After some supplementary planning by the strategists, Yuan Shang finally made up his mind and set out to conquer Qingzhou!

In this regard, Tian Feng was the most excited.

Heavens, earth, this is the first time that I have made a suggestion without any opposition.

You must know that when Yuan Shao was reincarnated before, because of the partisan dispute, almost all of Tian Feng's strategies were opposed.

But it doesn't matter if you oppose it, if there is any omission in the plan, then Tian Feng is not unacceptable.

But the problem is that these people are simply against for the sake of opposition, and they don't care about right or wrong.

In this regard, Tian Feng could only endure helplessly and silently.

Now, Yuan Shao is gone, Yuan Shang is on the throne, and the partisan struggle is gone.

This made Tian Feng even give birth to an illusion that Yuan Shao should die earlier.

"Order! Order Zhang He to lead 200,000 troops, out of the Qinghe River and the plains, and then attack Qingzhou directly.

All the enemy troops along the way, whether it is the Chu army or the Qingzhou army, all, kill!" "

Yuan Tan, if you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust."

Confirming Yuan Shang's decision to send troops, Xin Ping was immediately overjoyed.

Hahaha, brother, wait, brother will avenge you soon.

How many soldiers and horses does that Chu State have? This Yuan Shang is worthy of being a person who has completely inherited Yuan Shao's legacy, and whenever he sends troops, he will have an army of 200,000!

Hmph, just this time, I am afraid that not only can I avenge my younger brother, but I also found a good lord.

With expectations in his heart, the energetic Xin Ping quickly returned to Qingzhou.

"My lord! My lord is overjoyed

! Yuan Shang has agreed to send troops! I am overjoyed, my lord!"

After running wildly, the disgraced Xin Ping finally rushed back to Le'an City, where Yuan Tan was located in Qingzhou.

Yes, because of the loss of Beihai County, Yuan Tan joined the army of Gaolan, defeated all the way, and has now retreated into the neighboring Jizhou Le'an City, and his heart is that once he is defeated, he will immediately retreat into Jizhou.

How can you say that Yuan Shang is also his own brother? You can't watch your eldest brother fall, right?

But obviously, Yuan Tan forgot that he had long hated Yuan Shang to die.

Seeing the embarrassed and happy Xin comment, Yuan Tan was excited.

Did that kid really agree to send troops? Hahaha, the heavens won't kill me!

As long as that kid is willing to send troops, I will be safe with that boy.

You must know that Yuan Tan was already desperate for Yuan Shang's side, after all, the envoy who rushed to the Chu army before was directly used by him to sacrifice the flag, and even detected Guo Tu's plan and took advantage of the situation to seize the Beihai county seat.

Unexpectedly, this Yuan Shangkong has so many strategists, but he is not as smart as the Chu State Xiang and has not detected the plan of the dead ghost Guo Tu!


Looking at it now, under my command, it is only this Xin Ping and Gao Ran who are really reliable loyal ministers.

didn't care about Yuan Tan's promised reward, after all, he had already sold it to the bottom.

In Xin Ping's opinion, this Yuan Tan is afraid that he will not be able to jump for a few days, and his reward? Hmph, if you dare to give it, I don't dare to ask for it.

Xin Ping doesn't ask for any reward, he just wants to die for the lord and Qingzhou. Hearing

Xin Ping say this, Yuan Tan was moved.

When this son is in danger, he can still be so loyal and never give up, and he is loyal to his son without asking for anything in return, this is an exemplary model for the world's courtiers!"

That Yuan Shang, does he have any requirements? When will his reinforcements arrive?"

Moved, Yuan Tan returned to the topic.

Now, the soldiers and horses of the Chu State are attacking all the prefectures and counties in Qingzhou, and I am afraid that it will not be long before the entire territory of Qingzhou will fall.

At that time, Le'an, who is on the edge of Qingzhou, will not be safe.

You must know that Yuan Tan had prepared for the worst before.

When the Xiang army really came, if I couldn't resist it, I would give up the foundation if I couldn't beat my son, and go to Yuan Shang's men to eat.

Come to think of it, in the face of his own eldest brother, how could this kid Yuan Shang not refuse, right?"

"Lord, although Yuan Shang said that he agreed to send troops, it would take time for the army to move.

Therefore, Yuan Shang asked the lord to resist Chu Guoxiang.

Qingzhou, no matter what, cannot fall in its entirety. "

Finally to the point, this is the plan made by Xin Ping and Yuan Shang, to induce Yuan Tan to fight for the Chu State Xiang, and when Yuan Shang's Hebei army arrives and destroys it together.

"Okay! General Gao Ran, go and reorganize the army quickly, we will send troops!" Yuan

Tan had no doubts about what Xin Ping said.

Now, Yuan Tan is not like before, and he generally hopes to find the opportunity to profit from the fisherman, as long as he can keep Qingzhou and keep his foundation, then everything will be fine.

Qingzhou, Jiaodong.


Yuan Tan has sent troops!" Xiang Ji, who was leading his troops to capture the territory of Qingzhou, got the information that Yuan Tan had sent troops.

This guy, after joining Gao Lan's Anqiu defenders before, fled all the way, why did he suddenly send troops? Who gave him the courage?

Suddenly hearing that Yuan Tan had sent troops, Xiang Ji was stunned.

You must know that no matter how Xiang Ji pursued him and invited him to fight, this thing ran all the way without looking back, even if he left countless dragon cavalry chasing after the army of the queen of the palace to delay Xiang Ji.

"Overlord, this Yuan Tan suddenly sent troops, I'm afraid that he has already contacted Yuan Shang in Jizhou!" As

a military advisor accompanying the army, Pang Tong naturally wanted to show his role as a military advisor at this time.

When he heard that Yuan Tan had sent troops, his first reaction was that this cowardly must have asked for reinforcements from Jizhou.

Otherwise...... I'm afraid that this thing will not send troops to the front of the army until death.


what Pang Tong said, Xiang Ji understood.

Indeed, the only reason why this thing dared to send troops was that Yuan Shang of Jizhou had already sent troops.

In this case, it seems that the conquest of Qingzhou must be accelerated.

You must know that at this time, the number of soldiers under Xiang Ji's command is only 50,000, and even if he transfers another army from Pengcheng, he can only make up 80,000 or 90,000 at most.

Although Yuan Tan was cowardly, the 50,000 Qingzhou troops commanded by Gao Ran under his command could not be faked.

This Qingzhou Army is by no means comparable to Liu Bei's grass platform team back then.

You must know that these Qingzhou troops were all the elite of the Hebei Army back then, and they were veterans of the battlefield who had been in a stalemate in Qingzhou for two whole years.

What's more, in addition to Yuan Tan's 50,000 Qingzhou troops, since Yuan Shang of Jizhou has already sent troops, its number is still unknown.

If Yuan Tan's forces can't be wiped out quickly, I'm afraid that if they face their two armies at the same time, the Chu army will be really in trouble.

"Order the whole army, assemble quickly, let's go directly to Le'an, and destroy that Yuan Tan first!" "

Since you can play two against one with Lao Tzu and me, then I will destroy you all the way first."

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