"Wow, yes! Huang Zhong of Chu State is here, and the thief will not be arrogant!"

Yes, Huang Zhong was furious.

How could Huang Zhong not be angry when he was ridiculed by

Lu Meng, a young man? Lian is quite old, can he still eat?

Just kidding, old man, I am old and strong!

After making a military order against Lu Meng, Huang Zhong went to war, and he fought with the mentality of not being victorious and not returning.

In this battle, if I, Huang Zhong, can't win this Pang De, I'd rather die than let Lu Meng's young man be underestimated!"

"Is there really no one in Chu State? There is an old guy coming out?"

Seeing Huang Zhong who came from the horse, Pang De's constricted mold wrinkled even deeper.

What kind of play is this? Either a weak chicken, or an old man, there is no one in the Chu State?

For Huang Zhong who went out of the city to face him, Pang De was very disappointed in his heart.

You must know that at the time of Xiliang, Pang Dena was also an invincible existence except for Qin King Lu Bu and Ma Chao.

Even if it is this Zhang Liao, he is definitely not his opponent in heads-up.

Now on an expedition to the Central Plains, it doesn't matter what else matters, all Pound wants is a few powerful opponents.

Unfortunately, bad luck.

First a weak chicken, then another old man.


of this, Pang De picked up the big knife in his hand and slashed straight down at the oncoming Huang Zhong.

Come to think of it, just this blow, this old man of Chu State will be killed on the spot by a certain family, right?

But what surprised Pang De was that in the face of his own head knife, the old man of Chu State dodged with just one dodge, and even stabbed himself in the chest with a backhand.


just this round of fighting, Pound knew that his previous guesses were all wrong.

This old man named Huang Zhong is very strong.

Putting away his contempt, Pang De held his breath and condensed, brandished the big knife in his hand and began to fight with Huang Zhong, who was standing on the horse.

"Okay! General Huang Zhong is really worthy of being the general recommended by the overlord, this martial arts is really extraordinary, and he is really old and strong!"

Seeing that Huang Zhong was able to suppress this Pang De after facing him, the big stone hanging in Lu Meng's heart fell to the ground.

You must know that when he saw that this Pang De killed He Qi in seconds with one blow, Lu Meng realized that this Pang De's martial arts were afraid that he was not under Tai Shici, Zhao Yun and other generals.

If Huang Zhong can't match it, then the state of Chu will be completely suppressed in terms of fighting generals.

After all, Lu Meng is still a wise general who prefers and commands, and although his personal martial arts are not bad, he is definitely not at the top.

Previously, it was because he had no confidence, so Lu Meng deliberately used the radical method, just to stimulate Huang Zhong to exert one hundred and two percent of his strength, at least not to lose too ugly, otherwise the Chu army, whose morale had plummeted, would be sad.

Looking at it now, this is not just a defeat? I am afraid that within a few dozen rounds, this Pang De will be beheaded by Huang Zhong.

At the same time, Zhang Liao, who found Huang Zhong Wuyong, also frowned.

Damn, I didn't expect that there would be such a fierce general in the Chu State.

You must know that the well-known generals of Chu State are just Tai Shici, Zhao Yun, and this Lu Meng.

The rest of Yu Ban, Zang Ba and the like, were really looked at by Zhang Liao.

Now facing Shangshang Lu Meng, Zhang Liao originally planned to use his advantage in martial arts to suppress the morale of the Chu army.

Obviously, Zhang Liao miscalculated.

"Hou Cheng, Hao Meng, hurry up and help Pang De.

After the two generals fought for more than 30 rounds, Zhang Liao found that Pang De was defeated, and immediately ordered the two generals behind him.

Just kidding, although this will break the rules of the fighting generals and lose their honor, it is better than losing Pang De here, right?

You know, this Pang De is one of the top generals in the martial arts of the Xiliang Army, and if it is lost here, Zhang Liao really doesn't know how to bear Lu Bu's anger.

As for why Zhang Liao didn't go out in person

? In the end, he was also the commander of the army, so how could Zhang Liao easily take a risk? What's more, in Zhang Liao's view, this Huang Zhong was only stronger than Pang De, and it was completely enough for Hou Cheng and Hao Meng to go to help.

"General Pang De, don't panic, Hou Cheng is coming!" After

receiving the order, the excited Hou Cheng raised his gun and hit the horse, and quickly rushed away at the two people who were fighting in the center of the battlefield.

Hao Meng, who was behind him, saw Hou Cheng being such an idiot, and he really wanted to slash the big knife in his hand directly to his back.

Why is it good to shout out? Is a sneak attack bad?

Obviously, Hao Meng deeply despises Hou Cheng's practice of coming first before he arrives.

"Hahaha, what Xiliang athlete, will you only use more to bully less to deal with me, this old man?" Hou

Cheng's shout not only reminded Pang De, but also reminded Huang Zhong.

Knowing that the Xiliang Army planned to fight more and less, Huang Zhong, who was already excited, did not panic.

The big knife in his hand flipped over, and while Pang De was stunned, Huang Zhong swept it.



was injured by Huang Zhong, Pang De was furious, and his previous arrogance disappeared.

The big knife in his hand was swinging wildly, and Pang De just wanted to drag Huang Zhong now, and after Hou Chenger would arrive, he would take down this damn old man.

After more than 30 rounds of fighting, Pang De already knew that he was not Huang Zhong's opponent, and he was looking for an opportunity to retreat after trying to hold on for more than 10 rounds.

But judging from the current situation, I am afraid that retreat will only become a laughing stock and a stain on my life.

In Pound's opinion, as long as this old man can be killed on the spot, then naturally no one will say anything cool.

"Despicable Xiliang people!

Song Qian, Fan Yu, and you quickly went to the city to help General Huang. "

Made, do you think you have a general?

Lu Meng, who was standing on the city wall, saw that the Xiliang army wanted to bully more and less, so he immediately stopped.

After receiving Lu Meng's order, Song Qian'er will quickly drive down the city.

"General Huang Zhong, don't panic, Song Qian is coming!"

Similarly, Song Qian would not let go of such an opportunity to show his face.

Hmph, what Hou Cheng? Do you think you will shout? Lao Tzu, I will too!

Obviously, Song Qian was very excited, but Huang Zhong, who heard Song Qian shouting, was depressed.

What is Lu Shuai doing? Can't you believe the old man? Don't you see that the old man has already injured this Pang De? Even if they come with a second general?

You must know that Huang Zhong regarded today's battle as his own battle to make a name for himself!

However, Song Qian and the others had already left the city, and Huang Zhong could not say that he did not need their help anyway.

Otherwise, he could only hate Lu Meng.

Such a thing that outweighs the loss, the old and sophisticated Huang Zhong will not do it.

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