The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 913: Small broken diamond

Aoki didn't know whether this antenna was left intentionally or accidentally.

But as a fairy animal, and a first-class god, even if a hair is shed from her, she cannot be underestimated.

It's like letting the dull king's super power get soaring dreamy fluff.

Of course, mainly because it has fantastic blood on it.

This antenna is obviously not comparable to villi, at least one level of blood.

Its value cannot be estimated.

After Aoki fished the tentacles, Lauras and the little broken diamonds stared at Aoki's hands tightly.

The little broken diamond has a rather sloppy character, but it shows nothing.

But looking at La Rulas, he rushed to grab it.

Aoki smiled at them and didn't give them this thing.

The specific role has not yet been determined, and it is not known what exactly Zernyas means.

With Zernhas's ability, she would never leave her horns here for nothing, certainly for any purpose.

But Aoki couldn't see her, so she couldn't find out.

Although Zelnias is a legendary elf, he has a very gentle temperament. Generally speaking, he sees that humans just leave quietly without any offensive behavior.

Unless someone really provokes her.

Corresponding to her, another beast in the Carlos area, Ypeltar was not so good at speaking.

One of them represents animated life, and the other one is predatory life. They are opposite elves.

It is only legendary that Ipetal had been destructed by the forest and stopped by Zellnias, turning into a cocoon of destruction, sleeping in a corner of Carlos area.

No one knows exactly where.

Aoki stayed there again for a while, and determined that nothing really remained, and left in a desert dragonfly.

After Aoki left, another elf appeared by the spring.

The two blue eyes with crossed eyes in the middle looked at the desert dragonfly that had disappeared into the sky, not knowing what they were thinking.


Attracted by Zernyas, Aoki passed straight through the river.

In this case, they simply left without rest, and took the desert dragonfly to the outskirts of Miluo City.

When the sky gradually became brighter, Aoki hugged La Rulas, followed by a small broken diamond with a red light on his head and entered the city of Miluo.

Go straight to the Pokemon Center.

Rented a room, fell directly on the bed and closed his eyes.

As for the things in Miluo, you can investigate later.

Aoki, who was lying in bed, was still thinking about what Zernyas was for.

Suddenly it seemed as if there was a flash of light in my head and I sat up immediately.

Lauras and the little broken diamond, who had just found a comfortable position, were taken aback.

Aoki stared at La Rulas, looked at it for a while, then slowly shook his head, then turned his attention to the little broken diamond.

If there are any elves around Aoki who are interested in Zernyas, there may be only this little broken diamond.

In other words, this is a little broken diamond that is being transformed.

After all, they are all elves of the fairy system. After the small broken diamond becomes Tianxi, they will also have the ability to give life.

The only difference is that Zernhas can grant all creatures, while Tiance can only give small broken diamonds.

But this can also be regarded as the ability of homology.

At first, Aoki felt that La Rulas was attracted to her by her excellent talents, but if you think about it, she has definitely seen a lot of excellent elves based on her experience.

Then there is only this little broken diamond that is undergoing mutation.

This is the only explanation that can be figured out.

To verify his conjecture, Aoki took out the horn.

Seeing this horn appearing, Lalulas and the little broken diamond suddenly regained their spirits.

At this time during the day, this horn looks like a white and flawless jade horn, and does not emit fluorescence as at night.

Aoki turned on the chip's efficient scanning and analysis capabilities, and took this corner and put it on the small broken diamond.

La Rulas saw Aoki placing the horn on the small broken diamond, and he suddenly looked disappointed, and looked at the small broken diamond with envy.

But she didn't think much.

Young ideas are always so pure. Since your own trainer hasn't given it to yourself, it means that this thing may be more suitable for others.

She was just a little envious.

Well, it's envy.

After the little broken diamond touched the horn, it felt like a certain sleeping force in the body was waking up.

A plot of data from Aoki's close observer chip scan analysis.

Looking at the progress bar representing the degree of abnormality of the small broken diamond, it has grown a little bit after being accurate to a thousandth of a level.

Originally, even if it was accurate to a thousandth of a degree, it would take a long time to grow this little, but now this corner is only a contact, and the growth rate is more than ten times faster.

"Sure enough." Aoki sighed.

Is the energy that is awakening in the little broken diamond, sensed by Zernyas?

It was purely because it happened to be encountered, so it left some energy to help the little broken diamond.

Regardless of the reason, the current small broken diamonds have benefited a lot.

This horn not only speeds up the process of her transformation, but also makes the little broken diamond's fairy energy more pure.

Although it may be used by La Rulas, it will also be of great benefit to her. After all, it is the energy of the fairy, but obviously this is more suitable for small broken diamonds.

Just a little bit Aoki wondered.

Why does Zernyas help the little broken diamond?

If it follows the normal development, there should be a diamond kingdom in the Carlos area, but I do n’t know if Tiansi appears in it.

Can't figure it out.

Don't think about it for the time being.

The appearance of Zernyas was an accident.

However, on this ranch road, in addition to capturing a lot of mount goats and mount lambs, the strength of the elves has also been improved.

Among them, the fastest riser is the Flaming Chicken.

Because they are all grass-based elves, the flame chicken has the advantage of attributes, so the flame chicken is the main force to output the battle. The level suddenly reaches the 39 level, and it is about to enter the elite level.

Except for the Flaming Chicken, Kodola reached level 35, while Shakira reached level 36.

They are now sprinting at the level ~ ~ for a long time, and they can evolve as long as the level is reached.

After evolution, they can really show their strength.

Don't look at the difference between their level and the flame chicken now, but the gap gradually emerges during the battle.

The two elves are also riveting their strength. Of the elves in the second echelon of Aoki, they are the only ones left. The two little guys have a lot of words in their mouths, but they are full of energy.

Except for their three little ones, the giant monster monsters battled for a few days, and the level was still stuck at level 49. It was a little worse, and entered the quasi-sky level.

And the mosquito-repellent frog emperor, the level also increased by one level, reaching level 43.

In general, Aoki's second echelon strength has gradually started to catch up.

Soon they will be able to stand on their own.

Especially after the flaming chicken was capable of super-evolution.

As long as his level comes up, it is Aoki's hole card, or the kind of card that can burst into super strength at critical moments.


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