The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 920: This is a conspiracy!

Slightly glanced at the manual, which detailed the training from Leo Road to Lucario.

How to make Leo Road grow faster and better, and how to develop fighting methods after evolved into Lukalio.

There are records in it.

In fact, it should not be called a manual, it should be called a Lucalio training book.

Even how to smoothly carry out super evolution, there are detailed descriptions on it.

Aoki doesn't have much time to analyze this now, letting the chip scan all down.

Maybe there is a way on how to repair his Leo's Elven Egg.

After all, that Elliot's elven egg is still very valuable, and the elf's qualifications are quite good, but I don't know why the elven egg is broken.

It's similar to the elven eggs once used by Kira.

Unable to hatch.

If there is a solution to this elven egg in this book, Aoki thinks that alone, the value of this book is enough.

The chip scans text very quickly.

After scanning, they were all collected into the chip's database.

After assigning tasks to the chip, Aoki fell straight to the bed and slept.

These days have completely turned my biological clock upside down, and now I need to adjust it back.

But when Aoki went to sleep, the entire Miluo city was in chaos.

Not just a tower of refinement.

Because after seeing the forest on fire, Cocobour felt that things were out of control.

Called and immediately called the Union Police Station in Miluo City.

When he arrived at the scene the first time, he found that there was a mess in the whole forest, and he couldn't see what just happened.

And found no trace of his son Colale.

Neither his elves were found.

Traces of fighting on the ground also disappeared due to forest fires.

The world evaporates.

Not only that man in black, but his son also disappeared.

Cocoa Boer has a very bad feeling.

He felt it the moment Colale jumped out of the window, and he thought it was an illusion.

But at this time it was completely haunting.

It even felt more and more obvious.

Cocoa's face became very ugly.

He was already here as fast as he could have thought that it would be a situation where Colale was fighting with each other, but he did not expect that both people would disappear now.

If Colare is alive, it will definitely not disappear unless ...

Silently standing in place, without entering a forest that has all become carbon.

He was afraid of damaging the scene, and only if Miss Junsha came, would it be possible to collect something.

Soon, Miss Junsha rushed to the scene with a group of Union police.

Before Cocobul, someone called to tell her that the forest outside Miluo was on fire, so she rushed over.

When I came, I saw Cocobour standing grimly outside without entering.

"Mr. Cocoble, what happened here? Who set the fire in the forest?" Miss Junsha asked.

Cocobour slowly shook his head.

Gritting his teeth said, "Someone sneaked into the Refining Tower at midnight and stole something important to our family.

My son, Colare, chased it out. The other party had flying elves. I came late, and by then it would have been like this. "

Upon hearing Cocobul's words, Miss Junsha said immediately, "Then your son ..."

Before I finish, I think of Cocobour's face before, and I realized it all at once.

"唉 ~~" Cocobour didn't say more, and shook his head again.

Although his son was not able to inherit Lukalio's super evolution, he was his son after all.

Now it is very likely that the gray-haired person will give the black-haired person. Cocobour's heart is very painful.

But without seeing the body, there is still a little hope.

This is the main reason why Cocobale can still stand here.

"Leave it to us, Mr. Cocobour, please go back and wait for the result." Miss Junsha also understood the feelings in Cocobour's heart, but this is a business or public affairs.

For on-site surveys, they are still better at it. Cocoabul is not helpful here.

Cocobour lost, and the most important thing in the family was lost. As a patriarch, there were also many things to deal with, and at the same time, many people needed to be comforted.

"Tune the monitoring of Miluo City to see if there are any suspicious people during this period. At the same time, notify colleagues in Shilin Town and ask them to help investigate together." This matter told the upper layers.

The disappearance of the son of the owner of the Taoist Museum in Miluo City, and the disappearance of important items in the Taoist Museum, this is not a small matter for the Alliance.

If not handled properly, it may have a bad impact on the league.

Everyone is able to sneak into a city's pavilion. Is there a safe place in this city?

Once this matter is announced, it will bring a lot of bad effects to the entire Miluo city.

After learning about this matter, the alliance in the Carlos region also paid some attention.

Several search officers in the Carlos area were sent to investigate.

But I have to say that Aoki finally let the flaming chicken burn the entire forest too thoroughly, and Miss Junsha couldn't find anything valuable for a long time.

Even from where she had just entered the forest, she found the trace of Colale, but did not find the trace left by the so-called black man.

Even from the footprints, only Colaer's footsteps.

Because Aoki wrapped his feet with super powers, he didn't leave traces when he ran.

Coupled with the last disappeared Colale.

So in the end, Miss Junsha's result was ...

Everything was curated by Colare in order to get the heirloom of their family in the Refining Tower.

And then it makes sense.

The reason is that Colale is not the heir of the family, nor is heir of the Miluo Museum.

The purpose is to get revenge, or to become stronger.

Think of it this way.

The thought in Miss Junsha's head suddenly crooked.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

This is a conspiracy!

But this has nothing to do with Aoki who is sleeping.

At this time, he had no idea what he was doing, and it would make Miss Junsha have such a guess.


I fell asleep until noon the next day ~ ~ In fact, I didn't get enough sleep, but Aoki got up.

If you go to sleep again, it is estimated that you will be refreshed at night, and you will be able to adjust the biological clock by going to sleep at noon and forcing yourself a little.

Shilin Town is a small town in the Carlos area, which can be said to be comparable to the former town of Fuye.

But in Shilin Town, there is a big secret in the Carlos area.

The ultimate weapon!

In the future, Vladali expects this, hoping that in the end, the weapon will clean up the whole world of the elf, leaving only those who are lucky enough to survive, and pressure for survival in the world.


Fifth more! Add 10/13 to the second leader of joker7Z! Ask for a monthly pass! I do n’t know when it will break out recently, after all, the game is more exciting. If the final result is good, hibiscus will definitely prepare a good break! thanks for your support!

Thanks for the irritable north wind blowing big brother for another reward!

Update today is a bit late, and everyone forgive T﹏T

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