Zhao Yun is different from Xu Sheng.

When Zhao Yun came on the field, not only Wei Yan felt the pressure like a mountain.

Even the civil and military forces who watched the battle in Jingzhou also felt a pressure coming.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

This Zhao Yun is one of the top generals under the command of Chu Guoxiang.

I'm afraid that in addition to following Tai Shici, who was the earliest in the Xiang Dynasty, this Zhao Yun's prestige in the Chu State is definitely a top-notch existence.

"Look at

the knife!" Under the strong pressure brought by Zhao Yun, Wei Yan didn't care about what to put on a cold fan, picked up the big knife in his hand, and took the lead in attacking.

Facing this big knife with a breaking sound, the gentian gun in Zhao Yun's hand stood up, and the tip of the gun was a little bit, and it was directly on the blade of the big knife in Wei Yan's hand.

Something happened that frightened everyone.

Wei Yan's full force blow was actually completely dissipated into nothingness by Zhao Yun's life.

Looking at the big knife that was knocked away by Zhao Yun, Wei Yan was stunned.

Lao Tzu, I have been practicing martial arts for so many years, and I have never encountered such an unbelievable spear technique.

This Nima, can he still block Lao Tzu's slash just by relying on the tip of the spear?

"Okay!" Others

were just surprised by the accuracy and confidence of Zhao Yun's shot this time, but the item was different.

Zilong, this is obviously a refinement in marksmanship!

Unexpectedly, in the past year or so, it is not only Lao Tzu and I who have improved.

So, after so many years, what will happen to Lu Bu's strength? If Lu Bu's

martial arts have not improved for so many years, then he will not believe anything.

"This time

, it's Yun's turn to make a move!" Ignoring Wei Yan's astonishment, Zhao Yun made a move.

What is the plan of his own overlord, and how can Zhao Yun not know?

This is obviously to establish his authority.

These Jingzhou rats want to take advantage of their own overlords, but why don't Xiang Ji want to use them to establish power?

Although they are now in an enemy country, they have a dragon rider and the public opinion of the entire society, and the safety of that group is worry-free.

In this case, in the signing of the armistice agreement, it is natural that which side has the upper hand will have the upper hand, and which side will have the advantage, right?

And the current fighting is a game between the Han State and the Chu State in Jingzhou.

Whoever wins, then whoever naturally has the upper hand in the signing of the agreement.

Although Zhao Yun is a soldier, you must know that Zhao Yun's IQ is not low, how can you not understand

this? Before, you Wei Yan took down our Xu Sheng in three moves, right? Then this time Zhao Yun and I will use the same or even fewer rounds to win you, only in this way can we show the majesty of our Chu State and our overlord.

Because of this, Zhao Yun's shot also did not leave any mercy, it was completely a life-and-death fight on the battlefield.

I saw that the gentian spear in his hand shook, and several spear flowers burst out in an instant, attacking Wei Yan from different angles.

Of course, Zhao Yun doesn't know how to doppelganger, and he doesn't have three heads and six arms or anything.

All of this was just because the speed of his gun was too fast, which caused Wei Yan, who was the enemy against him, to hallucinate.

It seems that each of these spear flowers stabbed at himself is real, and it seems that every one of them is fake.

Wei Yan didn't dare to be careless, and swung the big knife in his hand with all his attention.

Even if I can't block all of your attacks at once, it's not a big problem to block just a few of the key points, right?"

Wei Yan did block the three spear flowers that Zhao Yun attacked at his vital point.

But you must know that now is not a real life-and-death fight, how can Zhao Yun really kill him?

Therefore, these places that Wei Yan blocked were all Zhao Yun's false moves.

And Zhao Yun's real killing move, Wei Yan, did find out, but he fell into the disadvantage before, and psychologically only focused on how to block the vital point, but ignored the situation here.

Seeing the gentian spear swept across his waist, Wei Yan had no way to avoid it, so he could only suffer Zhao Yun's full blow.


A miserable scream, Wei Yan was swept off the horse by Zhao Yun in the same posture as Xu Shengqian.

But the difference is that Wei Yan only lasted two rounds.

"General Wei Yan, concede!"

Zhao Yun still admired Wei Yan's martial arts very much.

If this person doesn't have too many worries in his heart, then his strength is definitely more than what he is looking for.

This person can also be called a tiger general in the world.

Zhao Yun won, and Xiang Ji was not surprised.

Just kidding, if Zhao Yun can really be abused by Wei Yan alone, then even if it is Xiang Ji, he will have to go to Changshan, Hebei Province to inquire.

This, in the end, is Changshan, Zhao Zilong, or Changshan, paper farmers...

"What's the matter, Zhang Gong, but is there anyone else who wants to compete with the generals under the command of the Lone King?

Or, Zhang Gong wants to try?"

Looking at Zhang Yun with a defeated face, Xiang Ji couldn't help but sneer and mock.

Who gave you the courage?

If it weren't for Xiang Ji's sake now, for the sake of the overall situation, in order to have the opportunity to study and steal the jade seal, I am afraid that he would have cleaned up this guy who dared to make trouble for himself.

"The generals under the command of the King of Chu are really brave, and I am also deeply admired!"

No matter what, it was also the people on his side who took the initiative to provoke, and as a result, they even lost their pants, what else is there to say?

With Liu Biao's gag, the competition has been completely over, and everyone has returned to the main hall again.

It's just that the result of the competition is left in the hearts of everyone, which is unforgettable.

This King of Chu is so strong.

The ministers of Jingzhou really didn't expect that this military general of the Chu State would be so powerful.

You know, seeing with your own eyes and hearing people talk about it, those are completely two different feelings.

But that's not all.

Then Zhao Yun has already reached this point, but the first or even the second in the world is definitely not him.

So how powerful is this King of Chu, the number one military general in the world?

Of course, he doesn't care about what the ministers of Jingzhou think in their hearts.

Now, Xiang Ji was just thinking about how to quickly mix up this boring banquet, and then find an opportunity to find the location of the jade seal.

You know, the time to discuss the armistice is set for tomorrow.

In other words, the time left for Xiang Ji to find the jade seal is only one night.

However, Xiang Ji felt that the banquet was boring, but Liu Biao and the others didn't think so at all.

Looking at the people who were indulging in the banquet, Xiang Ji knew that this was afraid that Nima would not be able to finish his work every time and a half.

"The lonely king was unwell and left first. "

For the banquet that these ancients were addicted to, Xiang Ji was not interested in it at all, so he casually found an interface and slipped away.

As for Liu Biao, whether they believe it or not

, it is just that Xiang Ji and for the discovery, after he left, a shadow followed him.

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