"Overlord! Our army has won a great victory in this battle! A total of 39,000 enemy troops have been annihilated, and another 12,000 have been captured!" The

final battle on the shore has ended, and Xiang Ji is very excited to receive the report from his command.

In this battle, more than half of the Jiangxia army was basically defeated.

As long as the navy is a little stronger and can block the entrance to Baoan Hu, then the Jiangxia army, which has only 30,000 or 40,000 people left, can no longer pose a threat to Jiangdong.

You must know that Xiang Ji also knows that he is unable to start an all-out war with Liu Biao, so why is this not the case with Liu

Biao? He destroyed 100,000 second-line troops before, and now he has disabled the Jiangxia naval army, I am afraid that Liu Biao will also be in pain, right?

Hmph, Liu Biao, this time, Lao Tzu should teach you a lesson.

You wait for me, wait for Lao Tzu to dispose of that Yuan Shao.

For Liu Biao, Xiang Ji definitely wanted to come back to him for revenge.

This isn't the first time I've been disgusted.

Xiang Ji hated Liu Biao deeply, and Liu Biao didn't hate Xiang Ji deeply?

After a few days, the news of the defeat of Jiangxia's army finally reached Liu Biao's ears.

"What!??The Jiangxia army was defeated?Huang Zu was killed?Huang Zhong defected to the enemy?That Chu King Xiang Ji came to Jiangdong?"

Liu Biao was so shocked by this series of blows that he almost rolled off the dragon chair.

What is the situation? Why was everything fine before, but why did the situation suddenly change suddenly?

Damn, that Liu Xuande, the real thing is a fool!

You know, if it weren't for Liu Bei's repeated demagoguery, Liu Biao really didn't want to provoke Xiang Ji.

After all, now the focus of the Jingzhou Army can be all placed on the battlefield on the Western Front.

And Wancheng also needs to be defended, Lu Bu of Qin is also a wolf of wealth, if Wancheng is empty, then that jackal will inevitably rush up and bite himself.

But at this critical moment, he was actually bewitched by Liu Xuande, and went to do something to attack Yangzhou.

This time it's okay? Well, not to mention that all of my 100,000 troops were lost, and I even directly compensated the Jiangxia army?


You know, Liu Xian's strength in the whole country can only make up about 500,000.

But now against the Shang Chu State, he has lost 150,000 or 60,000 troops, and his favorite general Huang Zu was killed on the spot.

This, how can Liu Biao not be angry?

"Ladies and gentlemen, what about me now?"

Liu Biao didn't pay attention, and he could only ask the many ministers below.

"Your Majesty! Weichen thinks that our country should now temporarily sue for peace with the Chu State.

Liu Biao's voice fell, and a fat man with a bloated body stood up.

"No, Your Majesty!

Yun believes that our country must not take the initiative to seek peace with the Chu State, but will increase its troops on the eastern front Jiangxia.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be clear that the Chu State Xiang Ji would see that our country's troops were not enough?"

Regarding Kuai Liang's proposal, Liu Cousin's nephew Zhang Yunna disagreed.

Just kidding, what should you do, this is going to make peace? These literati are all soft eggs.

Seeing that the next group of ministers had a dispute because of the disagreement between the two Aiqing, Liu Biao was even more helpless.

This, if you make peace, you can indeed temporarily stabilize the nationality of the Chu State.

After all, this goods is also at war with Yuan Shao of Hebei, and he doesn't want to start a war with himself.

But this is indeed as his nephew Zhang Yun said.

If we seek peace, wouldn't that make that person look down on it

? It doesn't matter if he underestimates it, he thinks that Jingzhou is weak and can be bullied, so how can it be good to directly wave his troops to attack?

You must know that Liu Biao is really powerless to deal with the two fronts at the same time.

On the Xichuan side, Liu Yan's old man heard that he was about to hang up, and if he didn't take advantage of the situation to destroy it at this time, then Liu Biao would not be willing to say anything.

After all, there are no two heavens and no two masters of the country.

How can there be two emperors of the Han Dynasty? This is not a system at all.

If it weren't for Liu Yan, an old man, I'm afraid that these princes would have worshiped me a long time ago, right?

Of course, all this was taken for granted by Liu Biao.

But after all, it is also because of the second Great Han Kingdom established by Liu Yan that the princes of the world have become kings.

"Cai Qing, what do you think our country should do with the Chu State Nationality?"

After some entanglement, Liu Biao found that the next group of ministers were still arguing, so he could only ask questions to his eldest brother.

It's just that Liu Biao is in his fifties, but his eldest brother is only in his early thirties.

was asked by Liu Biao, Cai Mao hurriedly came out of the ranks.

"Your Majesty, Weichen thinks that our country can make peace with the Chu State, but there is a request, you must let the King of Chu Xiang come to Xiangyang in person!"

What are you talking about? Let Xiang Ji come to Xiangyang? Why should he come? Wouldn't it be good to talk about and send an envoy? How can anyone let the monarch of the family

come in person? Moreover, Xiang Ji is not stupid, can he come? Just kidding?

You know, the two countries are still at war!"

"Your Majesty, Weichen knows that Xiang Ji will definitely not come in person, but in this way, it will not be our country that weakens morale!"

Seeing that the ministers and Liu Biao were puzzled, Cai Mao sneered.

A bunch of idiots, don't they understand

this? How could that account come

? But as long as you put this request over, won't that registration be difficult to ride a tiger

? Come on, will he dare?

If he doesn't come, then his Chu State will have weakened morale in this negotiation, and he will inevitably fall into passivity.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Lord Cai Mao's plan is wonderful!" Finally

, someone heard what Cai Mao meant, and Lian Sheng praised him.

Yes, as long as the morale of the Chu State is weakened, in the negotiations, I am afraid that the impact of our country's loss of troops will be eliminated infinitely.

In this way, not only will it not let the Chu State underestimate Jingzhou, but it will also be passive everywhere.

"Hahaha! good! Very good! It's worthy of my humerus!" Liu

Biao is not stupid, and after thinking about it, he understood.

Cai Mao's trick is indeed beautiful.

All of a sudden, Jingzhou's disadvantage was completely reversed

! "Someone is coming! Proposed an order!

Ordered the Yi nationality to send an envoy to the Chu State, and I will convey the meaning of our Great Han Kingdom to the past."

I miss the people of the world, so I don't care about the Chu State, and the two families will stop fighting for the time being.

However, it is necessary to let the relatives of the king of Chu sign the reconciliation agreement, so as to show the sincerity of the Chu State.

Otherwise, I will definitely wave a million male soldiers to level the Chu State!"

Now Liu Biao also understands that he must not be weak.

For that Chu country, for that nationality, we must show Jingzhou's strength and determination to fight at any cost.

Otherwise, I am afraid that it will really be seen by it that Jingzhou is weak.

Hmph, Xiang Ji, I don't have the energy to deal with you now, so I'll let you be dashing for a few days.

However, that damn Liu Xuande, don't be caught by me, otherwise you will definitely be cramped and skinned.

For Liu Bei, who caused himself to lose 100,000 troops, Liu Biao was absolutely unforgettable.

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