"See, this is the end of rebellion!" a

soldier pointed to Gao Lan, who was tied to the big rope in the center of the camp, and brainwashed his subordinates to be loyal to the monarch.

As for the flesh-and-blood Gao Yan

, yes, you used to be our commander, but now, you are just a prisoner of the first order.

Looking at the Qingzhou Army walking in front of him in a group and spitting and insulting him, Gao Ran's heart was dripping blood.

God! I Gao Ran was loyal to the Yuan clan and bloodstained the battlefield

, and what did I get in the end? Did I think I was a traitor just by virtue of a letter

? Why, why didn't I listen to my defense

? Letters, and even sealed letters, can be faked!

I, Gao Ran, am so loyal to the Yuan clan

, can't Yuan Tan feel it? But alas, now Gao Ran has been tortured to the point that he can't speak.

If it weren't for the fact that he would be tortured for a few more days to vent his anger, Yuan Tan would have cut Gao Ran a long time ago.

Now, looking at Gao Yan, who can only drink sewage once a day, Yuan Tan's heart is full of happiness.

Rebellion, this is the end of betraying this son!

Gao Ran was designated as the third day of rebellion, the night, Yuan Tan military camp.

At midnight, when even the patrolmen had found a place to sleep soundly, a sneaky figure hurried to the big place in the center of the camp where Gao Lan was bound.

"General Gao, the little Lu Renjia, was once saved by General Gao on the battlefield.

The little ones don't believe what they say, but the little ones are soft-spoken, and they are really powerless to argue with the general.

Now, when the little one heard the news, Yuan Tanming said that at noon, he would gather the whole army to take the general's sacrificial flag to boost the army's prestige.

Therefore, the little one risked his life to help the general get out of trouble.

You, run away!" As

he spoke, Lu Renjia had already cut off the reins that bound Gao Ran one by one.

Through the moonlight, Gao Ran saw clearly the person in front of him, he was indeed a Qingzhou pawn, as for the truth of his words, Gao Ran was unable to argue.

After all, as the commander-in-chief, Gao Ran has saved too many Qingzhou soldiers in the battle array.

And now that this person can risk death to save him, he will not deceive himself no matter what.

No matter what, in my current situation, there is nothing worth being deceived.

After being tied up for three days, Gao Ran, who was finally able to get out of trouble, only felt extremely sore.

But in the current situation, there is no time for him to rest.

After all, he is a soldier and his physique is far stronger than ordinary people.

After adapting to it, Gao Ran can already support his body.

"General Gao, quick, come with me, the little one has already figured out the route.

Walk out of here, and no one will notice. In

order to rescue Gao Lan, Lu Renjia naturally made some preparations, and the safe route had already been discovered.

picked up the single knife that Lu Renjia had prepared for himself, Gao Ran didn't say a word, nodded silently to it, and then followed Lu Renjia to leave quickly.

"What kind of person

! It's not good! Gao Ran escaped, hurry, let go of the arrow!"

A night patrol soldier rose from the urgency of urinating, but he happened to see Gao Ran fleeing.

Under its shouting, the soldiers in charge of the night patrol woke up one after another, and did not speak, waiting for Gao Ran, who had escaped from the Qingzhou camp, with a rain of arrows.

"General, you go quickly, the little one will delay for you!" Finding

that the defenders had been alarmed, Lu Renjia turned around with his knife and shouted at Gao Ran.


Immediately, a rain of arrows struck, and Lu Renjia was hit by several arrows, but after he fell, he saw Gao Lan's figure disappear between his field of vision, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

General, you saved Lu Renjia's life, and I gave it back to you!

Gao Ran, who had been running wildly, had already had tears in his eyes.

has been in the army for many years, and Gao Ran doesn't know how to do it, and Lu Renjia, who is behind His Palace, will definitely not survive.

Unexpectedly, I watched Rong Ma for half my life, and finally I was rescued by someone whose name I didn't know before.

was already seriously injured, and even relied on a mouthful of sewage to survive, Gao Ran's physical strength was already overdrawn.

After running for several miles, Gao Ran finally lost his support, his eyes were dark, and he fainted between a mountain forest.

"Oh my son, you're awake at last. When he

woke up again, Gao Ran felt like he was in a dream.

It's just because, in front of him, it turned out to be the old mother who had been separated for many years.

"Mother, why are you here?"

After taking a few sips of water, the hotness in his throat subsided slightly, and Gao Ran hurriedly asked Old Madam Gao.

"It's Lian'er, Lian'er is here to pick up her mother.

We hid from the officers and soldiers all the way, so we took the mountain and forest path, and we never thought that we would meet my son here.

It's just, why are you so seriously injured? What the hell has happened? My poor son, how many sins have you suffered!"

While explaining, while crying distressedly, Mrs. Gao finally let Gao Ran understand the idea.

Lian'er, picking up her mother's parents,

thought about it carefully, and Gao Ran understood.

This, this, the letter in Yuan Tan's hand is true! Oh my God! Why is this happening? Could it be that this is the Chu army's plan

to discord? Yes, this must be a plan of discord by the Chu army!

But what if he understands it now? Yuan Tan saw that he wanted to kill him quickly, can he explain it? Obviously, he can't


Looking up, Gao Ran saw Qinglian standing on the side trembling nervously.

This must be the Lian'er mentioned by her mother's cronies, right?

It's a pretty person, but it's a pity that she is a spy of the Chu army.

Thinking of this, Gao Ran clenched the single knife in his hand.

But just as he was about to attack Qinglian, Old Madam Gao's words came again.

"Son, now that I see you, my mother's heart will fall to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the Yuan family was so ruthless, if it wasn't for Lian'er sacrificing her life all the way, I'm afraid my mother would never see you again. "

It turned out that after Qinglian escaped with Mrs. Gao, she still alarmed the men in black and other secret agents.

Because they didn't know Qinglian's intentions, the men in black and the others decided to pursue Old Madam Gao and kill her.

Along the way, it was Qinglian who sacrificed her life to fight and took Mrs. Gao here.

After all, this is also the secret agent of the Chu army, and as a swallow, the general fighting skills are also one that needs to be learned.

Hearing Mrs. Gao's words, Gao Ran put down the single knife in his hand.

Unexpectedly, it was she who saved her mother?

Mrs. Gao didn't know, how could Gao Ran not know.

I'm afraid that it was not the Yuan family who chased and killed Old Madam Gao, but the secret agent of the Chu army, right?

Looking at Qinglian with a pale face, Gao Ran knew that this little girl was afraid that she would expose it.

After all, this is the first time Gao Ran has seen Qinglian, so why has he ever married her?"

"Let's go, Lian'er, let's take our mother to Chu Country together." "

For Gao Ran, in the current situation, I am afraid that really surrendering to the Chu State is the only way out.

As for Qinglian, when she heard Gao Ran's words, she had already burst into tears.

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