Jingzhou, Yingcheng.

"I am Xu Sheng, the guerrilla general of Chu State! In the rear is the lord of my Chu State, the king of Chu.

At the invitation of Emperor Liu Biao, the lord of you, we went to Xiangyang to negotiate an armistice agreement, and we didn't open the city gate quickly!"

Ma De, I made a mistake, Lao Tzu was too anxious.

It is obvious that the Yi has not had time to return to Xiangyang and inform him of the things he is going to go, or occasionally he has been informed, but he has not had time to inform the guards of these border gates.

But the problem now is that Xiang Ji is here to sign an armistice agreement, so he can't fight all the way, right?

Let's not talk about whether we can kill all the way through with the dragon riding alone, and even if we do, I'm afraid it won't look good on the other side, right? How can we sign an agreement?

But often things are not satisfactory.

Xiang Ji didn't want to fight, but the Jingzhou guards didn't want to let him go.

Liu Pannai, the general of Yingcheng, was Liu Biao's nephew.

When he heard that it was Xiang Ji who had arrived and was going to sign an armistice agreement, he was really shocked.

What is the situation? Why did the king of Chu go to Xiangyang to sign an armistice agreement? Is it really false? Why didn't I receive the notice?

But just when Liu Pan hesitated, his lieutenant general offered him a plan.

"Childe, no matter what this person from Chu said is true or false, we haven't been notified.

As long as Gongzi takes that title, then what if the people of Chu tell the truth? Can His Majesty still punish Gongzi? I'm afraid that he will be greatly rewarded to Gongzi, right?"

It was precisely after listening to the words of the deputy general that Liu Pi's heart was moved.

Yes, I don't care if he's true or not? At least I haven't been notified by His Majesty.

So even if you kill Xiang Ji, I'm afraid that not only is he not guilty, but he will have merit.

Even if I can't beat it, so what? I haven't been notified, can my uncle still blame me? It's

because I figured this out, so Liu Pan gave the order.

"Archers! Shoot! Shoot me hard! The whole army will attack and kill the Chu State Xiang!" In

the face of this earth-shattering achievement, Liu Pan obviously didn't care.

As long as I can capture and kill Xiang Ji, I'm afraid that my name Liu Pi will resound throughout the world, right?

A round of arrow rain fell, and Xu Sheng, who was shouting under the city, fled back in embarrassment.

"Looking for death!" Seeing

Xu Sheng's tragic situation, Xiang Ji was furious.

Zhen Nyima is shameless, isn't it? Lao Tzu, I really want to go to Xiangyang without stopping, and leave after the discussion is over, and when the south is stabilized.

As a result, why are you looking for trouble here with me, right?

When Xiang Ji saw the opening of the Yingcheng Gate Cave and the large number of Jingzhou soldiers killed from it, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hmph, Nima's, I was worried that it would be difficult to attack the city with cavalry alone, but you still took the initiative to send it to death?"

"Canglong cavalry, the whole army listens to the order, charge!"


With Xiang Ji's order, Canglong Cavalry began to urge the war horse and rushed towards the oncoming Jingzhou army.

"Hahaha, great, this Xiang Ji didn't even run! Brothers, kill him!"

Liu Pan was overjoyed to find that Xiang Ji did not run away, but instead charged at him.

You must know that Yingcheng has a full 20,000 defenders.

In Liu Pan's view, if I beat your cavalry with less than 10,000 with 20,000 people, it is not enough to capture it?

Unfortunately, how did Liu Pan, who was too young, know that the battlefield is not just about the comparison of the numbers of the two sides.

After only one round of charge, the Jingzhou army was stunned by the Canglong cavalry.

Countless Jingzhou soldiers were pierced by the spears in the hands of the Cangdagoon warriors.

Countless Jingzhou soldiers were knocked to the ground by the war horses ridden by Canglong, and then they were trampled to death by the war horses that followed.

Wails, cries of pain, and cries for help kept coming from the Jingzhou army's position.


Seeing that the Jingzhou army was so vulnerable, Liu Pan panicked.

Oh my God, why is that? Didn't they just ride a war horse? How could they be so strong? Why can't the armor under my command resist at all?

Obviously, Liu Pan, who grew up in a honeypot, has never experienced a real battlefield battle, let alone seen a cavalry charge in formation.

After a few breaths, most of Liu Pan's Yingcheng defenders were slaughtered by the Canglong Cavalry, and some of the remaining ones fled far away, not daring to look back at the Senluo Hell.

"You ordered the capture of the Lone King?" patted the

horse in front of Liu Pan, and Xiang Ji asked him coldly.

What should you do, do you think you have more combat effectiveness, the slogan shouted loudly, and the result is such a thing?

Asked by Xiang Ji, Liu Pan fell to the ground in a panic.

"Don't, don't kill me, I'm the nephew of Emperor Guang Liu Biao!"

Obviously, this thing has been frightened by Xiang Ji.

If I don't kill you? If I don't kill you, how can I show the majesty of our army?

Hearing Liu Pan's words, Xiang Ji could only snort coldly.

Liu Biao's nephew is awesome? Even if Liu Biao dares to make this set with Lao Tzu, I will kill him directly.

The overlord halberd was raised, and Xiang Ji was about to kill the frightened second ancestor who was full of and urine, but suddenly there was a shout in the distance.

"Keep people under the halberd!King Chu!Leave people under the halberd of the king of Chu!"

Attracted by the sound, Xiang Ji's hand returned to the overlord halberd, turned his head and looked, lying in the groove, he was still an acquaintance.

It turned out that the person who shouted was from Iraq.

This goods was ordered by Liu Biao, and all the way quickly ordered various states and counties to go to the Chu military.

But when he arrived at Yingcheng, the outermost city, he saw the scene in front of him.

Just kidding, whether it's right or wrong, those little pawns will be killed by your King of Chu, but this one can't be killed.

You must know that this Liu Pan is Liu Biao's favorite nephew.

gave up his two sons, Liu Qi and Liu Zong thought that in the entire Jingzhou Han Kingdom, I am afraid that this Liu Pan is the most noble.

If this is slaughtered by Xiang Ji, not to mention whether the armistice agreement can be signed smoothly, at least my Yi nationality will definitely be buried with this little boy.

"King Chu, forgive me, Prince Liu Pan is young and ignorant, and I hope that the King of Chu has a large number of things, and Wan Wu has general knowledge!"

Looking at the acquaintance Yi Ji, and looking at Liu Pan who had a handful of snot and tears, Xiang Ji let go of the killing thoughts in his heart.

Anyway, they didn't kill their Jingzhou armor, and it can be regarded as a prestige, this spicy chicken thing, don't kill it.

After all, Xiang Ji also knew in his heart that if he was really killed, he would not have to sign this armistice agreement, and he would go back directly to prepare for war with Jingzhou.

I am not afraid of going to war with Jingzhou, but it is definitely not at this point in time.

For the sake of the overall situation, Xiang Ji can only let go of this spicy chicken for the time being.

"The Lone King only said it once, if anyone dares to be unreasonable to the Lone King and the soldiers under the command of the Lone King, no matter who it is, the Lone King will be killed!"

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