
the halberds converged.

After the blow, the two men who had passed by the wrong horse looked at each other again.

Xiang Ji didn't think anything about it, but Huang Zhong was surprised in his heart.


the slightly numb arm, Huang Zhong gave up the idea of continuing to wrestle with the same class.

This is not a power that human beings can possess at all.

You must know that Huang Zhong's martial arts are simple and unpretentious, and they are a routine with one board and one eye.

In the face of this kind of frontal hard encounter, it is far more comfortable than Zhao Yun's incomparably fast style of play.

But now, in the face of Xiang Ji, Huang Zhong doesn't feel the slightest comfort.

It was impossible to unload its power.

The method of unloading force is Huang Zhong's unique martial art, which can remove the power that attacks himself with the help of special techniques.

But now, in the face of Xiang Ji's violent power, Huang Zhong couldn't let go of his strength.

This makes Huang Zhong can only rely on his own strength to fight hard with the same membership.

"Look at the knife!" The

strength is not enough, and the method of unloading the force is useless, so the experienced Huang Zhong naturally chooses to attack.

In the face of an absolute strength general like Xiang Ji, if he gets the initiative, he will not have to fight at all.

Looking at the oncoming broadsword, Xiang Ji did not dodge, and threw the overlord halberd in his hand, directly knocking the broadsword away, and taking advantage of the situation, the overlord halberd slashed down at Huang Zhong again.

Huang Zhong never expected that Xiang Ji would not only have great strength, but also the use of the halberd method, and he would also reach the realm of transformation.

You must know that just this knock and a slash contain an understanding of the structure of the halberd and the use of the halberd.

With rich experience in the battle, Huang Zhong was surprised by Xiang Ji's sudden blow, but he was not panicked.

With a twist of his head, he was able to dodge the overlord halberd that slashed him head-on.

"Hahaha, okay! It's worthy of Huang Zhong, Huang Hansheng!" Seeing

Huang Zhong dodge his halberd, Xiang Ji was even more happy.

is worthy of being among the top generals in the world, and there is really a set.

However, only in this way can it be more enjoyable!

Xiang Ji is enjoyable, and Huang Zhongke is depressed.

There is no advantage in technique, and the strength is even more suppressed.

In desperation, Huang Zhong could only fight with the same item.

Veteran, I don't believe it, you have so much strength, you use all your strength for every blow, and you hold on physically.

You must know that Huang Zhong's knife technique pays attention to the use of force, and he uses the most labor-saving way for each blow.

This is also the reason why Zhao Yun was defeated in the competition for endurance.

But Xiang Ji is not Zhao Yun after all.

Because Zhao Yun's strength is similar to Huang Zhong, he can let Huang Zhong drag on for more than a hundred rounds.

But how could Xiang Ji fight with Huang Zhong for more than 100 rounds? After the two fought for more than 30 rounds

, Xiang Ji finally discovered a flaw in Huang Zhong.

After all, every blow was resisted with all his might, and it was the first time for Huang Zhong, which also made Huang Zhong's knife skills gradually messy, and he was finally caught by Xiang Ji.

found a flaw, and Xiang Ji naturally would not let it go.

The overlord halberd in his hand flew and stabbed straight into the chest of Huang Zhong, who was not in a hurry.


middle door was wide open, and in the face of Xiang Ji's blow, Huang Zhong was unable to resist.

In desperation, he could only reluctantly turn around, at the very least, to avoid the vital point, right

? But how could Xiang Ji let Huang Zhong get a chance to breathe?

After stabbing Huang Zhong in the ribs, the overlord halberd swept away and directly took Huang Zhong off the horse.

"I lost!" Looking

at the overlord halberd standing in front of him, Huang Zhong, who fell to the ground, could only admit defeat helplessly.

is worthy of being the world's number one general.

For Xiang Ji, Huang Zhong's heart was convinced.

This is simply not an existence that ordinary people can deal with alone.

I'm afraid that only the Qin King Lu Bu can fight against him, right?"


Xiang Ji's victory, the Canglong Cavalry under his command quickly rushed over and directly tied the defeated Huang Zhong aside.

"Canglong Cavalry, target

Jiangxia Army, charge!" After seeing Huang Zhong captured, the overlord halberd pointed at the panicked Jiangxia army, and Xiang Ji launched the order to charge.

You must know that Xiang Ji didn't plan to let any Jiang Xia army get away at all, and he didn't plan to let Huang Zu get the news of his arrival at all.


Knock! Knock! Knock!

Under the order of Xiang Ji, the horn of the charge and the sound of the vast war drums sounded at the same time.


Immediately, the Canglong cavalry, who was lined up in front of the gate of Chaisang, began to charge at the Jiangxia army.

War horses are galloping, knights are roaring.

Facing the imposing Canglong Cavalry, Jiang Xiajun was at a loss.

You must know that in their impressions, Huang Zhongdou has never been defeated.

But today, in front of their eyes, they watched Huang Zhong be beaten down by the Chu King Xiang Ji in dozens of rounds.


making any preparations to meet the enemy at all, the Jiangxia army was rushed into the formation by the Canglong cavalry.

Slaughter, in the face of the Canglong Cavalry, the Jiangxia army had no power to resist.

After being killed by the Canglong Cavalry, the Jiangxia army, which had no hope of escaping, could only kneel and be captured.

"Huang Zhong, are you willing to surrender?"

Returning to Chaisang, Xiang Ji began to surrender to Huang Zhong, who was tied into a dumpling.

After all, this is a rare general.

Who wouldn't dislike that there aren't enough generals under his command, right

?" Huang Zhong has been following my lord Emperor Liu Biao since he was in the army, how could he do that treacherous thing for the sake of greed for life and fear of death?" Regarding the

surrender of Xiang Ji, Huang Zhong just coldly expressed his loyalty.

Just kidding, if you arrest me, just surrender me like this? At the very least, you have to give some respect and loosen the thorn that binds me, right? No matter how bad you are, you can't do it at once?

In the face of Xiang Ji's such an arrogant surrender, Huang Zhong said that he couldn't say anything with this face.


Huang Zhong's cognition, since Xiang Ji wanted to surrender himself, he would definitely not care about his refusal.

But what Huang Zhong was waiting for was not Corporal Lixian, but Xiang Ji's cold order.

"Since you don't surrender, then push it out and behead it!"


Is this King of Chu sick? Aren't you asking me once? You're going to kill me?"

Huang Zhong was really stunned by Xiang Ji's decision.


Zhong couldn't understand it, but for the generals under Xiang Ji's command, this was normal.

Who is the overlord? Except for Taiwei Jia Xu, who rushed to recruit the overlord himself, which of the others didn't just ask you once?

As far as Xiang Ji is concerned, these so-called famous ministers and fierce generals, if you are willing to submit to me, then it is better, if you are unwilling, then you will directly kill the matter.

At the very least, after killing, there will be no such person to make trouble for himself, right

? As for Corporal Lixian? Xiang Ji doesn't care, just kidding, without you Zhang Butcher, I still have to order a pig with hair?

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