"We withdrew, leaving a team of soldiers here to monitor the movements of the defenders in the city of Pi.

Let's go and occupy the other towns near Xiapi first. In

the face of the defenders of Xiapi City, Tai Shici and Cui Yan couldn't crack it after thinking hard.

As a last resort, we can only settle for the next best.

Aren't you holding on tightly? Then I'll take down all the towns around you, and I'll see how you will defend in the end when you're isolated and helpless?

Looking at the big silk embroidered with pottery characters at the head of the city fluttering in the wind, Tai Shici's heart was full of unwillingness.

This is the first time that Tai Shi Ziyi has led the army alone, and I can't imagine that the result will be like this, and I must be disappointed when the lord returns, right?

However, the military strength is insufficient, and the enemy is fully prepared, and the possibility of a surprise attack has been lost, Tai Shi Ci can only accept this reality unwillingly.

Pengcheng in Xuzhou.

Seeing that the cityhead Daxu had been replaced with a banner, Yu Ban's heart was full of excitement.

Pengcheng! This is Pengcheng! Those bandits who can't read a few big characters don't understand, can he not understand Yu Ban? This is

the national capital set up by

Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu! Now that the lord is a descendant of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, there is naturally no need to say much about the importance of Pengcheng to him.

Perhaps, it may not be possible for the main guild to change the Xuzhou governance office and move to Pengcheng?

I believe that after this battle, my status in the eyes of the lord will inevitably rise steadily.

For the lord and the heavy Tai Shi Ci, Yu Ban was not convinced.

When it comes to military training, the ten Tai Shi Ci are not as good as him.

When it comes to commanding the army, Yu Ban asked himself that he would never lose to anyone if he had read military books since he was a child.

Tai Shi Ci, that is, the martial arts are relatively good, but they are a fierce general.

Lord, sooner or later, I will let you know who is the general worthy of your trust!

And in the southern part of Xuzhou, near Guangling, Zang Ba's Second Route Army was still struggling against the harsh natural environment.

This damn thief, God, can't it be even if it's sunny for one day?

For his bad luck, Zang Ba is also helpless.

This is Lao Tzu, my battle out of the mountain.

As a result, half of the enemy has not seen it now, and the army has lost as much as 30% of its strength in non-combat because of this damn weather, who can stand this?

Although most of the soldiers are only infected with typhoid fever by the rain, as long as they recuperate for a period of time, they will be alive and well.

But now that we are fighting, how can we have time for you to recuperate?

For those soldiers who were infected with wind and cold, Zang Ba had no choice but to place them in Langxie County.

Yes, although Zang Ba's march along the way has not been smooth due to weather conditions, Langxi County is still conquered by Zang Ba.

After all, there are only 1,800 defenders in the county, and it really doesn't take too much effort to capture this kind of small city.

Unlike the not too smooth march in Xuzhou, Xiang Ji is now proud.

Seeing Li Su with a lewd smile on his face again, Xiang Ji knew that what he had flickered from Dong Zhuo was about to be implemented.

It's okay to say that the beauty or something, after all, Xiang Ji's vision has gradually become higher since he had He Lian.

The so-called beauties of ordinary people are like that in the eyes of Xiang Ji, but those gold and silver treasures are too big for Xiang Ji.

When marching and fighting, where is there no need

for money? Whether it is to pay soldiers for food, or to find merchants to buy horses, or to reward subordinates, isn't it all about asking for money? After all

, everyone is a cottage in a cottage, and many things can be overcome temporarily.

But now Xiang Ji has ordered Tai Shi Ci to go out to attack Xuzhou.

Then, when Xuzhou is conquered, the Xiang Ji who owns the land of a state is no longer the leader of the bandits.

He is about to become a prince, and he must think about his subordinates.

"General Xiang, this is the gold jewelry that the Prime Minister gave you.

Looking at the box that Li Su carried out from behind him, Xiang Ji became interested in this product.


It was easy to explain that I sneaked in and contacted me by myself before, but now I have this big box.

At the same time, Xiang Ji also saw two people behind Li Su who were covered by clothes, presumably the beauties he brought in.

But didn't you say that there was a good beauty before, how could this become two? Could it be that there is still a buy one get one free?

Although I was puzzled that Li Su could carry such a big box and two big living people to shuttle through the coalition positions freely, but now Xiang Ji has no time to take care of those.

The gold and jewelry are all ready-made, and you can't run away from them, but you are full of curiosity about the two beautiful women who cover their faces.

Dong Zhuo sent it, the grade should be bad, right?

Li Su, who was very eye-catching, saw Xiang Ji pay attention to the beautiful woman behind him, and left with two snees.

When Li Su left, the two daughters who were covered by the lily clothes took off their clothes one after another without Xiang Ji's instructions.

"Cheap concubines Liu Xiu and Diao Chan, meet General Xiang, and the general is blessed.

Xiang Ji, who didn't care about it, was stunned when he heard the name of the second daughter.

That Liu Xiu doesn't matter, I've never heard of it.

But the beautiful woman who was relatively small in the back said what was her name? Diao Chan?

Unexpectedly, this Dong Zhuo was really generous.

If there is no BMW for Lao Tzu to ride, I will send a "famous horse" to Lao Tzu to ride.

"Come closer, lift your face. "

Well, I want to see how beautiful these four beauties have been passed down through the ages.

The first person to enter the eye of Xiang Ji was Liu Xiu, who was relatively tall.

Xiang Ji, who was originally full of attention to Diao Chan, suddenly lit up when Liu Xiu came closer.

is a charming beauty, this smile, a movement, and a look are full of infinite temptation for men.

No wonder it can be presented to me side by side with Diao Chan, known as the four beauties, and it is really a superb.

Just by looking at this glance, Xiang Ji knew that this Liu Xiu in front of him was a superb stunner who was never inferior to He Lian.

Seeing that Xiang Ji was interested in him, Liu Xiu covered his mouth and chuckled lightly to make way for Diao Chan behind him.

You know, she was also frightened when she saw Diao Chan.

Before Liu Xiu saw her, she thought that she was already a rare beauty in the world, but after seeing Diao Chan's true face, she knew what it meant to be captivating the country and the city.

The pretty face without the slightest flaw is matched with the graceful and small figure, like an elf fairy who has fallen from the sky.

To say that there is no pressure is to be false.

Liu Xiu knew in his heart that now that the Great Han Kingdom was in turmoil, and the emperor could not protect himself, how could he talk about her as a princess?

never thought that Dong Zhuo didn't care about her at all, and gave it away after using it.

Liu Xiu, who accepted her fate, could only hope that the new master would not abandon her like a sloppy one.

After seeing Diao Chan, she was nervous, she was scared, just because Diao Chan was too perfect.

Fortunately, in Xiang Ji's eyes, she found a kind of reaction after a man saw the person he liked, and that reaction was called desire.

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