The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 981: Lochia departs

Hearing the explanation of Little Rockia, Rockia's view of Aoki changed.

Then I thought that this ice **** column actually obeyed Aoki's command and helped him solve the electric dragon.

Rochia hesitated a little, and a mass of energy gathered in front of her, projected onto the flame bird.

In an instant, it melted into his body.

The closed eyes trembled and opened slowly.

Originally still in a coma, the Flamingo actually woke up directly.

"Is the cell regenerating fast? It's a magical ability." Aoki saw the flaming bird waking up and thought of one of Lokia's abilities.

The King of the Phoenix can resurrect even the dead elves, and also grant them their special priesthood to become a beast of God. Wouldn't there be any special ability in the same name as the King of the Phoenix?

The Flamingo shook her head and slowly flew up.

Seeing Lokia appear here, you roughly understand the process.

He flew up to Locia's side.

Compared with the size of Lokia, the Flamingo still has a big gap.

Lokia patted Flamingo's back in a bad mood, and patted him directly.

Little Lokiah shouted immediately, as if to say that the Flamingo was a patient.

The flame bird didn't dare to say anything, and obediently returned to Lokia's side again.

The three elves communicated.

I don't understand because there is no ECG induction.

But that's okay, the dumb king can understand a little, he slowly translates to Aoki.

After roughly understanding what they communicated, Aoki's hanging heart slowly let go.

Although the Flamingo didn't know what happened after he was unconscious and why he was so weak now, he knew that Aoki had saved himself with the elves before.

And try to help myself overcome your opponents and restore physical strength.

This flamingo is clearly distinguished.

Aoki quietly gave the elf ball in his hand to the dream demon behind him, and then the dream demon threw the elf ball into Aoki's shadow.

Also made a look like nothing happened.

That is, the three elves opposite at this time are not paying attention to her, otherwise it is not that there are 320 silverless people here.

Hiding the last embarrassment, Aoki's confidence was enough.

Watching them communicate almost, Aoki took some potion and spray and walked to the flame bird.

Expressed that he wanted to help him deal with the remaining injuries on his body.

By the way, show yourself in front of Lokia.

There was a hint of embarrassment on Rocia's face.

But as a beast of God, will you admit your mistakes?

Obviously not!

It was a lot better for Aoki.

Immediately, once again, an energy ball was thrown from between the wings and into the flame bird's body.

The Flaming Bird's injury returned at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

Aoki embarrassedly put everything in his hand into the storage space.

唏 ————

Suddenly, Lokiah screamed at the other two elves.

The injured Lightning Bird and Frozen Bird flew over immediately, but their teeth were grinning slightly funny.

The three majestic birds with original majesty, after seeing Lokia, suddenly became a little fanboy, and at the same time, he also told his injured grievances.

Hearing the words of the lightning bird and the frozen bird, Lokia's face became ugly again.

唏 ————

This time the voice spread throughout the Three Gods Island.

All the elves who heard Lochia's voice were violent.

Fierce attacks were launched against all humans on the island.

I believe that in addition to dark and shadow have the strength to resist, the rest of the people are more or less dangerous.

Aoki didn't say anything. At this time, obviously he chose to protect himself.

After issuing the order, Lokia looked at Aoki again.

It was a little hesitant.

After all, I was just talking about all the humans on the island, and Aoki was also in it.

However, after all, Aoki can be regarded as a person who helped the Flamingo. He had misunderstood him before, and the little Loki's sense of Aoki was OK.

As if making a decision.

Lokia opened her mouth, and a blue-red ball condensed in it.

Frowning, he threw it directly to Aoki after successfully condensing.

The red and blue energy ball was directly integrated into Aoki's brain.

"Humans, this is a reward for your work. Blue energy has my breath. From now on, as long as you do n’t take the initiative to challenge, this island, and even many island spirits, will not take the initiative to you. superpower.

You are a rare superpower, but your talent is not enough. The six little guys on your hands are not enough. Let me help you a little. "

Having said that, Lokia winged for a while, taking the little Lochia and the three divine birds towards the distance.

After Lokiah left, the sea gradually calmed down, the rain stopped, and the clouds in the sky gradually dispersed.

Strands of sunlight hit the island through the clouds.

There are many rainbows of different sizes and shapes over the island, which is really beautiful.

Aoki looked at the elves who had become a few dots in the air, and couldn't say anything in his heart.

If Lokia doesn't show up, he will definitely make a profit this time.

When Lokia appeared, not only did he kill all of Brownie's seven Celestial Elves, he also took away the Flamingo.

Looking at the empty elf ball in his hand, Aoki couldn't say anything.

It is this elf ball that is connected to the flame bird.

"When you have strength in the future, you will definitely take back the flaming bird." Aoki could only comfort himself in this way.

Except for being able to comfort myself, it seems that the pain in my heart has no place to vent.

Fortunately ... Fortunately, a whole tank of flame bird blood was drawn in advance.

I don't know what effect the blood of Lokia will have.

Aoki's idea gradually deviated.

"But fortunately, there are also seven Kings-level elves of Lockes, which are also a great wealth, but it is a bit troublesome to handle ~ ~ Aoki murmured.

The organization that can take over seven Heavenly King Elves, except for the Rockets, is only more reliable than the Hunters Guild.

As for the strange red and blue energy ball that Loccia just condensed.

Aoki closed her eyes and felt her mind with a super power, and indeed there was that energy ball.

The blue energy is the same, but the red energy is constantly overflowing with energy.

There are no impurities, and no treatment is required. As soon as it spills out, it is directly integrated into the superpower of Aoki.

Under Aoki's perception, he also found that his super power was constantly improving.

The magnitude of the improvement is not great, but judging from the speed of energy dissipation of this energy ball and its scale, when all the superpowers in this energy ball are absorbed, even if your own superpowers fail to reach the advanced superpowers Or, it will be upgraded by a large level.

It's not all of a sudden, the slow improvement can also give you a time to ease.


Another new month, ten more! Please find your guaranteed monthly pass. This is the first change and I love you (づ  ̄3 ̄) づ.

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