"Attack! We will break through!"

Under Cao Cao's order, Xiahoudun took all the wounded and launched a charge towards the defensive line set up by the western Hebei cavalry.

All the wounded soldiers knew that their chances of returning to their homeland were slim, which is why they were chosen as the strikers to break through.

In this regard, although the wounded soldiers have some complaints, they can accept it.

After all, securing the main force is a choice that any commander would make.

And with Xiahoudun taking the lead and Cao Cao's Daxu, there is still hope for the wounded soldiers.

At the very least, as long as they follow General Xiahou all the way to the kill, there will always be some lucky ones who will hold out to the end, or even return to their hometowns? Unfortunately, they will

never know that the real retreat direction of Cao's army is exactly the opposite.

Xiahoudun, who took the lead in the killing, was puzzled in his heart, so he could only vent all the anger he was holding in his heart on the battlefield.

And the result of this is that Xiahoudun's strength is far greater than before, and there is no Hebei army in his hands to go on a round.

A round of rushing killing, but he was rushed out of a path by Xiahou Shengsheng.

But even so, Xiahoudun also knew that these were useless efforts.

These Cao Jun, they are just abandoned sons, they will never be able to return to their hometown, and they will never see the sun in the future.


The more he thought about it, the more annoying the feelings in Xiahoudun's heart became.

The spears in his hands kept flying, bringing down a large number of Hebei cavalry.

Finally, the nearby Hebei cavalry gradually arrived, and the pressure on the Cao army that broke through suddenly increased.

"General Xiahou, it's time for us to go!"

Because he was not worried about Xiahoudun, Cao Cao specially sent his own soldiers to follow, just to remind Xiahoudun at the last moment.

Wounded soldiers, can be sacrificed, after all, they have little hope of escaping.

But Xiahoudun must not be sacrificed here.

Whether it was the friendship between relatives or the strategic needs, Cao Cao could not accept it.

"Damn! Damn!" After

receiving a reminder from Cao Cao's own soldiers, Xiahoudun also knew that if he did not retreat at this time, he was afraid that he would have no chance after the Hebei cavalry surrounded the forward of Cao's army.

However, Xiahoudun was really unwilling and unbearable.

However, for a general, obedience is the first thing.

What's more, Xiahoudun didn't really want to die.

Annoyed, the helpless Xiahoudun could only turn his horse's head with Cao Cao's own soldiers and galloped towards the east.

But when Xiahoudun left, the Cao army striker who broke through suddenly lost his backbone, and all the Cao troops were frightened.



And just when Cao's wounded soldiers attracted the attention of the Hebei cavalry, the main force of the Hebei Army led by Zhang He also reached the left side of the battlefield.

"Marshal, now Cao Cao is breaking through, and our cavalry is engaged in a battle with him!"

After receiving the scout's report, Zhang He looked at the dusty battlefield not far away.

Is this Cao Cao desperate? However, is he so unwise? He just breaks through the siege so stubbornly? Even if he escapes, how many people will he have left? Can his little people return to Yanzhou, Henan Province on the land of Hebei?

Although his heart is full of doubts, the battle on the battlefield cannot be faked.

Zhang He can only think that maybe this Cao Cao is cornered.

"Order, the whole army will attack and destroy the Cao army!" The

enemy was already close at hand, and Zhang He naturally couldn't watch the friendly army fight and ignore it.

Under Zhang He's order, the dusty Hebei army did not stop and rushed straight towards the battlefield west of Guangzong.

Come to think of it, there are only tens of thousands of Cao Cao's army, as long as they are destroyed, then everyone who has run all the way can have a good rest, right?

Moreover, the king of Qi is so secretly ruthless to this Cao Cao, if he destroys it, the reward must be indispensable.

It is because they all have such a heart, so for Zhang He's order, the Hebei army, which has not rested at all along the way, has no complaints.

"My lord, it's time for us to withdraw. "

In the east of Guangzong, the Cao army, hidden between the mountains and forests, has been waiting for a long time.

And the purpose of their waiting, one is to confirm whether the main force of the Hebei Army has been attracted to the West.

And then there's that....

"No, you can't go, Yuan Rang hasn't returned yet!

Cao has already lost many brothers, and he must not be defeated by Yuan Rang again. "

Cao Jun, who sacrificed so much, was the most distressed by Cao Cao.

You must know that these Cao troops, but with Cao Cao all the way, resisted Yuan Shao, fought fiercely in Guandu, smuggled across Hebei, attacked the grain team, and finally broke through all the way to this place.

But there is no way, as the lord and the commander of everyone, Cao Cao can't selfishly choose to protect these hopeless wounded soldiers, and let everyone be buried with him.

However, now Cao Cao wants to be selfish once.

Xiahoudun, if I can't see you return, Cao Mou and I won't leave.

"But... Lord, if you don't leave, I'm afraid it's too late!" You

know, when Zhang He leads the crowd to rush, he will definitely find the problem.

After all, the bait is only less than 10,000 Cao Jun, as long as you are not a fool, you will inevitably find that the main force of Cao Jun is not here.

"Fengxiao, don't say it again

! Now, I will hand over the command of Cao Jun's command to you, and you will take them the rest of the way!

Fengxiao, promise me that you must take these brothers home and return to Yanzhou!" How

could Cao Cao not understand Guo Jia's words?

But this time, Cao Cao planned to be willful.

As long as these brothers can return safely, even if Cao and I can't go back, what will happen?"


Hearing Cao Cao say this, Guo Jia understood.

This, is it true that if he can't see Xiahoudun, Cao Cao won't plan to leave

? But what do you think if you don't go? I'm afraid Cao Cao knows better than anyone else, right?"

"Fengxiao, maybe this is the last time I will give you an order as a lord."

If, if Cao can't go back...

Then, you can take everyone to the Chu State Xiangjia..."

With that, Cao Cao turned his head to look at Dian Wei, who had been standing behind him.

"Dian Wei, remember to protect Mr. Fengxiao. "

Along the way, Cao Cao has experienced too many betrayals and too many separations.

Today, Cao Jun has long lived up to the grand occasion of the year.

The generals withered, the ministers left, and Cao Cao's heart was tired.

has lost so much, and now Cao Cao no longer thinks about supporting the Han family and competing for the throne.

The current Cao Cao just doesn't want to live up to Xiahoudun again.

Because, Cao Mou, I said, I will wait for him here!

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