Now, it can be said that there is a shortage of foreign exchange everywhere in the country.

There is a shortage of foreign exchange at the top and at the bottom.

And foreign exchange is needed everywhere!

For enterprises that can earn foreign exchange, there are substantial preferential policies and support.

And Panshan Group is the largest foreign exchange earner in the whole of China. Even oil, which was once a major export, cannot compare with Panshan Group.

The foreign exchange settlement of Panshan Group will be higher, but it does not have preferential policies such as tax rebates like other companies.

But there is no doubt that taking back the foreign exchange settlement rights for military trade is a good thing for Panshan Group. This means that Panshan Group can increase its income by billions every year without having to make a profit from the middleman, the China Ordnance Industry Corporation.

In the past Panshan Machinery Factory era, Panshan Machinery Factory had a low administrative level, no influence, and no military trade rights. It had to cooperate with the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building for win-win results, and everyone could make money.

But now it is different. Panshan Group has grown into a giant and has also obtained the right to export military products abroad.

As the largest arms dealer in China, there is no need for China North Industries Corporation to make a profit from the price difference. In the foreign exchange settlement negotiations with banks, Panshan Group has not received less than China North Industries Corporation.

"Leaders are making it more difficult for our weapons industry system." Zou Jiahua said with a sad face.

This knife cuts the body, which is really heartbreaking.

The body hurts, and the heart hurts even more.

Billions of net profits a year just flew away.

You should know that before, among all the major ministries, the Ministry of Machine Building had the most foreign exchange, and others who wanted foreign exchange often had to go to the Ministry of Machine Building.

Now, the settlement rights of Panshan Group's military foreign trade have returned to Panshan Group. Although China North Industries Corporation has other military foreign trade, it can't be compared with Panshan Group at all.

"Leader, you know the current situation of our Panshan Group. The stall is too big and we need money everywhere. The leaders above also understand our difficulties and help our Panshan Group overcome difficulties." Liu Tao said with a smile.

Liu Tao was in a good mood after getting back the settlement rights of military foreign trade.

The price difference alone was enough to support the installment payment of naval frigates and destroyers.

And he also had more confidence to promote new century engineering projects.

"You, why don't you do it properly? You just participated in the 'Shenhai Expressway' project and the 'Beijing-Kowloon Railway' project, adding pressure to yourself for nothing." Zou Jiahua shook his head helplessly.

Liu Tao did this, and even in the eyes of many people, it was something that only a fool would do.

It's thankless!

Liu Tao smiled. Some things must be done just to realize his ideals.

He was not afraid of the pressure of supercharging. As long as he could promote the development of China and realize the rejuvenation of China, he would not have lived in vain.

Otherwise, China would still be the same China, so wouldn't he be useless?

Now his efforts are promoting the development of China, and each one is proving that he is realizing his own value and that what he does is valuable.

For example, it is very obvious in GDP statistics.

On the surface, China's GDP in 1983 was 602.09 billion yuan, and the economic growth rate was 12.05%, which was already very fast.

Since the reform and opening up, the economic growth rate in 1979 was 11.47%, in 1980 it was 11.88%, in 1981 it was 7.59%, in 1982 it was 8.87%, and in 1983 it was 12.05%.

But this is just the data released to the public.

The real data is higher!

Being low-key and playing the pig to eat the tiger is what China is good at.

It is also not hoped that it will be too high-profile and attract the attention of the United States and the Soviet Union, so as not to cause external troubles.

Liu Tao knew that for several consecutive years after 1979, China's economic growth rate was not lower than 10% in any year!

Zou Jiahua asked: "How long do you think the Iran-Iraq War can last?"

The Iran-Iraq War is now the most important export market for China Ordnance Industry Corporation. China Ordnance Industry Corporation attaches great importance to the Iran-Iraq War.

It can even be said that the whole of China attaches great importance to it.

The China National Ordnance Industry Corporation has sent people to both Iran and Iraq, and the army has also sent military observers to both Iran and Iraq, taking turns to discuss the war on the battlefield and collect the latest information about the war.

The annual income brought by the Iran-Iraq War is almost 10 to 20 billion US dollars.

Weapons and ammunition, clothes and shoes, canned food, food, etc.

Many of them are small gadgets, but they cannot withstand large quantities, such as military kettles, at least three or four million have been exported in recent years.

There are also military shoes, at least five or six million pairs have been exported.

There are also canned food, canned fruit, canned meat, etc., which are exported even more.

To be honest, they don’t want the Iran-Iraq War to end, and then they are worried that if the Iran-Iraq War ends, everyone’s comfortable days will be gone forever and they will have to live a hard life.

"At least we can fight for another four or five years." Liu Tao smiled.

Now both sides are deadlocked on the battlefield, and no one can push the front line. The cruel war of attrition is huge.

But now there is no dawn of peace talks between the two sides.

In recent years, Iraq's oil revenue has been more than enough for war expenses. Now it is even using money to hire mercenaries to perform some military tasks to solve the problem of manpower loss. In addition, some young people in the Arab world have taken the initiative to join the Iraqi army.

Saddam is now a hero in the Arab world. Unless the war can be ended in a favorable way, he will not accept to return directly to the pre-war border.

Persia is extremely tough. It requires Iraq to return to the pre-war border if it wants to cease fire, and requires Iraq to compensate for the losses caused by the war.

The conditions of the two sides are very different, and there is no way to talk about it.

"Now Persia is in contact with the United States, and the assets frozen by the United States may be released. Persia has a lot of frozen assets in Europe and the United States. Even if the Iran-Iraq War continues for another five or six years, it may not end." Liu Tao said confidently.

The current situation of the two sides is very different from the original history.

According to the original history, the early stage is the first stage, that is, Iraq's full-scale offensive, Persia organized border defense and counterattack. Then in 1981, the second year after the outbreak of the war, Persia began a large-scale counterattack. At the end of September, Persia concentrated more than 100,000 troops and launched a large-scale Abadan counterattack, lifting Iraq's siege of Abadan. In late March 1982, Persia launched the "Operation Victory" offensive, annihilating two Iraqi brigades, severely damaging two divisions, killing and wounding 25,000 Iraqi soldiers, capturing 15,000, destroying 360 tanks, shooting down more than 20 aircraft, and seizing hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles.

On April 20, 1982, Persia concentrated nearly three divisions of troops and a large number of Revolutionary Guards of about 100,000 people to launch the "Jerusalem Holy City Operation" offensive with the goal of retaking the city of Khorramshahr. After 25 days of fierce fighting, it finally conquered the important southern port city of Khorramshahr.

After experiencing a series of heavy losses, Iraq proposed a ceasefire across the board, unilaterally implemented a ceasefire, and withdrew all its troops from Persia.

At this time, the war had already spread to Iraq, and the Iran-Iraq War entered the second phase in July 1982, which was carried out in Iraq.

However, due to Liu Tao's influence, the Iran-Iraq War was still fought on the original battlefield. Both sides were still in a stalemate and engaged in a brutal war of attrition.

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