The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 960: Cats around Sakagi

Changpan (Changqing).

Riding a desert dragonfly, through the forests outside Yuhong City and Yuhong City, successfully reached Changpan City.

When I came last time, I was still mentioned by Nazi. This is the second time Aoki came to Changpan.

To be honest, even in the previous life of Aoki, as a member of the Rockets for so many years, they rarely come to Changpan. Although it cannot be said to be the Rockets' largest base, it is definitely the most important base.

Because the Rockets leader Sakagi is stationed here.

At the same time, he also acts as the owner of the museum of the Joban City.

Tokiwa City is the headquarters of the Rockets, but it hasn't affected the residents of Tokiwa City too much.

Even because of Sakagi's existence, other underground forces did not dare to take root in Changpan City. The life here is more comfortable and comfortable than the residents of other cities.

I have to say, this is also the Rockets' silent mockery of the league.

Where the Rockets manage, the happiness index of residents is actually the highest.

It is mainly because of the indecision of the alliance that allows those ground forces to survive, and the Rockets do decisively. Compared to the alliance, those small underground forces are more afraid of the Rockets.

After coming out of Golden City, Aoki concealed his identity. After entering the forest of Yuhong City, he even restored himself to his original appearance.

Black hair and black eyes are common hair and pupil colors in the elf world.

In this world, human hair and eyeballs are almost all colors, and Aoki is too lazy to vomit.

As I get older, my cheeks are slightly firmer, and wearing a human skin mask all year round also makes the skin on Aoki's face a little white, with red lips and white teeth. It looks like a handsome guy next door. There is still a certain rate of turning back on the street of.

The dull king didn't follow Aoki, and when walking on the street, there were occasionally a few young girls secretly looking at Aoki. When Aoki looked down, his face turned red immediately, and he ran away with his head down. Already.

Aoki smiled lightly, touching his chin, and his smile was a little cold. "It doesn't just look like Ogo, my skin seems to be good."

With a hint of self-mockery.

For people of his identity, looking good is the most useless thing.

The little white face of this world has no living space.

Slowly walked to the entrance of the Joban Dojo, where they stopped.

Aoki slightly pulled open his jacket, revealing the Rockets uniform and a captain's badge on the uniform.

The two gatekeeper members of the Rockets immediately stood up, leaning forward slightly to show respect.

At this time, Aoki's height also reached the level of one meter seven hundred and seventy-eight. People who do not know his true age will no longer treat him as a little guy.

This is still on the street, and they can salute forward by expressing respect.

Entering the Changpan Road Museum, there were members of the Rockets immediately receiving news.

Seeing the Rockets uniform they were wearing, Aoki slowly took off his jacket, revealing a black uniform inside, and also the captain's medal with his chest.

Stow your clothes in the storage space and stride towards them.

The Joban Dojo is the Rockets ’industry. It ’s normal to see the members of the Rockets on the Open Day.

Directly walked into the underground secret passage, and walked along the passage, which is the secret base of the Changpan Rockets.

Aoki, led by two squadron captains, went straight to a gate.

This should be Sakagi's office.


"Go in." A voice sounded from inside.

The two squadron captains respectfully pushed open the door, allowing Aoki to go straight in.

After entering, I saw Sakaki's signature desk and a lot of documents on the desk. At the same time, a cat boss quietly lay beside Sakagi's chair, a lazy look, only came in Aoki At that time, he looked up at him slightly.

This cat boss is not weak, and Aoki doesn't dare to underestimate him.

"Boss!" Aoki shouted respectfully into the office, kneeling on one knee.

Sakagi was carefully examining a document in his hand. He didn't look at Aoki, but said, "Aoki, get up. You don't need to salute like this. First, find a place to sit and I will read this information."

"Yes." Aoki stood up, nodded, and obediently found a place to sit down.

Take Sakagi as a person, what he asks you to do is what he really wants you to do, and he is not a false person.

To put it plainly, Sakagi is a pragmatic person.

As long as you can accomplish what he asked you to do, even if you sometimes go a little too far, it is not unacceptable.

Just like Nazuki, Sakagi valued her super powers and knew that Nazzi's personality was a bit out of touch, and he would not punish her.

Sitting on the sofa in the office, waiting quietly.

Take time to start the chip to look around, and also scanned the information of the cat boss.

Every time I see this cat boss, he is all around and touched by Aoki Sakaki.

But would a person like Sakagi be followed by an ordinary elf?

This cat boss is estimated to also play the role of Sakagi's personal guard.

Just like Geng ghost of Aoki.

Elf: the boss of the cat (light blue)

Gender: Male

Level: 80

Attribute: General Department

Features: technical master

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: coquettishness, momentary amnesia, odor detection, treasure collection

Basic skills: high-speed stars, frolic, drop, grab, scream, bite, high-fashion strike, random scratch, harsh sound, surprise hit, provocation, power gem, split, trick, malicious pursuit, temptation, key to assault, Attack

Teaching Skills: Iron Tail, Seed Bomb, Loud Sound, Frozen Wind, Snatch, Hell Spike, Water Fluctuation, Shooting Down, Snoring, Trash Shooting

Skill learner: Poisonous, destroying light, hold, 100,000 volts, shadow ball, shadow clone, swallow return, seal, shadow claw, tooth for tooth, dream eater, substitute, evil wave

The cat boss seemed to feel the sight of Aoki, lay on the ground and opened one eye, glanced at Aoki lightly, and narrowed his eyes again after making sure there was no danger.

Looking at the data of the cat boss ~ ~ Aoki fell into silence.

In the end, it can only be attributed to one sentence, it is indeed the Rockets leader.

This cat boss is obviously not Sakaki's main battle elf, maybe even in the form of half pets and half bodyguards, can be cultivated to this extent.

Especially that long list of skills is simply to keep Aoki away.

The 80-level level has reached the threshold of champion-level elves.

Aoki now has a lot of interest in Sakagi's Bumblebee, including other main battle elves.

Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! For the second leader of Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow, we will add 4/10!

I've watched too much today, but I think I can sleep well today.

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