The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 946: Divine Beasts Collection

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Vladari looked at the run-down town.

Walked to the middle of the town, looked at the building in the middle, and stood there for a long time without talking.

"This is what you started to explore, you want to know, the ultimate weapon in history!" Aoki said lightly.

"The Ultimate Weapon" Vladari's voice was a bit disheartened.

The obelisk-like stone pillar in the middle of the town was the final weapon created by the legendary king three thousand years ago.

But the main reason he created it at that time was to save his best companion, a mosaic.

Mosaic Leaf was finally rescued.

However, his mentality has changed. He believes that it will be the entire world of the elf that killed the leafy pedigree, so it was finally transformed into a lethal weapon, which caused great damage to the entire world.

It wasn't until Huaty's departure that he regained his sanity.

And this man is the legendary king of Carlos, az!

The dream world of Aoki was not built according to the world three thousand years ago, but based on the present world.

It is not difficult to build such a virtual dream space by storing all the maps known to the whole elf world in the chip.

And Aoki knows the cruelty of war. After three generations, especially the two world wars on earth, is it difficult to build such a post-war world?

"This is the result of the self-purification of the people in this world. Not only did other people fail to survive, they also failed to survive." Aoki said to Vladali.

"So what should we do?" Fradari hasn't recovered from the excitement of the scenes he's seen before.

Aoki had just wanted to speak, and a loud roar suddenly appeared in the sky.

A six spooky, stripe-shaped wings floated behind it, with wingtips red, gray bodies and dragon-like elf appearing in the sky.

After he flew over, a huge gap appeared in the sky. Through the gap, we could see a world that was more completely destroyed and completely broken.

Destroyed world!

That flying elf was the Pluto Dragon riding Radina, and it was the original form of riding Radina.

Vladali apparently recognized Riding and knew what it meant to be here.

This means that such an elf world will be included in the territory by Cyrradina, becoming an indispensable area in his destroyed world.

"The destruction of this world can not be caused by just a few people. A large number of people who lose their values ​​for self are the main reasons that make this world into this.

In the end, the weapons, the arrogant elves, just became the weapons in the hands of these people. "

After riding Radina, a huge gully suddenly appeared on the ground. From those gullies, a very ugly dark red rattan was drilled, like the root system of a plant.

After the vines appeared, they were wrapped tightly around the last remaining houses and plants.

The rattan is entangled in the big tree, and the whole tree decays at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

"Squeak" sounded slightly with a mechanical voice.

Quickly approached from a distance.

A giant creature like a cobra appears. The eyes are composed of four hexagonal red crystals, compound eyes like insects, and the head is decorated with a black pleated lizard, with green hexagons on it, and one long Long tail with five furcations at the end.

The belly and back of the tail are also blood red.

At first glance it looks like a semi-mechanical elf.

"Kiegeld?" Vladari shouted directly after seeing the elf.

This time, Aoki was a little surprised, but unexpectedly Vladalari already knew about Kiegeld.

Fortunately, the province's own explanation is too much.

"Yes, it's the patron saint of Carlos, the elves that are distributed in all corners of Carlos, Kiegeld.

It is said that if the ecology is severely damaged, Kegelde will appear and use his own ability to maintain the balance of the world, but if the world is no longer possible to recover

Before speaking, Kegeld roared again, and the shape of his body began to change, and he became Kegeld completely.

Biography has the ability to suppress Zernhas and Ipertar.

But now Kigeld is obviously not in a normal state, and in the sky behind Kigeld, an elven is also flying here, looking far away, like a huge " y "characters.


From the "y" -shaped light on his chest, a powerful beam was emitted, and everything turned into stone everywhere.

Just below him, an elk that looked like an elk was lying on the ground.

It is another legendary elven in the Carlos area, which represents the life of Zernyas.

It was only at this time that Zernhas was lying on the ground and had lost his life.

The **** of life also lost life!

Divine beasts are raging and the world is destroyed. In this dream, the entire elven world is constantly destroying.

Vladari stood in a stubborn position, watching Kiegeld and Ypertal unconsciously.

But I can see the shock in his eyes through my eyes.

This picture directly hit the weakest part of his heart.

Mainly because it's too real!

Even if Vladali, he had only heard of Kegeld, Ipertal, and Zernyas.

But never seen it.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The ground shook again, and a mountain bag rose directly from the picture. The mountain bag became a mountain and then became an active volcano.

The volcano erupted, and a fiery red elf appeared from it, rising and shouting in the sky. With his roar, the hot magma directly covered the earth. Wherever the magma went, it was too long.

Gulado in its original form!

Along with his roar was an elf flying in midair with a tidal wave on the coast in the distance.

Geoka in its original form!

All the legendary elves appeared, as if playing the final tragedy for this world.

Or rather, send the world they live in to destruction together.

"Ipertal Gurado Goroka rides Radina, will they all appear?" Fradari sat directly on the ground, constantly spit out the names of these legendary elves.

I have to say ~ ~ this dream of Aoki is really constructed too real.

Anyone else in the elven world cannot create such a world full of beasts.

Because they have not seen these **** beasts, even if they have, they have seen at most one or two.

There is no clue whatsoever to imagine.

But Aoki is different. Even if these elves haven't seen it in this world, he almost knows them.

This dream is a world where gods and beasts run rampant.

A doomsday world.

The end of the elven world.

First more! Ask for a monthly pass!

Py a book "Wood Leaves Only Destiny Twins", the newcomer author is not easy, all kinds of bitter tears, after all, hibiscus is also a newcomer author, if you are interested in watching Naruto, you can find out.

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