped directly into the field.

Pokemon: Big Flower (Light Cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: Level 39

Attribute: Grass + Toxic

Characteristics: Chlorophyll

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: photosynthesis, rooting, ultimate absorption, bruising,

Basic skills: rattan whip, growth, tight bundle, hypnotic powder, poison powder, paralysis powder, dissolving solution, shoot down, sweet aroma, grass blender, energy storage, swallow, spray, flying leaf fast knife, flying leaf storm ,

Teaching skills: gastric juice, seed bomb, trouble seed, hiccup

Skill Learner: Hold, Sunbeam, Sleep, Energy Ball, Knot, Nature Force

A large fresh flower just before the elite.

Such an elf is the touchstone of the best flame chicken.

Aoki glanced at the grandfather who squinted and smiled gratefully. He still respected the dedicated members of the older generation.

This has nothing to do with stance, it is pure respect for selfless devotion from the heart.

"Flame Chicken, Sword Dance!"

With the order of Aoki, the battle officially began.

Upon hearing Aoki's order, Fuk was slightly surprised.

Sword dance is not an easy skill.

Aoki made the flame chicken use sword dance for the first time, and it was more troublesome to interrupt the prepared big fresh flower.

"Large fresh flower, hypnotic powder, poisonous powder, paralytic powder." Fuye said to Da Shihua without much hesitation.

In the huge mouth of the large fresh flower, a large amount of air dust is spewed out, which contains three kinds of powder.

This is the more nauseating control ability of the big flower.

"Flame chicken, wrap yourself in flames, don't let those powders come close," Aoki said.


I heard that the flame chicken that had just finished using the sword dance flashed in his eyes and put his hands on his chest.

"Boom!", The whole body was wrapped in flames.

"Rush! Accumulate flames!"

With both feet, the body was wrapped in flames, ignoring the dense powder in the place of origin, and rushed directly towards the big flower.

"Large fresh flowers, knotted grass!" Seeing that powder skills failed to achieve results, Fu Ye was not panic.

The ability to tie grass knots is a relatively difficult skill for grass-based elves, especially when the opponent's movement speed is fast.

But Biyidao Pavilion, or Fuye, is best at knotting skills. Among Fuye's elves, the famous skill is knotting.

So before the flaming chicken that ran up had reached its maximum speed, a tree root sprang directly from the ground, and it appeared exactly at the feet of the flaming chicken on the route he ran.

Hesitation was wrapped in flames, and the knotted grass failed to drop the flame chicken directly, but it also choked up, and the energy storage flame strike skill was directly interrupted.

Aoki also showed a hint of surprise. The big fresh flower was really strong in predicting the arrival of the flame chicken.

"Da Shi Hua ~ ~ At this time, the energy ball!" Fuye ordered immediately.

A large green energy ball appeared in the big mouth of the big flower, and was thrown directly towards the flame chicken.

While the Flaming Chicken has not recovered from the cricket, it should be able to hit.

"Flame Chicken! Flame Fist!" Aoki was not very anxious, and was confident enough about Fire Chicken.

Looking at the energy ball rushing towards himself, the flame chicken knelt down on one knee, the flames burst out on his fists, and he wrapped all his fists in an instant.

The energy ball in front of the big flower is a punch.

boom! !!

The energy ball collides with the flame punch.

After the sword dance increased, the flame chicken's attack power has been greatly strengthened.

The Flaming Chicken suffered some damage from the splash caused by the explosion of the energy ball.

"Since running doesn't work, jump up! Use fire kick!" Aoki ordered.


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