Vertical said, Jizhou, Dongwu City.

Qinglian, who had been whipped by the man in black all night, walked slowly on the dirt road in the city in pain, but her mind kept remembering the promise made to her by the captain of the man in black before.

As long as I complete this mission, I can be liberated and can go home to reunite with my younger brother!

It is precisely for this insignificant hope that Qinglian has gritted her teeth and persevered until now.

Traveling all the way, Qinglian followed the leadership of the man in black and came to the door of Gao Lan's house.

Of course, the man in black at this moment has already taken off his black clothes and changed to a normal military uniform.

"Oooo With

the sound of a knock on the door, the door of the not luxurious mansion opened.

"Who are you looking for?" a

man in a green coat and a small hat walked out.

"We are looking for Mrs. Gao, this is the wife of General Gao Ran, and now on the order of General Gao, I have come to meet Mrs. Gao. "

At this moment, there is no need for Qinglian to speak, the man in black will take care of everything before meeting Old Madam Gao.

Hearing the words of the man in black, the man in the little hat in Tsing Yi raised his eyes and looked at Qinglian, who was lined up behind everyone.

it, beauty, it's so beautiful, this face, this body.

As soon as he saw it, the little hat in Tsing Yi was fascinated by Qinglian.


found that Tsing Yi's little hat looked wrong, and Qinglian could only remind him with an embarrassed cough.

"Ah, ladies and gentlemen, please come inside.

The old lady was at home, and the villain led the lady to visit the old lady. After

being reminded by Qinglian, the little hat reacted.

God, this is the master's mother, I look at others so blatantly, wouldn't this be bad for the master's mother?

After all, the owner of his own family, General Gao Lan, was just a general, so who would pretend to be his wife?

With the little hat leading the way, Qinglian finally met the target of this mission, Gao Ran's mother.

"Little girl Qinglian, meet your mother!" Seeing

the old lady, Qinglian naturally performed the second daughter ceremony directly to her according to the previous design.

Gao Ran's mother was just an ordinary lady, when had she seen such a battle, she was suddenly confused by Qinglian's kneeling.

"Get up, get up, girl, why are you?"

Anyone who is suddenly bowed down by a beautiful woman and calls your mother in her mouth will probably be like the old lady Gao, and she will be instantly stunned.

Seeing the old lady like this, Qinglian's hanging heart suddenly let go.

This is just an ordinary peasant woman, and I am afraid that if it were not for her son, she would have died of hunger by now, as most people do.

You must know that what Qinglian was most afraid of before was that Gao Lan's mother was a young lady from a clan.

After all, because of the environment she has been exposed to since she was a child and the education she has experienced, she has sufficient social experience, so she can make judgments about the tactics exercised by Qinglian and others.

But now, this ordinary old lady did not have any suspicions about Qinglian, but trusted her under Qinglian's rhetoric.

Yes, after meeting the old lady, Qinglian introduced the old man completely according to the plan made by the captain before.

When the old lady heard that her son Gao Ran had already belonged to the Chu State, she was shocked.

You must know that in this era of war, it is normal to vote for other lords, but the problem is that Gao Ran is a general under Yuan Tan in Qingzhou.

Even if the old lady didn't understand the reason, she knew that the Yuan brothers were now at war with the Chu State.

At this point in time, his son surrendered to the Chu State, which can only show that the battle situation on the front line is very bad, otherwise it would be good to be a general in Qingzhou, why bother to change the court

?" "Lian'er, Gao Lan him, Gao Lan He is fine, right?"

After being fooled by Qinglian, Mrs. Gao has completely regarded her as her daughter-in-law.

As a mother, it is natural for her to worry about her son.

"Mother, don't worry, General Gao, everything is fine.

Qinglian also became acquainted with General Gao in the state of Chu.

Now, it was General Gao who asked Qinglian to pick up her mother and go to the Chu family to reunite. "

The highlight is here, hearing that Old Madam Gao cares about Gao Lan's safety, Qinglian knows that this mission must be easily completed.

It's just that what makes her hesitate is Mrs. Gao's care and enthusiasm for her.

This kind of family-like feeling made his cold heart feel a trace of warmth.

If, what if all of what I said was true, how good would it be?

But unfortunately, Qinglian, who knew her identity, could only throw away such unrealistic years.

"Okay, Lian'er, then when will we leave?" Mrs

. Gao, who had complete trust in Qinglian, didn't think about it, since her son had already asked her daughter-in-law to pick her up, what else was there to say?"

It's just that you'd better write a letter first to inform General Gao of our situation, so that he can rest assured.

You know, before Qinglian came, General Gao was very concerned about your safety.

After saying this, Qinglian's heart hung again, whether it is successful or not, it depends on this.

Fortunately, Mrs. Gao still didn't think about it, and after hearing Qinglian's words, she turned over and began to write a letter to her son.

As for why Mrs. Gao, an ordinary woman, could write letters?

I'm afraid it's too simple, but Gao Ran has been a general in Hebei for so many years, as long as she wants to learn, how can she not have the opportunity to learn some simple writing?

The task is finally accomplished.

"Mother, then Lian'er will retire first.

Reflexively went out and handed the letter to the man in black, Qinglian was about to leave with him, but there was a call from Old Madam Gao behind her.

"Lian'er, don't go, stay at home and have dinner together. Hearing

Mrs. Gao's call, Qinglian hesitated.

Although the letter has been deceived, this Mrs. Gao is completely worthless.

But after all, this is the first person other than his younger brother to care so much about himself.

Qinglian really has a trace of impulse in her heart to regard it as her mother.

But before Qinglian could reply, the man in black waved his hand behind him.

Obviously, it is intended to kill Mrs. Gao, who has lost her use value.

"Don't! If you kill Old Madam Gao, I'm afraid that the news will leak out, if you delay the captain's big business, you can afford

it? No, I'll stay here, it's a big deal, just fake it, and deceive this Old Madam Gao first."

If this is the case, then Yuan Tan will not find any suspicions if he sends him to investigate. Seeing

that the man in black was going to kill Old Madam Gao, Qinglian hurriedly stopped her in a hurry.

You know, this is an old lady who really treats herself as a relative!

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