The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 922: Battle castle

In fact, in addition to the series of caves and tree orchards, Road 7 has many good places.

For example, the largest breeding house in Carlos was built at the junction of Road No. 7 and Gumu Town.

Beside the tree orchard.

The arrangement of fruit trees in the tree orchard is directly related to some breeders in the breeding house.

The tree fruits produced in the tree orchard were also provided in this cultivation house for the first time, and the two sides formed a mutually beneficial model.

Although this breeding house is a private breeding house, there is not much direct connection with the entire breeder's association.

But Aoki, as a breeder, is also recognized by the breeder's association, and the one with the greatest potential in the next generation of breeders can still build a little relationship.

After all, if you want to open a breeding house, the owner's breeder level is still very important. It is about how many people are willing to give their elves to the other to train.

Therefore, they must have some relationship with the breeder's association, at least the assessment of the level needs to pass the breeder's association, right?

And the owner of such a large breeding house is at least a senior breeder, right?

People of this level will have certain records in the Nurturing Society.

Maybe they can build a breeding house here, there is a great relationship between the Carlos Area Good Breeders' Guild.

It does not necessarily mean that the Breeders' Guild is preparing to enter the Carlos area.

In addition to this large breeding house, the most important thing for Aoki is the battle castle built on Road 7.

An area built by the Carlos Alliance to strengthen the combat effectiveness of trainers in the Carlos area.

Some are similar to the Battlefield in Fengyuan, but there are some differences.

There is only one battle mode for the battle castle, but the purpose of both parties is the same, both are to improve the combat effectiveness of trainers in their own area.

The difference is just the patterns.

Battle castles have a special scoring method, which is to distinguish the strength that trainers should have through the title system passed down in ancient times.

There are six ranks of Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquis, Duke and Grand Duke.

Almost all the Taoist trainers in the Carlos area, even the Four Heavenly Kings and even the champions, have their own titles in the battle castles.

And the Daotang trainers in the battle castle, the elves used are not those who sit in the town hall, but their real main battle elves.

Because their opponents are here at the same level as them, there is no situation to take care of their opponents.

The knighthood of Daotang trainers in the battle fortress is generally at the earl or marquis level.

Because the trainers also differ greatly in age.

For example, Fuye is much older, even the oldest in the battle castle. Even if his talent is relatively ordinary, after many years of training, the strength of the elves is relatively strong. From his only From the point of view of the main mount goat, it should be the strength of the King of Heaven.

Therefore, like Fuye, he has the strength of the Heavenly King level, even if he is just entering the Heavenly King, he has the title of marquis in the battle castle.

And like some younger Taoist trainers, such as Chuck Luo, the master of the Yaoxiang Taoist Pavilion at this time, may be at the level of the quasi-king, then his title in the battle castle has reached the Marquis.

Of course, these titles are not judged based on the strength of the trainers, each trainer is a little bit up.

The difference is that if the strength of the battle is absolutely superior, the battle castle thinks that this person's strength is relatively strong, then his title promotion will be faster, until it appears at the level he should appear.

The champion of the Carlos region also has his own title in the battle castle.

And the only one to have the Grand Duke.

Only one person in the entire battle bastion has a knighthood.

Even a person like the Four Heavenly Kings has only the title of duke in the battle castle.

It is really because the strength has reached their current level, and to improve their title, they must have corresponding opponents to fight.

And how many people can reach the Duke?

Most of the time, they will not stay in the battle castle, so the promotion of the title is still difficult.

So the higher the knighthood, the stronger the opponents you can meet, but correspondingly, it may take a long time before the person in charge of the battle castle can find the opponent who can fight against himself.

It is also necessary to say that there are some thresholds for the title of the battle castle.

According to the general situation, if you want to obtain the most basic baron title, the strength of the elves must reach at least level 30, or the elite level.

Being able to obtain a baron title is a very glorious thing for most trainers.

After entering the elite level, the general strength may still be at the baron level, and the stronger strength may be able to impact the Viscount.

It also depends on whether the opponents arranged by the battle castle are similar or weaker than their own.

Either luck is better, or a trainer whose attributes have been defeated by himself.

And this level of battle, battle castles happen a lot every day, so don't worry you need to wait a long time before you can fight.

Of course, the most battles are those trainers who have not won the title but are fighting for it.

They are the hardest and most persistent group in the battle castle.

However, the winner of each battle will get some rewards from the battle castle, the higher the level of the battle ~ ~ the higher the reward.

Because the battles in the battle castles were broadcast live on TV all day.

Battle castles also have a large source of income, all obtained from these battles, and feedback to trainers, which also meets the purpose of the alliance.

Improving the strength of trainers in Carlos is the most important thing.

Those who are constantly training and struggling for different titles will eventually end up with a few who stand out.

Their presence is exactly what Carlos wants.

Aoki is going to Route 7 this time, and it is definitely a trip in the battle castle.

Flaming Chicken and Shakira at this time, it will be the most suitable here.

However, before going to the battle castle, you still have to go to a series of caves and tree orchards.

Anyway, they are all on the same road, and the battle castle is also behind the tree orchard. You can do everything you want to do first, and then go to the battle castle to find a fight.


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