The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 974: Brain Residual Family

Hear what they are talking about.

Aoki was shocked.

This family is not brave and ambitious, it's just a brain watt.

Not a two-person person's brain is not easy to use, the entire family does not have a single brain to use.

Is this a fool family?

Aoki didn't know how to spit.

Just two or three kittens in your family, still want to call Itakasaki?

Breaking through the Heavenly Kings level, at most, is the degree of quasi-championship?

What kind of strength is Sakagi?

At least the level of the top champion, what kind of brain has made such a family?

No wonder Sakagi's father wants to leave this family.

Are all special talents?

It is also difficult for them to make this family live to this day.

Shente dominates the Rockets ...

But one yard at a time, the purpose of this mission is not only to obtain the flame bird's genes, but also to completely conquer the flame bird.

This is not what Aoki wants to see.

After all, the stronger their family, the more uncomfortable Aoki was.

Brownis also summoned his six main battle elves.

Judging from the momentum, it is not weak.

Aoki used the chip to scan the data of his elf.

The strongest is the fire-breathing dragon that has always carried him.

Pokemon: Fire Dragon (Cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: 70

Attribute: Fire + Flight

Characteristics: Fierce Fire

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: belly drum, bite, metal claw, air blade

Basic Skills: Wing Attack, Blazing Charge, Hot Air, Dragon Claw, Shadow Claw, Air Slash, Grasp, Scream, Spark, Smoke Screen, Wrath of the Dragon, Ghost Face, Flame Teeth, Flame Sputtering, Splitting, Jet Flame, Flame Vortex, Purgatory

Teaching Skills: Oath of Fire, Thunder Fist, Fire Fist, Dragon Wave, Iron Tail

Skill Learner: Hold, Destroy Light, Feather, Earthquake, Shadow Avatar, Charge Charge, Steel Wing, Sword Dance, Shadow Claw

Seeing the data of this fire-breathing dragon, Aoki's expression gradually became serious.

Although I really look down on this family, I still have to admit that this Brownies' strength is still good.

Except for this watering can dragon, the remaining elves, including the six elves of Lockes, are all in the sixties or above, and have not reached the level of seventy.

Elves with a level of 70 or above are already regarded as senior Heavenly Kings.

And the skills of this fire-breathing dragon are also good. If there are several other elves helping to drag, belly drum plus sword dance, the power of the two skills combined is still quite scary.

There are now a total of twelve King-level elves, and the flaming bird is a bit dangerous.

Aoki is still hidden beside him, and there is no intention to participate.

If only Rox was alone, Aoki still had some ideas, and now there is a Brownis stronger than Rox, for the time being there are not many ideas.

I don't know how long the flamingo can last.

Although not participating, Aoki did not leave.

The loud roar of battle sounded again.

Now the flame bird has no chance even if he wants to escape.

Even if the twelve elves are engaged in wheel battles, they can be killed a little bit.


Another two hours passed.

At this moment, the flame bird was panting, and there were scars all over its body. Obviously, it could not last long.

However, God said that after all, it was a **** beast. Under the condition of one enemy and twelve, Lockes left two elves in the end.

Although Brownis is still with six elves, the damage on his body is not small.

Only the fire-breathing dragon is the best.

The remaining elves are creating opportunities for him.

Most of the injuries on the Flame Bird were also left by the Spitfire Dragon.

Fighting is in full swing on the volcano, but on the thunder mountain and iceberg in the distance, the sound of the fighting is small, and it can be seen that the fighting has reached the end.

I don't know what the specific situation is.

Aoki was still silently lurking.

"Brother, this Flamingo is really powerful! But it won't last long, it will be the elf of our family!" Said Lockes, with excitement and greed in his eyes.

For this flaming bird, he is also salivating.

"Um." Brownis nodded, his face a little solemn.

The more this time, the more you need to be careful, the final dying struggle of this beast is the most dangerous.

The injured beast is the most dangerous, not to mention a **** beast in front of it.

"Brother, the other two sides of the battle are almost over, and now they are estimated to have very little power left, or not ..." Speaking of half, Locks made a neck-cutting action.

The meaning is obvious. I want to solve the problem of shadows and shadows together. If we can conquer the lightning bird and the frozen bird by the way, it would be better.

At that time, his elder brother will conquer the flame bird, maybe he can also conquer the frozen bird.

I'm really excited when I think about it!

When Brownis heard Locke's words, his eyes moved, apparently thinking about the feasibility of what he said.

Dark and shadow can also be regarded as Sakagi's two powerful men. If they can get rid of it, the resources obtained will not be said, at least it will weaken Sakaki.

"Solve the flaming bird first, and wait for a chance to see it again. I am about to explode, and your elf is ready."

Now the most important thing is to solve the flame bird, and then think about other things.

"Okay!" Lockes said loudly, and the excitement was hard to hide.

"Spitfire dragon, use sword dance again! Then use ... belly drum!" Brownes ordered.


The Spitfire Dragon roared in the air.

Finally, the powerful elf in front of him was defeated, and the excitement of the fire-breathing dragon was difficult to hide.

And hearing Aoki of Brownis was also uplifted.

After waiting in the dark for so long, Aoki felt that his opportunity had come now.

Several elven **** appeared in his hand.

The other party is the most excited and feels that they have the greatest grasp and the task is about to be completed.

"Spitfire dragon, destroy the light!"

The remaining elves stopped the flaming bird and narrowed his range of action, so they wanted the fire-breathing dragon to end him.

This is the time!

Aoki in the dark caught this moment.

"Geng Gui, go to Lockes to solve it!"

"Crow head, dragon king scorpion, maulah, star festival blue bird, go and save the flaming bird!"

"Dream demon, fantasy light, to help Geng Gui control Locke's two elves."

When Aoki threw the elven ball, ~ ~ also issued an order.

Six Elves Come Out!


Seeing the six elves suddenly appearing, Brownis immediately drank.

At this point their battle was at a critical moment, and the attack by the opponent was not so easy to stop.

Tanabata Bluebird and Crow fluttered their heads, and suddenly increased their speed to the extreme, rushing directly towards the Flamingo.

The crow's head temporarily drove the elves around the flame bird away, while the starburst blue bird grabbed the flame bird's wings, and it was worthy to escape it from the attack range that destroyed the light.

The Dragon King Scorpion also rushed in, and flew across, blocking all the elves.

On the other side, the fantasy light of the dream demon controlled the last two elves of Lockes. Although the strength was above the dream demon, he suffered a lot of injuries and had little combat power.

Now the dream demon appeared to control them, so there was not much resistance.

Geng Gui quickly swiped on the ground and attacked towards Lockes.


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