"Lord Taiwei, Qingzhou urgent!" On

the seventh day after Tai Shici's army withdrew to Chengyang, Jia Xu, who was in Pengcheng, finally received a report from the front.

Jia Xu, who was still sitting at home and drinking tea, couldn't sit still after getting the news of Qingzhou.

Hebei has sent troops? Storming Anqiu? Now Tai Shici has already led his army to retreat to Chengyang

? Damn, how could Yuan Shao send troops to Qingzhou at this time? Could it be that someone has leaked the movement of our Chu State to transfer troops?

Obviously, the more intelligent a person is, the more he tends to think about simple things.

Because of the change in Qingzhou at such a critical moment, this made Jia Xu suspicious.

"Pei Yuanshao, immediately order domestic spies to investigate this matter thoroughly, if you find that someone really dares to leak

military information, kill!" In Jia Xu's view, this leakage of military information is far more than the battle situation in Qingzhou.

After all, Qingzhou still has the entire Chengyang County as a buffer, and it is not difficult to hold back the Hebei army.

But if there is really a traitor who leaks military information to Yuan Shao, then it will be a big problem.

If this is the case, then not only will Yuan Shao know that the current strength of the Chu State in Xuzhou is empty, but also the movements of Lü Meng's army.

You must know that Lu Meng led the elite troops of the Chu State second only to the Xiang family's army.

If all this army is lost in Yanzhou, then Chu State will not be able to recover in a short time.

And just when Jia Xu was busy thoroughly investigating the unwarranted spies in the country, Lu Meng, who was worried about him, also successfully led his troops to cross the Yellow River.

"Lu Shuai, where are we going now? Is it to directly cooperate with the Cao army to attack and disturb Yuan Shao's logistics?"

Crossing the Yellow River safely, as Lu Meng's deputy general, Zhang Heng couldn't help but be curious about his own marshal's plans.

Didn't they all say to Cao Cao that they would raid Yuan Shao's logistics together? Why did the marshal delay in taking action after arriving in Hebei?

"Zhang Heng, don't worry, we won't go anywhere, just stay here and wait." Zhang

Heng, who was slightly in arrears in IQ, was stunned.

What are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Did we cross the Yellow River with such great effort, and then come here just to see the scenery?

Looking at Zhang Heng with a blank expression, Lu Meng didn't bother to explain more.

You must know that now Yuan Shao's Liyang camp still has nearly 500,000 troops.

Now, if Lu Meng starts first, then the Liyang camp, which is very close, will not react?

I am afraid that if Hebei Iron Horse gallops over, it will be too late for Lu Meng to retreat to Taihang Mountain.

Now, Lü Meng can only wait, waiting for news from Cao Cao of the Eastern Route Army.

As long as he moved and attracted Yuan Shao's attention, then Lu Meng would dare to make a move.

Now, Cao Cao, who Lu Meng was looking forward to, was also waiting.

Yes, Cao Cao is also waiting.

However, what Cao Cao was waiting for was not Lu Meng, nor the Hebei army of the Liyang battalion, but a grain convoy that appeared at the end of the field of vision.

"It's finally here! Command the whole army to raid! Don't leave a single mouth alive!" After

waiting for a few days, Cao Cao finally looked forward to the grain convoy that came from the direction of Yecheng.

In today's situation, it is definitely impossible to match Yuan Shao's hard bar.

But if he went to attack the city in order to attract the attention of Yuan Shao's Liyang camp, it was too reluctant for Cao Cao.

After all, Cao Cao only crossed the river with an army of 50,000 now.

This is not the time when Jia Xu went to Yanzhou.

At that time, Jia Xu went to Yanzhou to break the city all the way, because Cao Cao's army was not there, and he couldn't rush back in time.

Now, there are tens of thousands of iron horsemen in Yuan Shao's Liyang camp.

As soon as you receive the message, it will be overnight.

Cao Cao didn't want to be attacking the city here, so he was backhanded by Yuan Shao and made dumplings.

The siege of the city could not be attacked, and harassing the neighboring villages had little impact on the Hebei army at all, and I am afraid that it would not be able to lure Yuan Shao's large army.

Then there is not much room left for Cao Cao to choose.

Grain robbery is the strategy chosen by Cao Cao.

After all, there are more than 500,000 soldiers stationed in the Liyang battalion, and how much does it cost to eat horses and chew in a day?

As long as Yuan Shao's grain route can be cut off, even if it is just a grain route, then the impact on him will be huge.


the Hebei army food team was stunned by the Cao army who suddenly killed it.

No matter how they thought about it, they would never have imagined that there would be enemy troops in their rear.

You must know that in the battle of Guandu for more than a year, the Hebei Army has always been fighting against Cao Cao's Yanzhou Army.

If it weren't for the strategists of the Yuan family, I am afraid that the Hebei army would have crossed the Yellow River and swept Yanzhou.

But now, what is the situation? When the army of the king of Qi suppressed Guandu, a large number of enemy troops appeared in the safe rear.

"Quick! Formation, cavalry, immediately break through the siege and go to Liyang for help!" The

person in charge of escorting the grain and grass is also the general of the Hebei Army, and there is no problem with the on-the-spot adaptability.

But the problem is, his opponent is Cao Cao!"

"Yuan Rang, this person will be handed over to you." Finding

that the Hebei army had begun to resist under the command of that general, Cao Cao decisively ordered.

Commander, right? Then I'll send the general directly to take down your commander.

You must know that now that the Hebei Army has lost Yan Liangwen and Chou, then Xiahoudun's force belongs to the existence that is superior to the generals in Hebei.

At present, Zhang He in Hebei can still fight with Xiahoudun, and the others are really not enough to see.

Therefore, Cao Cao sent Xiahoudun to kill the generals, which was a hundred reassurances.

"Xiahoudun is here, and those who stand in my way will die!" patted

the horse forward, and Xiahoudun killed the general who was still commanding the Hebei Army.

Along the way, there were constantly Hebei troops trying to intercept Xiahoudun who was rushing forward.

But how could ordinary soldiers pose a threat to a general like Xiahoudun?

The spears in his hands stabbed out one after another, and in an instant, they took away the names of several Hebei soldiers.

Under the heroic leadership of Xiahou Dun, the morale of the Cao army was even stronger, and he frantically slashed at the panicked Hebei army.

"Jiang Yiqu is here, and the thieves will be rampant!" Jiang Yiqu

was furious when he found that the position that his army had managed to stabilize was broken by Xiahoudun with a round of charge.

Is it true that there is no one

in Hebei?" "It's you who is waiting!" Seeing

that the commander of the Hebei army will go to battle, Xiahoudun was overjoyed, Lao Tzu, I am waiting for you!

No nonsense, with a swing of the spear in his hand, he knocked away the two Hebei soldiers who were blocking in front of him, and Xiahoudun frantically rushed forward.

"It's a good time!" Jiang

Yiqu was brave and brave, and he was not afraid of the oncoming Xiahoudun.

What Xiahoudun? Isn't it half a year of bedsickness who was beaten by Nawen Ugly

earlier? I heard that now he has become a tuberculosis ghost, what else is there to be afraid of?

Waving the big knife in his hand, he rushed forward to meet Xiahoudun.


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