In the courtyard.

Liu Ziyu was the leader of the children, and more than a dozen children looked up to her.

Zhu Lin smiled, "Your book is popular, popular all over the country, and now the People's Publishing House has printed a total of 2 million copies."

"The Future Belongs to China is too popular, but it has caused heated discussions, and both sides have fought each other in newspapers and magazines." Zhu Lin said with emotion.

The review of The Future Belongs to China was completed in a few days, and it was handed over to the People's Publishing House for publication without any changes.

The first print run of The Future Belongs to China was 500,000 copies, but it was sold out in bookstores in various places within a few days. With the previous two poetry collections, Liu Tao also had many fans. When they saw the attractive title and saw that the author was Liu Tao, they immediately bought it.

Then when they bought the book The Future Belongs to China, after reading it, it immediately caused heated discussions, dividing the two camps clearly.

On one hand, Liu Tao was scolded to the point of being drenched in anger, as if he had been touched on the reverse scale. The developed countries of Europe, America and Japan are obviously paradises, while China is poor and weak. How could there be so many problems in Europe, America and Japan, and how could the future belong to China? Isn't this just talking nonsense? It's completely a daydream.

In recent years, with the reform and opening up, more and more overseas introductions have been spread in the mainland. A group of people saw that the gap between China and the outside world was so big that their knees softened and they quickly knelt down. They frantically advocated Europe, America and Japan. Europe, America and Japan have become paradise on earth, the light of civilization, the beacon of civilization, and the model of human civilization.

In their advocacy, foreigners can fight and shake hands, but Chinese people fight for a hundred years of hatred, and ask Chinese people to reflect on why we lack the tolerance of the ocean. Then in another article, it is said that the Israelis have strong counterattack power. When they encounter difficulties, they will struggle and ask the other party to pay the price. The Chinese people just forget it, in one sentence, write it off, and make peace. This shows that the Chinese people's reward is lack of tolerance, and the Chinese people's failure to take revenge is to make peace.

Good man, these people are so shameless, their skin is thicker than the Great Wall. In their propaganda, whatever the Westerners do is right, and whatever the Chinese do is wrong.

Liu Tao's book "The Future Belongs to China" is fair, objective and neutral, and has conducted an in-depth analysis, which simply touched their reverse scales, as if the emperor's new clothes on them were punctured.

Liu Tao conducted an in-depth analysis of the American education system. For example, there are two types of primary and secondary schools in the United States. One is public, with low tuition fees, implementing quality education, and a hell for poor children; the other is private, with expensive tuition fees, implementing elite education, and a paradise for rich children. Rich children, even if their grades are bad, can enter famous schools through donations. Most poor children are mediocre in public middle schools, continuing the hardships of their parents. In this, Liu Tao gave examples of the specific figures of tuition fees of various famous universities in the United States. Ordinary people have to bear heavy loans after graduating from college. Then he gave examples of famous universities that can use backdoors, such as donating to obtain quotas, and obtaining letters of recommendation from senators and governors to enter famous universities, but the question is, what does this have to do with ordinary people?

Ordinary people can get letters of recommendation from academicians, senators, congressmen, and governors?

Thinking too much!

In this, Liu Tao highly praised China's education system. He believes that although there are various problems in the current education system, the current education system of China takes care of the vast majority of ordinary people. This is the greatest good policy in the world. Children from ordinary families can get ahead through studying.

Liu Tao gave a very high evaluation of the college entrance examination.

At least, this is already the fairest system in the world.

He believes that it is okay to point out the defects of the college entrance examination, but discovering and pointing out problems is never the key. The key is to propose a more perfect talent selection system to replace it.

On the other hand, those who support Liu Tao simply regard this book as a classic, and find the direction of progress in confusion. In the first chapter, Liu Tao elaborated on the greatness and advancement of China in the past dynasties, and led in all aspects of art, culture, politics, science and technology, economy and military. In the second chapter, the rise of Western civilization and the decline of Chinese civilization are analyzed in depth. In the third chapter, Liu Tao fully affirmed and highly praised the great contribution made by China in the two world wars.

Later, Liu Tao conducted an in-depth analysis of the Cold War, the advent of the era of globalization, etc., discussed current political affairs, and analyzed, discussed and predicted the industrial economy.

Here, Liu Tao analyzed and predicted many things. For example, when he analyzed the Soviet Union, while affirming the achievements of the Soviet Union, he also analyzed the various problems of the Soviet Union. He believed that a country of the size of the Soviet Union would never collapse due to external factors, but would collapse due to internal problems. In the analysis of the United States, Liu Tao analyzed various problems in the United States and analyzed some of them.

Liu Tao made a bold prediction here, believing that the current bipolar structure will evolve into "one superpower and multiple strong countries" or "three-polar structure" or "multipolar world".

In the last chapter of "The Future Belongs to China", Liu Tao introduced China's efforts since the founding of the Republic, especially after the reform and opening up, the initial formation of transportation network, initial formation of industrialization, and a large number of workers. The team, the hard work and hard work of the Chinese people, and the wisdom of the Chinese people, we can conclude that the future belongs to China, and China will belong to its own era.

Of course, here, Liu Tao also introduced the current problems in China and what problems will arise as society develops.

As more and more people watch "The Future Belongs to China", more and more people join the discussion.

As the saying goes, the truth becomes clearer with more debate. It is clear at a glance who is right and who is talking nonsense.

This has greatly touched many people, and even subverted their cognition. Different people can learn knowledge from it.

"Two million copies, the royalties will be 480,000, my dear, you will not have to worry about this book for the rest of your life." Zhu Lin is more concerned about the royalties.

Liu Tao rolled his eyes: "I don't know if someone throws away a million as soon as he makes a move. Even if the royalties are doubled, it won't be enough."

Zhu Lin's face turned red.

She admired director Yang Jie at the time. When she learned that the crew of "Journey to the West" was in urgent need of funds, she spent one million of her family's money.

It wasn't until later that I realized what was wrong.

Now that Liu Tao said this, she could naturally understand the meaning behind his words.

"You still say that!" Zhu Lin refused and used his trump card.

Facing Zhu Lin's coquettishness and cuteness, Liu Tao had no resistance at all, so he was the most susceptible to this trick.

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