"Hahaha, good, Gao Ran, you really didn't disappoint King Lone! It's not a loss that Yuan Shao's guy is a valued general!" When

Xiang Ji led the army to arrive, the battle between the vanguard of the Chu army led by Gao Ran and the Qingzhou army was nearing the end.

The result was obvious: the Chu army won a great victory!

With low morale, unstable morale, and a lack of commanders, the Qingzhou army was still unable to resist the attack of the Chu army, even though it had more than doubled its numbers.

After his cavalry was almost completely wiped out by the Canglong cavalry, the Qingzhou army fell into a rout.

How did the infantry resist the cavalry's charge?

Countless Qingzhou troops who were fighting were stunned by the Canglong cavalry that suddenly attacked behind them.

Why is it the enemy's cavalry attacking us? What about

our cavalry? When we turned our heads, we found that not far away, the corpses of countless of our own cavalry were lined up on the battlefield, and countless war horses that had lost their masters were looking around in confusion, constantly touching their masters with their mouths and heads, as if expecting their masters to get up again.

At this point, the Qingzhou army was shocked to realize that its own cavalry had been defeated, and the defeat was so complete?

Yes, in the cavalry confrontation, relying on the charge of only 3,000 dragon cavalry, Gao Ran completely lost the formation of the Qingzhou cavalry.

And the price paid by the Canglong Cavalry was only the loss of more than 500 knights.

Seeing this situation, Gao Ran Fang realized how ignorant he was before, and he even wanted to rely on the Qingzhou army to resist the attack of King Xiang Ji of Chu.

The gap in strength is so large that it cannot be reversed by relying on individual command.

This, I'm afraid that the King of Chu will use that divisive trick on himself in order to avoid too much damage, right?

Thinking of this, Gao Ran couldn't help but rejoice.

Fortunately, fortunately, Xiang Ji, the king of Chu, took a fancy to himself, otherwise, I am afraid that he would have become a cold corpse like Lu Xiang.

Thinking of that situation, Gao Ran couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

If that's the case, what should the old lady do? Qinglian...

At present, the Qingzhou army has completely lost its will to fight, countless defeated soldiers have fled between the mountains and forests, countless defeated soldiers are kneeling on the ground waiting for the judgment of the Chu army, and countless defeated soldiers are wailing in confusion.

And what Xiang Ji saw was the situation in front of him, and it was no wonder that he was excited.

You must know that this is a full 50,000 Qingzhou troops! This is not Liu Bei's kind of militia with sorry combat effectiveness, but this is the regular army of Hebei!

Unexpectedly, this Gao Ran actually relied on only 20,000 vanguard troops to take down the Qingzhou army, and judging by its losses, it was not too big.

No wonder, no wonder Yuan Shao attached so much importance to this product at the beginning.

After inquiry, Xiang Ji also had an understanding of Gao Ran's past.

This guy joined the army at the age of fourteen, and he really went all the way from the lowest level of cannon fodder to the present.

Although this product is not as good as those clans from professional classes, its sense of battlefield command and its bravery, it is also a rare good general.

Now, Yuan Tan basically has no troops available, but he doesn't know when Yuan Shang's army will come?

Although the current Chu army is less than 50,000, Xiang Ji has no fear of it.

You must know that just by destroying the prisoners collected by Yuan Tan, I am afraid that there will be no less than 20,000 people.

If there is no Gao Lan, then these surrendered items can only be transported back to the Chu State to be slowly brainwashed and transformed.

But now that there is Gao Lan, I am afraid that these surrendered troops will soon form combat power and become a new army of the Chu army.

After all, Gao Ran was the main general who had commanded them for more than two years.

Others can't control it, and Gao Ran can't control them?

What's more, now that Pengcheng's reinforcements are already on the way, I'm afraid that it won't be long before the 30,000 troops who have arrived from Pengcheng will join the Chu army.

At that time, Xiang Ji also had an army of 100,000.

And just when Xiang Ji was thinking about the battle situation, Yuan Tan in the Le'an camp also received news from the front.

"Hahaha, is it that General Lu Xiang has already won? How about it? How many miles has the Chu army retreated this time?"

Because of the previous battle that Lu Xiang forced the Chu army to withdraw its troops, Yuan Tan's confidence in it was very sufficient.

However, to his disappointment, the herald did not answer his question immediately, but looked at him with an idiot on his face.

This Nima, is this son too merciful? This little herald dares to look at this son with such eyes?

His heart was furious, and Yuan Tan didn't care about Xin Comment, who was drinking with him on the side, turned over and got up, intending to call someone to take down this bold herald.

But at that moment, the herald spoke.

"There is information from the front that our army has been defeated and the whole army has been annihilated.

As for General Lu Xiang, he was also killed. Oh, by the way, it was General Gao Ran who killed Lu Xiang, and he killed him in seconds.

As a member of the Qingzhou Army, I would like to advise you to flee quickly!"

Just kidding, the Chu army will call at any time, and now this big village, I'm afraid that a thousand soldiers and armor can't make up it, so what can I resist? I still want to take down Lao Tzu? Hmph, I won't serve Lao Tzu!

After the herald retreated, Yuan Tan was sluggish.

Defeated? The whole army was wiped out? Lu Xiang was also killed in seconds? Or was it killed in seconds by the traitor Gao Lan?"

"Military Division! Military Division, Military Division, save me!"

It's just that he didn't notice that Xin Ping's hand holding the wine glass was also trembling slightly.

This Nima, the army of the third prince Yuan Shang has not yet arrived, you are defeated? Why are you so defeated and the whole army is annihilated? How can I Xin Ping explain to Yuan Shang Gongzi? If I can't get the Chu State in the end, what will happen to my brother's hatred? But Xin Ping didn't

expect that his wordless return made Yuan Tan see hope.

"Strategist, what

should I do with the current situation?"

Yuan Tan's question again finally woke up the contemplative Xin Comment.

What should you do? Lao Tzu, I don't know what I should do?

Of course, Xin Ping also thought about this in his heart.

No matter how bad this Yuan Tan is, if he goes head-to-head, he is not an opponent.

"Lord, now, we can only escape, flee to Jizhou, go to the third prince.

No matter what, the third prince is also the younger brother of the lord, and the third prince will still protect the lord when he comes!"

No matter what, with this goods in front of him, Yuan Shang's anger can't be vented on himself, right?"

"In that case, let's hurry up!"

Hearing Xin Ping's words, Yuan Tan also knew that he had no other way out than to take refuge in Yuan Shang.

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