Traveling all the way, Xiang Ji and the others soon came to the left near Xiangyang.

"It's not far from my house.

You...... Do you want to go to my house and sit down?"

Obviously, Huang Yueying, who was completely conquered by Xiang Ji, had completely regarded it as her own support.

Then it is also natural, of course Huang Yueying wants Xiang Ji to meet her parents.

At the very least, tell my dad that someone wants his girl, right?

Moreover, this person is one of the most powerful people in the world today.

As for Zhuge Liang, anyway, it's just a marriage, and he has no feelings.

"Yes, I'm not in a hurry anyway.

Regarding Huang Yueying's request, Xiang Ji naturally nodded and agreed.

In any case, I also slept with other girls, if the father-in-law wanted to follow, Xiang Ji would not refuse.

Moreover, for this Huang Yueying, Xiang Ji is also indescribably satisfied.

This is really a stunner.

You must know that Huang Yueying is completely different from the other daughters of Xiang Ji.

Although the cooperation between the beds is a little rusty, but this initiative, this is really, tsk.

You must know that among the women in Xiang's nationality, the most active ones are He Lian, Liu Xiu and Cao Ziran.

But He Lian and Liu Xiuna are experienced and flattering.

Cao Ziran: That's because of his character.

But this Huang Yueying is different from them.

If you really let Xiang Ji describe it, it can only be said that his desires are difficult to fill and his desires are excessive.

From the first time she broke the melon, Huang Yueying almost completely took the initiative, as if she could never be satisfied.

This is really right, she looks like a Middle Easterner.

In terms of lust, it is really different from the ordinary women of this era.

This also relieved Xiang Ji.

No wonder Zhuge Liang died at the age of fifty-three, this is really "" overwork!

What's more, Xiang Ji agreed to Huang Yueying's request, but it was not just to visit her father-in-law.

You know, Huang Yueying's father, that's Huang Chengyan.

This goods are good, but there are many wise people.

Zhuge Liang didn't want to or worry about it, but that Pang Tong was quite interested.

You must know that this product can also be regarded as a broken clan, and it will not have an impact on the pattern of the Chu clan.

Moreover, the IQ scheme of this product is urgently needed.

The current state of Chu is only Jia Xu who is reliable, and Chen Gong can only be regarded as half.

Nowadays, we are often faced with multi-front operations, and the fact that there are too few military divisions is really too great a constraint on Xiang Ji.

If he can meet Pang Tong this time, then Xiang Ji doesn't mind subduing him.

And if the goods refuse to work, then the item does not mind reducing a trouble.

Even that Zhuge Liang, Xiang Ji planned to send the Canglong Cavalry to kill him directly.

"Daddy, I'm back!"

After arranging for Canglong to ride near the left and waiting, Xiang Ji accompanied Huang Yueying to Huangjiazhuang.

After all, this is to see the old man, what has he done with the army? Is it a demonstration?

Xiang Ji admits that he does not need to rely on the army to support the scene.

With Huang Yueying's shouting, Xiang Ji finally saw his father-in-law.

But what he didn't expect was that this old man actually brought him an unexpected surprise.

Looking at the two people beside Old Man Huang, Xiang Ji smiled playfully.

A young ugly ghost must be Pang Tong, right?

You know, in history, this guy is so famous for his ugliness that he was rejected because of his appearance when he went to Soochow to apply for a job.

But this is not the most surprising thing for Xiang Ji.

Looking at the other person who appeared, Xiang Ji really couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and roar.

It's really the heavens that forgive anyone.


it weren't for you, Lao Tzu, I wouldn't have seen what the jade seal Zhang Cheng looked like after I had worked so hard to kill Yuan Shu

? If it weren't for you, could Yuzhou be taken away by this Liu Biaobing without blood? If it weren't for you,

this Yuan Yin would definitely be among the best.

Similarly, Xiang Ji saw them, and Yuan Yin, who was beside Huang Chengyan, naturally saw Xiang Ji.

Although he had only seen Xiang Ji in Runan City back then, Yuan Yin was unforgettable for life.

It's just that he couldn't have imagined that he would meet Xiang Ji here.

You must know that it was because Xiang Ji came to Xiangyang to sign the armistice agreement, so Yuan Yin simply asked for leave from Liu Biao and slipped out.

As a result, I never thought that when I hid in this rural place, I still encountered this demon that he couldn't avoid.

It's not nonsense, after Yuan Yin found out about Xiang Ji, he turned around and started running wildly.

"Give me death to the lonely king!" Yuan

Yin wanted to run, but Xiang Ji naturally wouldn't give him a chance.

He took the Overlord Halberd from his back and threw it at the running figure.


Just kidding, this throwing skill has been practiced since Xiang Ji crossed over.

Xiang Ji killed a hated person, and he was naturally very happy.

But Huang Chengyan and Pang Tong were frightened.

What's the situation?

Without saying a word, they just met, one of them fled

, and the other killed? These two people, what kind of grudge

? Moreover, this Yuan Yin is a scholar of the court, and he was killed by this barbarian who suddenly appeared?

"Daddy, this is his daughter's father-in-law."

He..... Call

, Xiang Ji!" Although Huang Yueying was also surprised that Xiang Ji actually killed Yuan Yin when they met, but after all, he was already his own man, and he needed to stand on that side

, Huang Yueying still knew it, but Huang Yueying didn't introduce it, but this introduction, the two who were just panicked instantly became frightened.

Even Pang Tong was also ready to turn around and slip away, but because he was afraid of Xiang Ji's skills, he could only stand in place and wait for the judgment of fate.

Oh my God, how could this demon king come here? Could it be that he wants to slaughter our Jingzhou clan?

You know, this Huangjiazhuang is the base camp of the Jingzhou Huang clan.

This nationality will not go to Xiangyang, but take a detour here, and even kill a courtier doctor when they meet, which really has to make people think more.

If it weren't for seeing his daughter holding Xiang Ji, Huang Chengyan would even want to run away directly.

But when he heard his daughter say that this nationality was her father-in-law, Huang Chengyan was not good.

Isn't this a joke

? I don't know what his daughter looks like? This is an "ugly" recognized by everyone!

Even the ugly ghost Pang Tong next to him looks down on his daughter in the same way.

It was also that Wolong Zhuge Liang, because he admired his daughter's talent, that he was willing to marry him.

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